ffl .H■ ■ ■ S' j / . . $ .■’■ •*' IP ■M. ■[ «j g/mf 'Sf If ■’■■.Jl : B?"* 0 ‘"' ~ f JLa- JL ju£** A^Ji lazleton; Pennsylvania v*' ll, to fill tw& representative,,seats -last tetrad .The caftdfixtates for JfHe.election ■were: >3ffia Ancharsky,-*%senary Novifsky,Wishoiisky, tia^clhakj,suicF Joe Mariano, the' , eiectio > ti& ( •■wepre won by Gjk: f li'anchialc %a4/Ro-semary Novitsky. Other roerabers of the SvG.A. are; President, Joe Lament, Vice-President, Jean Mulreany-,. Secretary, .Judy Margie, Treasurer , frathy and tjjig > resehtatives:' Mj ke Hdsafcv John Gallagher, Jlkiy Teona's ; Linda Spalone,M@ry Therese Fedor, Ronald SkawinskijV and Leney Shabeski. Is thebe a Byron, Shel ley., .Keats" in your crowd? .It- Could, be yout You'll never Know unless you en- the .. National Poetry Press's' Spring Competition, Any student attending a junior or senior college is eligible to submit his verse. Although shorter works are preferred by the judges, because of space limitations, all works may. be submitted. The deadline? is November 5 and all works' should be typed or printed on a separate sheet. It must bear the name and home address of the student as well as the college the student attends. All en tries must be mailed to The National Poetry Press 3210 Selby Avenue Los Angeles 34, California Wednesday., October. 2 Mmm ; On Friday. OctV 27, 1967 £hp sbrprity girl -s ftril-l be.. . : coTre'cting for.UNICEF. -He,.; are tryi ng-,' ! t exceed : -years total of s3<s>;oo« So Please give. ”fieip feed the poor children of the woricf. M f]if S A plea for help has been issued by the left-handed students.who maintain that it is difficult for them to Write on desks which Were designed for right handed students. The student affairs department of this newspaper suggests that the administration conduct an inventory of the sinis tral desks in each room. If there are not at least two in each room, steps should be taken to secure these desks. It is only fair that the lefties have the same op portunities as the rest of the students. boieiefres New officers h-baye been named to the Be.llf. Lettres •Society. They are: John Ga Hag her -Pr e&i d e.nt, J o seph Skawinski —Vicd-pregident, Linda -Spdlone—-Secretary, Lie, Ciptola----Treasurer, j ame s Qa llagh'er —Pub lic i ty Chairman, ; and Mike Hager Phot oj d urn alist. ■ President,Johh Gallagher reported that, there are several new. members, how ever, he would like to see more interest in the club, Anyone still interested may join by., giving a copy of his:schedule to John Gal lagher or Joseph Skawinski. A meeting will be held sometime in the very near future. The Belle Lettres Society is under the ad visorship of Professor Andrew Kafka. Vs! ELC 0 l*\Z rThesStddnfetsoarid-faouity of Highacres wish to wel come the following teach ers to the Hazleton Campus Dr. Kurt Andersen, Dr. Ira Gensemer, Mr. George Bobby, Mr. Joseph Sterling, Miss Susan Goodman, Mr, Joseph Boyle, Mr. Harold Steward,, Mr. Ernest Haeussler, Jr., Mr, Dirck M, Parkins, and Mr. Melvyn Topf. We also hope that they will enjoy the coming year at High acres. no. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers