CHORUS HOLDS CONC ;Ida The Highacres College Community Chorus, Robert Miller-defeated 1 7 dward Birosh in combined with the Penn State Center Chours the finalB of the chess tournament which of Pottsville, and accompanied by an began early in. November. Mr. Miller orchestra composbd of members of the - will receive his'aWard at the Christmas college and the community, presented the Social on Friday evening, December 30. first part of Handel's Messiah as.its - Christmas program in Sechler Auditorium of Emmanuel's,Reformed Church th Hazle ton on Tuesday, December 13. The program was first presentedin St. 4 John's Hall in Pottsville on Monday, December 12. :This was sponsored,by . the Student Council of the'Pottevill Center, which set up committeet'forith production of activities connected the program. After the program, WAss Garbrick, the director of the groups•was, pretented itirith4 bouquet of roses by the President of the . Pottsville Council. The lwomen's Guild:6f Empanuel?S' Reformed Church was the sponsor of the :program held in Hazleton the tOllowingevoning:l,, The programs were well attended, and the audiences were well pleased with the • stirring performances; The program was highlighted with solos by John Aviglsano,'Joseph Pavone, Linda Wolfe, Ronald Raught, Yrs. Ethel Stone, Mrs. Madeline Lei nbach, and Mrs. Ruth . Special thanks are extended to the members of the chOrus and oiehestra, who 'gave their time to make this program successful. Thanks are also,extedded - to the ushers, \Titian Isar7ouhis, .Patsy Ksanznak, Vary Shuletsky, Nancy Pekala, and Russell Brungard; to the persons who made posters, Carol Mastrotanni and Patty Sacco; and to_everyone. who helped make the concerts sUccessful *r * * * *. * * VACATION RLMTNDER The Christmas vacatl6“egins,on December 21, at 12:26 pm And ends cri , Hied., January 4, at 12:25pm. HAZLL TON COLLEGTa.N The House C.ommi.ttee announced that hecausf , of ;the. tremendous interest 121 thls't,ourhamen't, th - 6 Committee has planned another toitinament for the coming Spring semester. • Come one, come all to the Christmas party. : being held by 'Vie, Student Council On Decklaber 30, ' 1955 at the Bagle Is Ballroom from 8:00 to midnight. A Wonder-: ful program has been . planned, and re freshmentsl4lll be be furnished by babe, Flint hnd bie - 4ebeatr. Come in your Sunday themis no . admissi on charge: See You under the mistletoe. *The regular clas •schecules will be chanked for the week of January 16, 1956. 'Since 'the Chrtstmas recess begins on 7ednesday, the, classes that are not= held afterhoon, Thursday, and Friday of that week will be made up during the week of January 16. The schedule that must be adhEr3d to will be as fbllowsi January classes January 7j-TUesd4Y-Thursdayelasses Jantary 18- 7 ,iednesday-Friday classe's Final exams for the Fall , semeater 1955, will begin on Thursday, January•l9. MERRY CHRISTE4.S L.ND A HAPPY N. 7 - YLAR FROM Mt; PrEIiBERS THE, COLIAGTAN STAFF. VILLER2TINTS CHLSS TOURNAMUT ***** *• * * CHRISTMAS. * *•* * * * * * SCHI-,DULE CHA.NGT,S Page 2
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