EDITION f)ttletott 01. XI. -- No. 4 Spring Schedules Are Being Planned During this week the first part of the student body scheduled to plan their course programs for the spring semester has conferred with Assist and Administrative Head. Frank Kos tos. The remaining two weeks of the program are: Next week all second semester students and first semester liberal arts students. Week of DeceMber !3 ---- all first semester students, except those ta king liberal arts. Next week, also, the members of the student body who are eligible for transfer to the main campus at State College in February are to confer with Amos Goss, administra tive head. Student Lounge Condition Is Council Topic Conditions in the student lounge in the • basement of, the Walnut Street building were discussed by the _College Council at this week's meet ing. Some action had been taken by last year's group and the present of ficials are planning to investigate •possibilities of improving the room. John Parvensky and Art Edstrom have been appointed investigators. Also accepted was a plan to pre sent honorary college "membership cards" to some of Hazleton's promin ent citizens. This will permit the holder to attend college sporting and social functions as a.-guest of the school. The December drive for sale of Disabled Veteran Forget-Me-Nots in the school will be sponsored also by the council. It is planned to have the flowers sold in the school library. Edstdom made this suggestion. The date for the Christmas semi formal, December 17, was approved and the group heard a report from President Bob Rinkus, Secretary Joyce Schofield, Treasurer Art Ed strom, Dolores 'McGee and John Par vensky, delegates to the recent inter school conference in Altoona. IMPORTANT MEETING On Thursday, December 9, there will be an important meeting for all married students at the Center in room W-17 at 4 p.m. MATH CLUB MEETS The film, "Introduction to Vec tors," will be shown December 14 when the Math Club meets in Room 2, Walnut Street building. Engineer ing students are invited, Two cage standouts met on opposing teams last Wednesday when Pete Garber and Statz Laganosky, now on the main campus, played' in the Hazleton Center's opening game. Laganosky, who played with the alumni team; didn't make the jump. The locals took a 64.48 victory from last yead's team mates. Hucsters Point To Pottsville Game Tomorrow After a fine showing in defeating the Hazleton Center alumni• a week ago Wednesday, the basketball minded students of. Coach Syd Rud man, are well prepared to keep the ball rolling and to go on to another successful season. The locals will meet the Pottsville Center team tomorrow night in the Pottsville High School gym with whistle time set for 7:30 o'clock. The return game will be played here February 23. The Potters are coached by Irwin Kochel who believes he has some great talent among his nineteen can didates. He is somewhat undecided as to his starting team but it will be centered around Jack Curry, a last season standout. Other possibilities are Vince Markowski or Frankie Rambo in the other guard slot, Roger Derr or Bob Snyder in, the (Continued on page 2) _..- . . ."....7' . :P,) 4 .., December Question The question of the month is, "What will it be for milady ?" Maybe it will be orchids to you! What is all this leading up to ? Just this— Plans have been completed for the junior college's annual Christmas semi-formal to be held December 17. The project is being promoted by the Activities Board. Students are reminded to circle the date and to watch the bulletin board for later announcements con cerning the dance. A grand time and pleasant surprises are in store for all who attend the gala affair. Intra-Mural Schedule Tonight at the A. D. Thomas Memorial School gym, Fourth and Grant streets -6:30: Warriors vs. Fireballs. 7:1': Engineers vs. Pros. 8:00:• Defenders vs. Umbrella Shop. tRYTIQ . UR CLAS,§ifiEDS vzla.L - 1 '',. Deventer 3, 1948 hi .-Announces First Honor Roll Charles Miller is on top scholastic ally for the first eight weeks of the current semester, according to an announcement made this week by the office. Miller has attained an average of 3.00, Nancy Baran and Jean Lovrinic are following closely Miller's record with scores of 2.81. The other mem bers on the top nine group are: B. S. Yurick, P. Corazza, A. Lorenzolo, Dave McNelis, R. A. Makofski and E. C. Sword. Another 27 students have achieved first half semester marks to place them on the lower part of the roll with averages between 2.41 and 2. These are J. Adams, W. C. Stone, Joella McCarty, June Reinmiller, G. Scheers, Con Balliet, Joan Eidelman, G. E. Lenyo, M. D. Underwood, A. Roasen. H. Klemic, Lawrence Drabick, Nancy Byorick, Anita Goldberg, S. Pasda, J. P. Wersinger, T. C. Geary, Jr.,, A. W. Snyder, G. C. Sarkis, A. Stanziola. John Baker, N. Dißonifazio, W. E. Klinesmith, J. M. Prete, T. H. Salin sky, R. J. Thomas and T. T. Watkins. Engineers Will Tour Bell Office The members of the college En gineers Club will make a tour of the Bell Telephone building on West Green street next Tuesday and Wed nesday. The groups will be taken on the tour both days starting at 9 a.m. Students not club members who would- like to take part in the tour are asked to contact Instructor Jo seph Pavone. Thursday night the club's regular meeting *ill be held with Roland Edmunds, of the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, as main speaker. His subject will deal with "Electric Utilities." All engineering students are in vited to the meeting, which will start at 7:15 o'clock in Room 1 of the Broad Street building. Refreshments will be served. First Program Tre first, in a weekly series of mu sic appreciation 'broadcasts by Miss Miss Pearl Garbrick, music in structor here, was made Wednesday night over Station WAZL. The story and music of Handers "Messiah" was aired. The programs are a half hour in length and are produced at 10:30 on Wednesday nights. Bob Sacco, center student and WAZL announcer, is as sisting on the program.
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