"Smash Bros." returns for another round By OLIVER EISLER Columnist OPESOOO@PSU.EDU Dear readers, for over a year now I have had the privilege of reviewing the latest and best videogames. I am very grateful to The Capital Times newspaper for providing me with this audience. However, as I approach my senior year, I realize a need to prioritize. Not only am I on the executive board of six student organizations, but I also serve as Chief Justice of the Student Government Association. Because of this, I feel that I am no longer able to commit to writing quality assessments of games, and I refuse to review games without playing them thoroughly myself. Therefore, this will be my last article. Surely there is no better way to conclude the past than by looking to the future. With this in mind, I decided to make this article a review tj 41104 ti Gilts ride 16614 aft tAtlirt ft4L6 ferksly Hoy 44 tar Rake * wuxpit ; Me k I' 4 1 Zit fO r ith 61 . tOW Seq of some of the most unique, latest and upcoming titles. "Bomberman Land Touch! 2" for Nintendo DS Fans of white bomber will be thrilled when this game comes out on Jan. 29. Although not much has changed since the first installation (the areas look different, but the strategies are essentially the same), fans and casual gainers alike will enjoy the senselessly entertaining mini-games that can easily entertain someone for hours upon hours. "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" for Play Station 3 So much media coverage has been given to the fact that this game's main character, Solid Snake, is being included in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, that his own game is somewhat overlooked by non-fans. Rest assured, however, "Metal Gear Solid 4" does not disappoint. In addition to improved graphics and a great storyline, the game has significantly less controller lag than The highly anticipated "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" (Wii) allows players to battle using an array of characters spanning over 20 years of Nintendo history. klev• w LIM Ito 4 io tgrit Sei,y to 4414oritttits emit of erstirs e-'"" Teddybear Hearts Chocolate Flowers Love Candy Dinner Candles Jewelry Valentine Cards Chickflick Hallmark Cupid 're P, THE CAPITAL TIMES TN ow !et' yilyr titt7l 1 401141AvreikW yr/ Miter v.. serot refiti ritekk4,ol Glekr fat are, ? r :0 row /:A, SST TO SOLVE: Each row, column and 3x3 block must contain the numbers 1 to 9 without any most Play Station 3 games (Lair anyone?). This game stands out as one of the few games worth getting for the Play Station 3. Hopefully this•will change in the future. "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" for Nintendo Wii It is simply impossible to overlook this game. Yes, it has been delayed several times, but for good reason. The inclusion of characters such as Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog in a Nintendo game are amazing milestones that I personally never thought I would see. The addition of more characters to the roster, improved graphics, new costumes and revolutionary game-play is sure to make this game a winner! In the words of IK. _..-~~. February 4, 2008 Mario, Donkey Kong and Legend of Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game is bad forever." "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" for Xbox 360 Okay, I'll admit it! I have never been a Microsoft fan. However, my bias will not stop me from enjoying a good game when I play one. In "Call of Duty 4," you play as either an American or British soldier fighting against Zakhaev, a Russian terrorist who wants to destroy the United States and return Russia to its glory days (maybe he and Putin should sit down and talk this over). This game offers an innovative, provocative and exciting gaming experience. I highly recommend it (especially if you can play it without buying an Xbox). Well, that's the end, folks! I really had a great time writing these articles and I wish the best to whoever ends up replacing me. This is Oliver Eisler signing off!
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