•_X?I.H_Ns.«J3 „Oc+Qb£;r_J Q,„19.55 „ THETA SIGMA PI On Thursday evening in the lounge of the main building at Highacres, twenty-five freshman girls were formally initiated as members of the Theta Sigma Pi sorority. The newly-elected officers were also installed at that time. President - Margaret Churilla Vice-Pres. - Patsy Ksanznak Secretary - Theresa Bobowski Treasurer - Carol Mastroianni After the girls picked their "secret pals" and after Captain •.'alter Carper took pictures of the sorority members, refresh ments were served. Miss Helen Dossenbach, faculty advisor to the sorority, taught the girls a song in German' and led the group in singing. ATTENTION! VETERANS! October 24-25-26 and 27 are listed as the dates for veterans to sign for benefits under Public Law 550. All signing will be done in the bookstore. Any other business pertaining to veteran’s affairs will also be contracted in the Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State University Center Highacres Hazleton, Pennsylvania ■«•*** * # & * * *- * * # STATE SENATE TO ACT ON BUDGET A request for 19 000 as the working budget for the two-year fiseal period for Penn State University is up for Senate action A decision is due any day now following the House approval on September 16th, The budget is 5 million more than the last two year fiscal period. A spokesman from the General Assembly expects 131 million dollars to be cut from bills by the State Legislature. Milton Eisenhoser, University President, recently stood up for the proposed budget. "I’ve been building budgets for 30 years .and I’ve never put any fat i.n them yet. I do not think it can possibly be reduced," he said. All State Centers are directly involved in this decision since the main campus subsidizes a tremendous amount for the upkeep of the Centers. " * » y* -»p"i
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