PERSONALS anyone interested in darkroom work please contact the editor. also if you want to enter your crazy per sonal, submit it to the collegian office with 504'. spaghetti, happy V-day - anonymous Thank you Mags for the futile spin in the ice. Yes mom, now you owe me $5 ACCORDING TO FIRST FLOOR GIRLS, V--DAY.. "Valentine's Day is the time to make up for all the times you have for gotten to say I Love You!" "Valentine's Day is re ceiving a single red rose from that some one special." "is a romantic dinner for two, red roses and then 'I Love You'" "means love, sex and romance. "means showing the people you love how much you really care." "is sharing, loving and giving." "is finding someone on that day so you can spend it with him next year on Valentine's Day." Dif , m 4ess: 0,4 Happy pre-engagement Sue, I'm so proud of you!!!! I Love You Denny... Sue Good Day Mates.. sincerely Mic Dundee Thank you Paco for your engineering talents. P.S.U. Hazleton, "Things can only get better." H. Jones "means being with the erson you really care about. "is letting that se , ' cretadMirer know that you exist." "is having that special date which you've al ways dreamed of." "is forgiving, loving and sharing." "is telling the one you love, you love them. "is getting a long disance phone call. "means spending the whole day wrapped in your lover's arms." "is gaining 10 lbs. from all the chocolates you've had." Happy Valentines Day to our new chief. Good luck Bushman, we're behind ya all the way. Love Gi & Graz-- No matter what happens you'll always be a sweetheart and my good friend. Love The WTT Max-- Hey Babe. Wishing you a Happy Valentines Day from Hazleton to U-Park. Miss You! Love Gi Donald Duck -Happy Valentines Day! Love ya Shorty Noi d -Happy B-day It's 5 am have you done your rolls yet? Lisa(You mean Andrea) Mike-- I just want to say Happy Valentines Day to the sweetest guy in the world!! You're very special to me. Love, Gina I ask you, after about fifteen and a half hours dedicated to the publication of this paper we're down to•the last corner to fill,with what shall we fill it with? Well, I would like to thank everyone who did anything at all in making my job easier. To my roomr.. mate/secretary who in the midst of studying E MCH would drop any thing to hunt me down. Also to Paco who told us how to abbreviate E MCH. no photos this issue thanks to Martin's photo developing department. Andrea For a Romp tic Valentine's Day Dinner, come to GUIDO"S Place. Here you'll find lots of CHUCKLES and ACTION. You'll never be A-NOID with our service. TODDay's menu, prepared by chef Boy TIM, is PEAHEAD soup and a choice of a BIG JOE sandwhich or PMcVLT with a side of fresh BEANHEADS. Desserts ' include Strawberry SHORTYCake or SunDAVES topped with JERRYBerries. All served in a JEFFY by waitresses BETH and TRASI. RICK your M.G., will introduce the evenings entertainment, "LISA-WISA and the SKINS." Your bartender WHOOPIE will serve 2 RED wines, in a BEAKER, NONRYBEAR delights, and for the LADIES, a CHARLIE-MARKarita. Happy Valentine's Day! We Love You! Arlene and Kimberly A very special thanks to Gina and Andrea who stuck it out with me . But the prime thank you, I mean the coolest, sin cere, peachy keen ist thank you goes out to the one and only...Dixter. Hats off to you Mark. It's now 10:55, and time to depart and study for that Econ 4 exam tomor row. Wish us, Gina and I luck. Have mercy Mr•. Biacchi. Thank you INKS for supplying the tunes.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers