October 17, 1955 DANCETTME Studentsl Have you heard of the dance this corning Wednesday, October 19th? There will be a dance, sponsored by the youth of the Hazleton region, at the Y« W. C. A., which is next to the Grand Theatre in Hazleton. Everyone is invited* The Encores, a quintet, formerly the Mello-Aires, will provide music for dancing fi*om 9:15 to 11*30 P, M. Ad mission will be 5000 Your support is needed to get this, the only activity for the alumni of the Hazleton area* As support is increased, admission prices will drop* It will also show Student Council the effect of informal dances. Remember the date, Wednesday, October 19* COUNCIL CONSTITUTION Article VIII, Section 2, Constit ution of Student Council, High acres - Meetings 6£ the Student Council shall be open to the Student Body unless a two-thirds vote by .the members of the Student Council,, decide otherwise* The new Davy Crockett fad is mink baby ’diapers, costing only slso*oo each* ' ' HAZLgTON COLLEGIAN * w vm V Penn State 26, Virginia 7* As some 18,000 looked on at Richmond, ' the Nittany Lions gave the Cavaliers a "treatment,instead of a treaty "Like a state team should*" However, the home team did manage to crown their own queen of the 7th* annual Tobacco Festival* After a first period which featured errors of Commission and omission, on the part of both teams, the Cavaliers scored, after a sustained Drive early in the second quarter But that was it. Behind Lenny Moore, who had hi s first "good" day grinding out 101 yards, and Roy Alberigi, third-string halfback, State pulled to a 13-7 half-time lead* At the start of the final quarter State.led 20-7, and with but 2 seconds remaining in the game, the third and fourth stringers scored the final touchdown. This marked only the third time the teams had met* Last year the Lions won 34-7 at University Park and way back In 1893 the Lions edged the Cavaliers 6-0* Next week, the Nittany Lions play host to unbeaten and unscored upon Navy, led by Coaldale f s All-American,. Georg© %lsh* , ' . fnly Army boasts a better won-lost record than Pehn State in the East for the nine seasons from 1946- Page ‘6 FOOTBALL
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