VOL. XVIII NO:1 '!l ei nsylvania State University oentei. Nov, 7, 1955 '~ 4 i ~ . ~' ~ - ' ~ - ... f ....~~... ~ . ~.,.1; HiLLLOVE EN PARTY. avg.ql4l4. , The first party of the spmester was held Friday, October 28, froth $OO P.M. to 12;00 P. M. at the tagle,s Clubhouse in ffaapton,' A o.owai consisting of Penn State Students. both old and.new, : ptate HesPital student nurses and othergueSts, made a total of over 2504ecipl Decorations of orange -and black with weird pUtpkinscraatpd.the traditional atmospherv., t4,m1,141c was provided by Gabe Flint and his orchestra.. • . . ' . A fine intermission prQgr4M vAO planned by tar .gow44ld!' T49rf was a scavenger, lawyt bOgtn festiyi.*6 A1.0ng.71t41 PW.I act 7 iyittes as bobbing for app 4.qq 09.• 4 "show" was alsq given 'with 4PAn Reed singing 4 nnye4sr, t,e,whig4 eventualls' had__ the entire od:fence . singing Witn . her r : ! Kowalski emceed. a . oke*off on the: x 64,000 Que.s,t:iChn which was called te11P.,64,0 0 0 calorie Oestion,“ with Mr ! . and:yrs. Edward ROPSn ap the c94te.olota l . After they answered the pielOsVonsi Kowalski proceeded. to t4lql'9#. mythiCal "calorie tape Ino they were aWaroo a .1 1- 40 eITPI9. for Wrlr trouble. Partrl . qr4S• :41e 00. 1 , - structed an animated:pictUre wing students and chaperones .as the aritcl4 described The . Oupt • • (cant. on p. 6) Hazleton, Penna. The 48 , 41914 r period in which to PSY the traMO -Ones WaP.retracted Snd returned t 9 the normal. 2 4 , -h94r time limit Frid47, Nov. 4 at the reallar Student Colinoil. Meeting. This was done beoauee of,a forma/. protestation made to the Council by. Smithy Traffib Committee pilairman. The Traffic Cpmmitter made the remark that they didntt want to fe4 that t,hey are just animated servants to the .ptald.ent especially in the admini .of t,hetr ,own} business. to which they are ass:4;med and in 7 1 1 ?410 they' ,IRCFlq4ef N a report from .the Social Committee, the follAlyving_calepdaX.. was approved; pig Thanksgiving Semi— forn.l-1714. be beld. More information will by relpaSed. dater. On Dec. 30, the PhriOTl4,q 1.4.rt , y , will 'be held which be mil the: , s'ame principal as last fiall6weeh4arty. A Sadie liawkins Day danipp end Halleliah party *l-4. 1 he hAld pp the fi r ma day ot the sempopr7 4 4 4 11 }47 27. T00W0471q14 , of JP4V}'4PP4..to the so9l4P9o4otOe's 144 10 uPPO lay the d 014401 in lied of her'fihe Per formahCe 'and 'pxoepti.orial work towards the success of the party last week, (oonttd. 'on page 6) ?4,IIFER f;)•, rAorpl PERIO 2. 1 .1=1111. 1 ,IfitTO ', ----milli 4. t* ~1 it t k, N ..,_ 3' ,A l ~,,, -.- ,d
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