Vol XVIII No. 16 TROPHY FOR PASKTAPALL TOURNAMENT Student Council 4 at its meeting on Friday, March 2, decided that the unipscribed trophy that is over the firep74qe ijn the main : loUnge shall • be inscribed with the names of the winners of this year's intramural• -basketball tournament.' At,a previous meeting of the Student Faculty Board, it WaS . decided that - the Student' Government Absociation could dititermine just what was .to be-done with this uninscribed trophy.— ' There - will Ix no, meeting of St dent Counoil on Fricav blarch.9? ****. * * * SCHO RsRT's Y4T?4EL . . , The'nuniber and variety of 4044rPhips in the Colleg! TP#sttie's is steadly gramlng, iAnyche who .:wants infdrmation on the.scgpc and of theSe schaarships, sholad , consult Mr. Noble. ' * * * * * ATTENTIOWSTVDENTS,NHO NEED. FOODS ENS 1:25:ZE:1 e , Any studentswticiinten!l to purchaso new textbooks from the Center Book store, should do so immediately az all unsold booki will be returned to the. Main Campus nex:t7cek. ***** * * * * * ENNSYLVANTA. STATE UNIVERSITY CEN HAZLETON, PIA,NNA =2l=lll DID YOU GET YOURS? Did you get your ticket for the Blue Band Concert? This concert is to be held on ivenc3v, March 19, the Hazleton High School kuclitorium. If you are plannint to attend this . cohcert, then now is the time to get your ticket, Once the concert date:is only..a few days away. Tickets are only $l.OO and can be Obtained from any memb:.:r of the ticket committee. Proceeds from this concert will go into the Student Unison Building Fund. Support your Student Union Building rl ***** * * * * * NOTICE TO,STUDENTS .4AIRTNI Thetraffic.rules and . regulatiOnS of the Center state. that no Student will park b/e.zai• at the top of the hill unless a special permit is granted; the speed limit on the driveway is 15 miles per hour; and that-a student will be fined for violating these rules. There aie_also‘rules and regulations, here at_ilihacres, - .geverning the actions of students. One ofYthese rules that is constantly violated is the rule concerning students, walking up the hill. The rule that applies., to, this situation is that all Students shall walk to the left of the road, facing traffic. Icy conditions on the hill could lead to serious injury to'stUdents who violate this rule, and March 9, 1956
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