Ray 16, 1952 • T 7 y i a r tJxt ZS L i 1 a ,z NAVY FILU TO BB pool WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY; RtSERVg ADVISORYtOUNCIL HERE. A film, "Sea Power in the Pacific", depicting war action of aircraft carriers and a training film, "The Naval Aviator", will be presented in South Hall 101 next Wednesday and Thursday in connection with Naval Aviation Cadet Procurement. Members of . the Naval Reserve AdVisory Council from Willow drove, Penna. will be on hand both days to discuss the opportunities to be gained through commissions in the Naval Reserve and the . Naval Aviation Program. DRIVING FOR ROTC TRAVELING-134 SET FOR MAX 23 Plans for the drawing to determine the owner of the ROTC traveling bagris set for Play .23, according to the how-to-Wipe-out-the-deficit-from4he-oilitary-ball committee of the Air Cadet Corps. To one of the persons who have made a donation to the committee will go the handsome oxblood leather bag. HAVE YOU CHEMED YOUR FINAL EXATT SCHEDULE FOR POSSIBLE CONFLICTS? Schedules for the final examinations, which begin Wednesday, May 28, are still available in the main office. Mt. Prank Kostos asks that every student check his own examination schedule and report immediately to him any possible conflicts. STUDENT COUNCIL TREASURER ISSUES CORRECTION Student Council treasurer Frank Nowak wishes to make a correction on the council financial 'report published in the COLLEGIAN last week. A typing error threw the figures off a considerable amount. The correct figures now reported are Total Accounts Receivable $2,643,9/ Total Expenditures to May 8 01,540.96 SYMPATHY Student Council has sent flowers to Michael Belgio expressing the sympathy of the students of Hazleton Center upon the death of Mikels mother, IVcdnesday. Those who wish to send personal cards may send them to Mike at 12 High Street, Pittston. Members of Council Are accepting contribUtions for a special fund for a !ass for Mrs. Belgio. - ... BIGGEST UPSET OF THE SEASON: DEANS CLOBBER PROFILES 13 -.7 In the biggest upset of the season,last evening on the Highacres field the Deans rose up at the very beginning and bashed Profile pitching for ten runs in the first three innings. The Profiles never recovered from the shock. Fisher was the winning pitcher. Zeiser was the losing pitcher, although he did some cathching too. The box score: R H E Profile Nine 1 0 3-- 2 0 1 0-- 7 9 7 Deans 4 4 2 -- 0 2 1 X-.-- 13 13 9 The regular schedule, says coach Harold Wausat, will end next Thursday. There probably will be a playoff -- possibly an all-star team against the league champion. Schedule next week: Results this week: R H E Harold Michaels Men. Head Pits ..... Kentonites Kentengir - - 30 28 3 sub for Zadse Tugs. Bandits -- Profile Nine Deans 29 25 8 had 3 runs lad. Yankee Kippers -- erttonites Thurs, Head Dims -- Deane •••00••••••11..m. OFFICIAL STANDINGS TODAY W. L Bandits 3 1 Yankee Kippers 2 2 4 CI 4 C INEERING CLUB 2 2 LETS MONDAY tDi ING AT 7:30 I *.xi 1 2 ***lt-**************4HHl- 1 3 Bandits Head Pins Yankee Kippers Profile Nine Kentonites Leans HAZ liar ON COLLEGIAN 1 11.1.0 13 . '1111,1 cxlltrxrl,l, 11,, L., - IT afr,l Irrlx • ..I)itrr,rl Head Pins Bandits r I. 1.1...1 Balance May 8 U 1102,05 8 7 2 3 6 L 22 21 5 7 10 9 page 2
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