March 26, 2007 Hello! How is everybody this issue? I hope that spring break gave you all a much-needed rest from the stresses of being a college student. We’re almost there gang; just hang tight towards the goal. So 1 went down to Philadelphia to visit Diane this past Thursday. I chose to go down on a Thursday because the bar gives out free manicures from 6:30 until 9:30p.m. And if I can drink a Bud Light while getting a manicure, heck yeah, I’m there! That is irrelevant to this story. I then went with Diane to pick up her client from middle school because of an early dismissal. We were going to pick up Conner, then swing by IHOP for breakfast. So we waited around for Conner to make the walk towards Diane’s Festiva. In the process, I had the rare opportunity to observe what middle schoolers today consider normal. The results were jawdropping. I witnessed young girls wearing clothing that would make even the most experienced bar crawler wonder how easy those ladies were. Skirts that were once handkerchiefs, shorts that barely cover buttcheeks, halter tops, tank tops worn as tight as possible to show off Okay peo Photo by OSCAR BEISERT/Copitol Times Let us analyze this photograph, sent to us by one of our reporters. This was taken in Harrisburg, right after the snow. Obviously. It is a MINI Cooper, and the poor Cooper is buried under a gentle dusting of snow, shining in the light. Yet this is the least of the Cooper's problems. For you see, the Cooper sits low to the ground. Very low. In order to move in any direction, the Cooper will have to shove the snow, the equivalent of what is called wassailing for a Beetle. However, even that will pose a challenge for this automobile, for it is packed in tight on all four sides. Why is the car packed in on all four sides? Well that would be because the city of Harrisburg decided it would be a great idea to plow the Cooper in. In fact, look closely. You will see that the city decided it would be a great idea to plow ALL the cars in. Brilliant Harrisburg, that's the most amazing move of the new year. Perhaps some warning would be nice. The Capital Times seeks to provide complete, cor rect information. Any neces sary corrections, comments or critiques are wanted and welcome. Please stop by The Capi tal Times office (El 26). e mail, drop a suggestion in the box outside the office or call the office at 948-6440. Any corrections should be reported no later than a week after the paper is printed. THE CAPITAL TIMES s C(Hruriavts their developing breasts, it was disgusting. I personally am known for showing a bit of skin now and again, but even 1 would not go to this extreme. This continues to the technology these kids possess. One group of boys walks towards the stop sign, passing various cell phones, mostly Razors, back and forth to each other. I don’t know about you guys, but when 1 was in middle school, I didn’t even have a cell phone, let alone a Razor. Another gaggle of boys talked to each other while listening to iPods. Each one had their own iPod. I just got mine two years ago, I am not a parent, but 1 am certain that I would not let my child walk out the door in a ho skirt, or carry around a Razor as his first cell phone. Kids need to leam humility, and by supplying them with the latest gadget, you have just ruined any chance you had at teaching them to work and wait for a prize. My first car was a 1984 Honda Accord. The Volkswagen Beetle I sport now is a far cry from that. I love my car. Why? Cause I earned it. That’s the lesson that is being lost these days. The other thing I have to wonder is where is the dress code? I remember when even t-shirts with certain messages on them were not acceptable, but now it’s cool to let girls walk around like prostitutes in the halls? It bothers me so much that young ladies believe this is what they have to look like in order to attract attention. They will then grow up and become the women I see when I go to the clubs or to the bar, walking around with everything they have hanging out because they believe that that is the only way to ’ g -- • imp ffiiir ... CORRECTIONS: In the article, "Guido McNeal's a walk away,'' the photos were incorrectly credited to their website. They were actually taken by Supat Kanc.hanasakul of The Capital Times. get attention. I used to hate those women, I think 1 now pity them. They never had the chance to be independent and realize that clothes don’t make her, she does. They will always feel the need to show what they have, and they will always get all the negative feedback that occurs when you cross the age of 21. One thing that hasn’t changed about middle school is the caste system. The popular kids definitely hung out with other popular kids, while the poor band dorks, of which I can relate, walked in their own group, musical instruments in hand. They were far behind the crowd, enjoying each other’s company. Yet I know that deep down, each one really wanted that chance to fit in with the others. They wanted to know they belonged. Band dorks, you do not belong with those people. You are free and able to realize that gadgets and clothing do not make the person. You have come to the best realization there is, and that is to be yourself. So my friends, when you have children, please remember the direction society is headed. And then maybe take a few steps to stop it. We can still save our youth. We just have to show them the way. And encourage your kids to play musical instruments. MARUJA ROSARIO 6... : m The Capital Times We are currently looking to fill the following positions: Sports Writers Photographers Reporters If interested, please contact us at 948-6440 or 10 ways you know he's not Mr. Right 0 0 0 I hate to sound all ‘ya-ya sisterhood’ at the moment, but I find it necessary sometimes to be able to stand up for myself as a human being. I see Women in destructive relationship patterns, and although I am not a relationship expert in any way, I like to give my own advice. So even if you do not have a boyfriend at the moment, save these 10 tips in your memory for later on, and remember that even if you think you have the perfect relationship, there is someone who can tell you otherwise. 1) He disrespects vou. A friend 03/22/07: Found property: Unknown person dropped wallet at vehicle registration window. Attempted to contact owner. 03/22/07: Key service: Faculty member requested PSO to lock office and provide escort to vehicle 3/22/07: Security lapse: Found rooms 167, 175, 166 & 128 open, Checked/secured room. 3/21/07: Community education: PSO’s conducted operation id educational presentation toPSU students. 3/21/07: Alarm activation: Boiler alarm activated while employee was working on boiler. Alarm 3/21/07: Alarm trouble: M&O report trouble alarm activated in By MARIN BENDORITIS Layout Editor MABS33B@PSU.EDU once told me that ‘you don’t need a man who treats you like a doormat’. If your guy does not respect you, your values, and the way you live your life, he is not the one. If you find yourself having to reschedule plans to see him on his time or find yourself holding back on your potential, he is not worth keeping around. 2) You find yourself saving ‘l’m soi You know what? It is okay if you were running late and it is definitely okay to be angry for a while. Not everything is your fault and if you find your arguments to be one sided, and you find him turning the argument against you; say goodbye. I’d rather be happy than constantly sorry. :s the talk but doesn’i walk the walk. How often \ I / Capital Times Staff Editor in Chief: Maruja Rosario Assistant Editor: Jordan Wiskemann Business Manager: Matthew Carroll Copy Editor: Brooke Messmer Advertising Manager: Layla Dideban Photography Editor: Supat Kanchanasakul Layout Editor: Marin Bendoritis Assistant layout Editor: Alex Pomeroy Staff: Rabyia Ahmed Kris Aumiller Oscar Beisert Augie Bravo Ryne Crabb Layla Dideban Oliver Eisler Mariam Elhadri Kristy Fasano does he tell you that he loves you or that you are the best thing to happen to him? Now, how often does he show it? Talk is cheap. When he doesn’t show that you mean something to him, he is not worth your time anymore. Hopefully it does not take you 6 months to realize that he has been lying. 4) He pressures vou to do things. Now, this doesn’t have to apply to just sex. If he is constantly trying to get you to quit your job or tries to get you to change who your friends are; I can’t insist enough that he is not the one. He needs to like you for who you already were, and not what he changes you into. 5) He becomes jealous of wear signs, ‘Does not play well with others.’ This way, you already know if he will become jealous of your friends, your job and any guy he sees you with. I can’t say it enough; you should never change for a guy. Little things are okay, and obviously you will spend less time with your friends now, but there needs to be a balance maintained. 6) You fight more than vou frequent! l POLICE REPORT elevator. System turned off for repair. 3/21/07: Health and safety: PSO noticed 12 inch sewer pipe cover was out of place. Notified M&O who replaced cover. 3/21/07: Health and safety: Report of juveniles skateboarding. Verbal warning given to 4 juvenile 3/20/07: Security lapse: Found rooms cl 4, c 213, & w 132 open, Room e2OO had windows open. Checked/secured areas. 3/20/07: Administrative detail: PSO dropped off paper work at DJ Smith’s office. 3/20/07: Fire alarm: UP notified PSO of fire alarm. Alarm reset. 3/20/07: Fire alarm: Burnt food caused fire alarm to activate. John Fox Hillary Isleib Ariel O'Malley Will Powell Megan Resser Lisa Stone Rusty Tucci others. Men should get along. Yes, this may make the relationship interesting and challenging, but how many times can you convince yourself that the fight will just make the relationship stronger? Ask a friend to be honest with you; are you complaining about him more than you are saying that you are happy? If the answer is yes, dump him like 2-week-old leftovers. Your friends don’t like him. Your friends know you better than you think, and they usually know and want what is best for you. 8) You only hang out one-on one. Ever notice that you only seem to be together alone? Have you ever hung out with his friends? Has he ever met yours? Maybe you get along great when you’re alone but the true test is if you can get along in a more social setting. You can’t be in a bubble with just the two of you for the rest of your life; so pop that bubble and get out. 9) He is not there for vou in a crisis. Y( winds up in the hospital and you call him crying. He should be at your door before you can get off the phone. If he puts other people in front of you, especially when you need him the most, he doesn’t deserve the time of day from you 10) Your future latch up with his. This is kind of a no-brainer, but if you want kids and he does not, you will have a problem later on. And like 1 said previously, you should never change for a man. N I / Alarm reset. 3/20/07: Campus assist: PSO posted numerous direction signs for women in society event. 3/19/07: Health and safety: Caller reported a person standing on vehicle while in motion. 3/19/07: Found property: Caller reported finding purse. PSO received call from owner of lost purse. Directed to student activities who had purse. 3/18/07: M&O complaint: Report of no hot water in apartment. PSO contacted housing. 3/17/07: 911 Hang up: Dauphin County control reported received 911 hang up call. No footprints in snow by telephone. All okay. Photographers: Rabyia Ahmed Victoria Hennigan Lorena Roedan Joshua Salvi Supat Kanchanasakul Audrey Snyder dans do
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