. . . . . . . . . . N '.,'''' ' • MERRY , CHRISTMAS I a 3 eton ~ ... 4 s ,:: _ 4 l . 1 . ... , °.,.. frja _ ;-,,-.. i i. A w ):. . ..... • "1 -"' /1 ' _ '4' '''•• .. , Vol. XI. No. 5 Markle Hailed As Fine "Xmas Present" What was described last night by Administrative Head Amos Goss as a "Christmas present" from the Hazle ton Educational Council came in the announcement that the Hazleton Cen ter will soon be moved to the 66 acre Markle estate on the crest of Conyng ham mountain., The final signing of papers took place yesterday by representatives •from the Hazleton Chamber of Com merce, the Educational Council and officials of the Pennsylvania State College. Although the actual figures involved were not released, it was stated that Eckley, B. Markle made a sizeable donation to the cost. The site has been known for years as "Highacre,s." The buildings on the new campus include the 82-room Markle mansion, a five room cottage, a seven car gar age • and several greenhouses to be converted into class rooms. Plans for the improvement of the site and buildings were advanced by officials of the college. The main house is to contain 14 class rooms, two laboratories, a library, cafeteria, student lounge, and several faculty offices. The garage is to , be converted into chemistry laboratories and adminis trative offices will be established in, the cottage. Botany and zoology labs and classrooms will be set up in the (Continued on page six) Annual Holiday Senii-Formal This Evening Art Wendel and .his orchestra will play for the annual. Hazleton Center Christmas SemiJFormal tonight in the Eagles ballroom on North Wyom ing street. The affair starts at 9:00 o'clock and entrance will be by the matriculation card. Intermission entertainment has been arranged by the Penn State in Hazle ton Chorus. The dance is being spons ored by the schools activities board with general arrangements in charge of Robert Kostic. Other committee members are: Re freshments, Paul Pucillo, Margaret Kohler, Kenneth Minchin. Decorations, Jim Geffert, Jack Sip pel, Clinton Pittner. Music, John Wersinger, Leonard Williams, Kenneth Vayda. Publicity, Henry Zeigler, Beverly Silverman and faculty advisor Syd Rudman. HAZLETON CENTS' ' ' HAZLETON. PA, state XMAS DECORATIONS AT BROAD STREET Silver streamers across the hall and green and red holly pieces have been placed in the Broad Street building for the Christmas holiday season. Several of the faculty members and students did the work last week. Other decorations have been placed in the offices of many of the faculty members who have most classes in that building. LIBRARIAN TO BE MARRIED DEC. 24 Miss Jeanne McShea, school libra rian, will be married the day before Christmas in St. Gabriel's rectory to Harvey W. Harrison, manager of the local Household Finance Corp. office. The couple will spend their honey moon in New York City. Miss McShea is a graduate of Kutztown State Teachers' College and Mr. Harrison is a Bucknell alumnus., ' l4 14 I Y sYLVAI "HOME FOR CHRISTMAS" ROTC Planning Military Ball Here January 7 The Reserve Officers Training Corps unit here is making plans for a military ball January 7. The affair will be held in the Altamont Hotel ballroom and music will be furnished by Art Wendel- and his orchestra. A committee, being advised by Sgt. Joseph Flaherty, is making the arrangements. Members are Hank Ziegler, A. John Arruffo, Herb Kump, Mike Sekerak, Howard Hall, Cliff McCarty, Jack Sipple, Aaron Lentz, and John Wersinger. As a special feature, the commit tee has extended an invitation to all veterans attending the center to at tend the ball. Since the ball will be in dress uniform, these veterans have been asked to wear the uniforms of their respective services. Those who are interested in at tending are urged to make their res ervations with Sgt. Flaherty or any member of the steering committee as soon as possible. This will enable the (Continued on page 6) HAPPY NEW YEAR December 17,, 1948 n Center Married Gl's Have Successful Study Formula BY Beverly Silverman There is no doubt that a lot of changes will occur in the lives of Hazleton Center students during the Christmas vacation. If one of the changes is marriage, then all is for the best, facts have proved. The following article is for the veterans at H.U.C. who are and who shall be married in the near future. From a recent survey it has been discovered that married Gl's attend ing college apparently have a success ful formula for happy marriage. According to Dr. Judson T. Landis, associate professor of sociology at Michigan State College, the great majority of couples are very happy. The big factors are mutual agree ment on goals and mutual interests. While one of the reasons for diffi culty in combining college and mar riage is money problems, the greatest problems are in-laws who are too (Continued on page 6)
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