74 - itx Weekly Newsletter Edition • - The Pennsylvania State College Center \-;. Highacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvania \ ye, tiai Vol. XIV No. 11 HOT OFF THE WIRE; KIPPERS EDGE PROFILES IN TIGHTEST GAME OF SEASCN In the tightest) best-played softball game of the season, the Yankee Kippers, trailing by one run going into the last of'the seventh, got themselves off the fi when Carroll put, a scratch single over Profile pitcher Evens' head while Marinelli Scored from third. The error column was reduced from the inflation that marked th early part of the season, and the pitching was more effective. Of course the de fense was giving the pitcher considerable encouragement. The winning pitcher was Andy Karptnski. The losing pitcher, who held the Kippers tighter by two hits but I was beaten by the timeliness Of the nine blows he allowed, was Al Evans. Triples: Mistiszyn. Doubles: Yevak 2, Pelick4 Karpinski. R H E Profile Nines 3 0 . 0 01 0 0 411 2 Yankee Kippers: 2 0 0--0.,0 1--2 , 5 9 3 • . ----** EVERYTHING SET FOR EIGHTH ANNUAL MAY DAY COROaATION The girls of Highacres have it all rehearsed to the last step, the 1.0.T.0. Honor Guard is drilled to precision, the floWer girls are freshlTsweet, and Freddie Houser from his perch at his organ aboard the college dump-truck has synchronized his rhythms with those of the dancers; so the eighth annual May Day Coronation of a college May Queen is poised and ready.for Saturday at 3:30. From the immediate area 1677 high school seniors have been invited to see the Coronation and to attend a tea and open house as guests of the women of the Hazleton EducatiOnal Council and the faculty women's organization. An extra bus on the Hazleton...Berwick.line has been scheduled, by the owner, John Adana., to leave the Lehigh Valley terminal at.3:00 p.m. and run directly.into the Highacres grounda. If there are sufficient passengers, the bus will lay-over for the return trip. Court Jester Paul Williams, who is factotum to the whole celebration of May D has his costume ready, his class prophecy ready, the library stored full of lovely gilt and flower decorations for the two big events of the day -- the Coronation and the Queen's Ball at the Valley Country Club in . the evening. And we have not listed all Paul's efforts for the day, such as the designing of the programs and t; execution of the front cover design. FORTY STUDENTS TO APPEAR IN MAY DAY CEREMONY Forty students, five daughters of faculty members, Miss Florence Yannes .(dean of women and college nurse), and Freddie Houser make up the cast of the eighth annual Hazleton Center celebration of May Day and the third ceremony to be held out of doors here at Highaeres. Men in the ceremony are Robert Yannarell, James Ustynoski, William Coil, Stephen Kavalecs, Donald Fisher, Robert Tomsho l Leroy Kromis, 7 4 ichael Kudlick, Joseph Smith, William Troy, James Barry, Raymond Schultz, Charles Cole, . Francis Kender, Don Levan, John Kurtz, Frank Sando, and Paul Williams. The coeds taking part in the coronation are Hemlock Chain: Kathryn Suitchi Joan Griesing, Arlene Krieger, Isabel White, Elise Kreiger, Jacquelyn Garis, Marie , Jacko,Mary Foulkrod,,Florence Pusti, and nary Sue Hasara. Maids in Waiting: Mary Ellen Anthony and Candida Ramaviglia Scroll Bearer: Lorette Romanofelcy; . ..Hegrt Bearer, Mathilda Goyda; Key Bearer, Ruth Feingold; Crown Bearer, Doris Pancheri (also the soloist) ( continued on bottom of page 2) HAZLET ON COLLEGIAN
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