October 31, 1955 Student Council. E•civeli,nk; au Tb\n‘c A poll taken by thi's reportar re— veals the following opinions and comments• concerning the actidn that Studenttouncil has taken to adopt bowling. Helen Novarnii. "I think it is 1 - 117 1:735Ct17-fng -Student Cotheil ever did." Charles Tarone r- "It surely would t. 46 the piaFf 9f basketball." John Frysbeck than 59,71c0Tba11 Escause more can participatel James Apple T 1.1 . 1 think it -ts' a very good Tdea because Thorp, people have a epance to parti el pate. 'VII ch 9.91 Rymond "T think, it . is a Tio3d iaea, sTnce we don t' have basketball, t gives the kids a sense of re sponsl bility and , sportwr Alarishi p by comp4ini_; against each other." • • • GHESS TOURNANENT E=MM=l=l=l The Highacre Chess *hurnriment opens today (October thy Rep, Ha 1, The. Tournament Committee has issued the followihE schedule for ZLETON COLLEGIAN The committee haS also adopted the following rules govtrning the• 1. All games must be played dUriOg the weeks schedpled. 2, Unplayed games automatically eliminate both contestants. 3. If a game cannot be p/ayed, to avoid rule "No. 2", and excuse•must be obtained before the week's end from M. Kostentauder, 4p R.esu/te of all games must immediately be given tp Mrq ! • KoStenbauder; 5. Losers are. eliminated. Nlnners are re-scheduled for the following week. 411 stalemates re , ..sche,dul.ed by the House Rules Committee, NOTE; Due to conflicting classes, games may be re-scheduled at the players'xionvenience, BUT, the games must be played during the scheduled week. Op tihic HdlTlweon, October 31, we, the 00/legian Staff, would like to leave you with thl.c thought, "Tdlce it easy. The' , body you keep'out of 4. - 1 l nay be ypur owpo CHESS TOURNAMENT (contld) mo• 17.• t T. . r DEAKOS O N. vs. PETER, K. SUKENIK, H. VS • ' LEINTNOLS, OLEY.kR; R. vs . KOWALSKI, YSEI\TOFSKr, J.VS . BIROSH O E. ISJISPER, E vs.'HOLLOD, B APPLE, J . vs . BURHAT, J. povpDacH Vs. FVANtS, %ITT% N, vs. BITTNER, HETDEL, H. Ts REUSE, T CHOY. j • vs . KET,LFR I , C.. icKEs t JF> vs..'JACOBY, T. ouppalilerit,;, **fe^o44 . lH(.4f .#,)f ago 5
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