VoX, XV, No, 21 ELECTIONS FOR MAY QUEEN AND COURT MONDAY "" " Elections for the Hay Queen anil her court will be held Monday, March 2 9 in the lobby of the Main Building, Members of the sorority will be in charge of the elcetion table throughout the day* According ho Highacres tradition, everyone must cast his ballot. Those titles which are elective are: May Queen—sophonore; Maid of Honor freshman; Crown Bearer—sophomore; Scroll Bearer—sophomore; Heart Bearer—fresh man* Key Bearer—freshman* The rest of the girls will be in the hemlock chain. The ROTC unit will form an honor arch for the procession. * COLLEGIAN will carry the exclusive story of the election in an extra— # *out Tuesday norning* PRE-REGISTRATION Pre-registration for all fall semester students RETURNING to the Center will be held as follows; Week. of April 13 All present second semester students in technical fields. (Engineering, chemistry, physics, etc.) Week of April 20 All second semester students in non-technical fields, (Accounting, liberal arts, psychology, etc*) Week of April 27 All first and third semester students. CAUTIONi This applies only to students returning to the Center, but those undecided should register just to be on the safe side. All students who plan to transfer to Penn State Campus for the 1953 fall semester must notify the main office before the Easter Holiday. This necessary because the college must send in your official transfer. ROTC TO RESUME OUTDOOR DRILLS Captain Carper has stated, that when the spring semester begins after the Easter vacation the ROTD divisions will resume their outdoor drill practice. This will begin, for both freshmen and sophomores, Thursday, April 9th, the 9th period. FLYING PLANS Today at 9soo a.m, five of our flying boys will take off in a plane piloted by Captain Carper from the AFB, Middletown, Pa, The same route will taken as was previously planned. This is a policy which will be carried out at least once a month by our ROTC division at the Center. Arrangements are being made to choose as many sophomores as possible before they go to the Campus for the ad vanced ROTC freshmen will be chosen if there are any vacancies. The names of those chosen will be posted. AWARDS TO GO TO ATHLETES On May 28 at the Convocation Dinner the athletic awards will be given to those who have participated in aborts here at the Center, For winning the ping pong singles, Roy Atherholt will be given an award. In football the honor will go to the Yankee Kippers; in intra-mural basketball, to the Profile Five, Each member of the varsity basketball team: Bill Burcin, Clint Frank, Jimmy Griesihg, Joe Scarcella, Jenny Kobrick, Norm Hall, Eddie Evancho, Mike Mistiszyn, Don Krentz, and team manager, Dave Edwards, rail be given an award* It is not known whom the honors vail go to in softball, as the season has started only recently. HAZLETON dOftLEGIAN We&kly Edition The Pennsylvania State College Center March 27, 1953
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