STUDENTS INJURED IN Crit-iSH Three students of Highacres were' injured in a car accident on Dec: - 15 when the car driven by:Frederick Haffner crashed into a pole at Noble and South Chutch Streets. Joseph:: Sir era and Anthony Salley were passengers in the car. The three men wereYadtitted to the'. . Za7A.eton State Hosital'iitth - :tuitiple lacerations of the body and possibl6• internal injuries. . •. *** * * * .* * PARVASSAU PL iIIS INITiATION EMEN=I Russell Brungard; .of •Parbai— sus the H&ghacres Honnr .Soefety, ' announced that plans are being made to hold the Parnassus I ceremonies for the Fall .semesteenn January 6, 1956. It was also announced that studentoLL who are eligible for Membership this society will be notified:by'Mail as to the procedure and detail 6 Of this initiation program. **** * * * * ROTC RUNS NE:7SLETTER The R.O.T.C. Detachment at'llighacreo* has taken up newspaper - work in .the form of a weekly newiletter with Ben Tachi as Edit Or. Although this weekly newsletter contains Information concsonin'g cadets and tb* ACIP deportment is general, other: students have shown an interest in: reading it aloo, and feel should be made available to everyone. How about it, Editor Tuchi, is this a restricted publication, or are copies available to alL'atlidents? HAZLETON COLLIGTAN IR USE RULES .7-1115. LT) The'HOuseißules Cbirimittee mlll hold eChritmas Party ill the RecreatlOn Hall on Monday, Dedember 19 from 300_ P..r,,,..until''sioo Refreshments will' be 'Served by the committee members and everybne invited' to attend. ' - NVC EULLETINBOAFiD_TN SOUTH HALL The new' bulletin board on the walls of South Hall is now ready for use, This board' is to be used for the 'English; •Specc3i arid Literature Departinents. 'lf any student lias any article of interest VleaSe .turn it in to Mr. Andrew Kafka/ or Iffr. A. 'Gordon Wilcox. • - On December 1, I9ssnltss:!Joans.Peggr Frey cf Berwick, andSheldvn Cope -, f-Ber* became engaged. The weddifig is' acheduled to take ;51ace in. June, 19:56. • Sheld6dis a third semester chemistry student at the Center. The Social Committee announcedthat the nurses from the State Hospital have been invited to attend the Christmas party to be held on Dec; 30 at the Eagles Ballroom. This will be the list'issteof . :the' Collegian for the'Year oT'l9ss. The next regular edition will'bepUblishk after the Christmas holidays, Page 3 C TT T'TEE TO. PARTY * ** * :*. * •.* **** * * * * CONGRiLTULA.TIONS **** * * * * ** * * ** • *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers