February 11, 1955 At the last meeting of the Fall Semester on Tuesday, January 18, the problem of the petition for a Student Union Building was discussed by the members of Mu Delta Sigma. Some of the members, as well as most of the students at Bighacres, were under the impression that the sig' njng of the petition meant the immediate payment of funds for this building. Brother Gromniak informed the members that by signing the petition they were only showing that they were in favor of erecting a Student Union Building, and not that they were required to make immediate payment for the building. After the discussion of the in formation at hand, the members of lk ; u Delta Sigma agreed unanimously to sign the petition and to pass on their information to the student body in order to give the other students a clearer picture of the reasons behind this petition. Ihe first meeting of the Spring Semester was held on Wednesday, February 9, and at this time the problem of notifying new students of the-’r eligibility for membership in Mu Delta Sigma was discussed. Brother WeStgate was appointed to obtain a list of the names and addresses of new students, and to submit this list to the comnrttee at the next scheduled meeting. The new officers for the Spring Semester are Brothers Gibson and Brungard. Brother Gibson was appointed to the office of president to fill the vacancy left by Brother Gromniak, and Brother Brungard was appointed to fill the office of vice-president. The members were pleased to have Brother Wojciehoski present once more after a brief period in the Veterans Hospital at Wilkes-Barre. Brotherwojciehoski is the capable bookkeeper of Mu Delta Sigma. The Highacres Community Chorus held its ; first meeting of the Spring Semester last Tuesday evening with a good turn out of interested participants. The Chorus, however, needs some additional women to make a balanced choral group. A special invitation is extended to all the new students, both men and women, to join this group, and to bring your friends along. Of course, the invitation is still open to anyone ini.the school or community who likes music. Transportation to the weekly meetings need be no problem, because members with cars will provide transportation to those who do not have a car. The Chorus is making plans for their annual Spring Concert. They also plan, to lead the singing of college songs at the Alumni meeting on February 22. Parnassus meetings for this semester will be held on Wednesday, the fourth period. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN MU DELTA. SIGMA CHORUS NEWS PARNASSUS Page 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers