Vol. XVIII No. 17 PRE-REGISTRATION TO BEGIN In order thpt plans'may be made— fer the Fal,7, semester end in order that a schedule may b, , ) students liiho plan bn'etling:cio the CeL.ter in the fail_ are =asked to pratTegister before Hay 11 on the basis of the follow3.ng schedule Third semester.students 6hould report the week of April 2'3. Second semester studenti should report the week of April 30. First semester students should report the week of May 7. All pre-registration must be cola.- pioed :7.11 accordance with the ab,ve sched:a:le Before reporting t.O Mr. Noble fcr . .re-rogistration tiie.entsbhould chock the Univer sity catalcg 3nd then arrange a muetiug ti.th their advisor 3o as to worm out a ten 4 lativs soh3dule. IT s curriculum change is cchtem plated„Mr. Krocker must be con. • tatted bO'ore ccababtiAg P2r. 'Noble. MISS COXE MARRIED On Sativ'day, March 31, "J.966i Miss Srkndra :;exe, of Freeland; and Mr. Ront , ld Tlei, of Drums ware united Coe was enrolled as a second semorter rtudent at Highaces prior to her marriage. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE. UNYVF,R3ITY CENTER HAZWP, TON, YENNSYLVANIA .... MAY DAY ELECTIONS,BELD On Monday, a.larch 26, the student body of. Hielacres, ele eked Miss Thoresa May queen' of. the Hl,T;Lect- campus and Miss Mary Mork , -if" Maid rf. H'Jnorl. As desig— nqi.Pu by the voteo, tho other posittnb wi 1 to fined in the ro/nner b . , - the fciluwing naueel g'!.l b 1 Margaret Ghuril7.a anei Helen N.va-nlk, Sop!: , c;mor,-; atilr,ndt,nt Swc,ak end Mury Tihamsky, Freshman att3ndan',s;. Bal'ara ( I .ubbs scroll b2arov, Catoi Mae . crloianni crown boeter, Patti E30.30 $ bearer and Nancy Pekala as heart bearer. The dancers for the May Day cere— mo-ny wit be: Lyle Berish s Jane Hunha:..,. Vivian Karvounia, Joann Kenvin, Ja6Tliline Kesse, Patsy Ksanznak, a Sri. is 'Mack, Veronica Montz, Mpry Alfa() Mishkofaki, Mar .4 ha2T...putnLks Joan Reed, Adele Reytar, Farli, Mary Schuholtz, Mary Splatzky, Rhoda. Sraulyan, Doloros Sat , .f . 2er, Eugenia. Sterlock s Juno Idatricia Vangroaki, Mary Ann Welkie, and Linda Wolfe. The Queen will. be crcwned during the cerencny tc be held Saturday after noon,' Mc y 19 in the Highacres gardon and again Saturday evaning at the Coronation Ball to be held in her honor. April 13, 1956
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