46 No. 10 By RABYIA AHMED Staff Reporter RZAIO9@PSU.EDU She came to the United States for Grad school on a scholarship through the Turkish government because she placed first on an exam out of 100 people. Her then fiance, whom she married less than a year later, came to the United States just three months after she did, instead of the planned one year because they missed each other too much. They went back to Turkey for the wedding ceremony. It was during Grad school that she realized how beneficial her knowledge on psychology could be to her homeland, where proper research resources are scarce. That is how she decided to serve her country. “It’s such a rewarding feeling to know my research is being used overseas,” said Senel Poyrazli, Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology. Through The American Psychological Association, she is able to provide to Turkey articles from the International Psychology Bulletin for which she is an editor. The association allows her to communicate with the psychology associations in Turkey so that they can coordinate research efforts. It is difficult for Poyrazli to pinpoint which of the two places she enjoys more. Socially, she likes Turkey better. “Life is not as busy as it is here and people have time for each other,” she said. “You will have several people who will help you with your children, too,” she added. In terms of professional development, however, she sees the US as a better place and gives Penn State her regards. She believes that without Penn State’s expectations and encouragement, she would not be here. But there is more to Poyrazli’s job than research. She is also a clinical psychologist, trying to aid those who ask for assistance because she wants everyone to be able to live a satisfying life, she said. “Seeing the change in them and Please see POYRAZLI on page 4 INDEX: ITALII Around the By CRAIG DEWALT Guest Reporter CAD2BI@PSU.EDU Hello, and welcome to the first edition of Around the Horn with Craig Dewalt. The rules are simple; I prepare a series of five questions and ask four contestants for their responses. The four contestants will give their answers and be scored with pluses and minuses. If a comment is really good they can receive up to three pluses. If their comment is downright awful they can receive up to three minuses. If their answer is so terrible I will shut them up by putting them on mute. At the end of the day the contestant with the most points wins the game. The winner will then be given their time to shine in the “Moment of Fame” section. Here is the first round of questions: (1) Who deserves to be in the Hall of Fame more, Barry Bonds or Pete Rose? (2) Who should be this years NBA MVP? Steve Nash, Dirk Novitzki, Kobe Bryant, or other? (3) If NHL is definitely going to ban fighting, is now the right time? (4) What should the Raiders do with their number 1 pick in the 2007 Draft? (5) If you’re building a baseball franchise, would you build your team around Kris Aumiller or Matt Carroll? Question 1 Sarver: “Look Stat boy it’s simple, Barry Bonds deserve to be in the ha 11... Pete Rose bet on baseball and was found guilty (+). Barry Bonds is being accused of using steroids but until he is found guilty there is no way MLB can keep him from the Campus By JORDAN WISKEMANN Assistant Editor JLWIO62@PSU.EDU Two recent thefts and one break in at the Village Apartments have some Penn State Harrisburg students concerned for their own safety. “I’m not comfortable here anymore,” said Miranda Ejde, PSH freshman and victim of the break-in. “I don’t feel safe at all.” Ejde had slept at a friend’s house during the break-in. She saw the broken window the next morning when she came home. Her laptop, speakers and wires had been stolen during the burglary. Ejde said the intruders had thrown her make-up on her floor. “I have a restraining order against them [the alleged burglars],” said Ejde. “They still come around my apartment.” Ejde sleeps over in friends’ rooms because she said she’s too afraid to stay in her own. According to George Young, Assistant Director of Student Affairs, students living on campus are encouraged to lock their doors and windows. Residence Life replaced Ejde’s broken window immediately. “I haven’t heard anything [about the incident] from Residence Life,” said Ejde. “They did fix my window right away, but they never called me or talked to me.” Young could not be reached by phone Police Report Opinion hall (-).” (0 points) Carroll: “Pete Rose. He is the all time hit leader. Who even cares about gambling now a day? It didn’t affect his play at all (+++). I mean, there weren’t any grand jury cases like Barry Bonds. It’s not like he went in front of the grand jury and lied about anything. (++)” (5 points) Aumiller: “ROSE. “Charlie Hustle” safety concerns on-campus students before print, regarding Ejde’s comments. There have also been two thefts, at the Village. One has been returned. Chris Confredo, PSH freshman, had both his Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 stolen when he left his apartment for about an hour. He hadn’tlocked the door. Both systems had been attached to a router. The router and wires were scattered across floor. He called police the following day. jpl. Rooms on the first floor of the Village dormitories are easily accessible though bedroom windows for anyone with mischievous intensions. Chief Kevin Stoehr of April 16, horn with Craig Dewalt Photo by CRAIG DEWALT and MARIN BENDORITIS/Capital Times (Matt) Sarver: Top Left, (Matt) Carroll: Bottom Left, (Kris) Aumiller: Top Right, (Josh) Eggleston: Bottom Righl is the all-time hits leader with 4,256 hits. (+) He still holds 11 Major League Records besides most hits. Most AB’s, most games played, most singles, most total bases by a switch hitter, most seasons with 200 hits (10), most consecutive seasons with at least 100 hits (23), most seasons with at least 600 AB’s (17), most seasons with 150 games played (17), most seasons with 100 games News 4 - 5 Club News 6 - 7 Musicians at PSH overlooked SGA elections promise change for 07-08 Major League Baseball preview. Zodiac Fashion played (23), most games played on the winning side (1,972), and the only player in Major League history that started at least 500 games at 5 different positions. Not too mention, he was part of the powerhouse Cincinnati Reds. (+++)” (4 points) Eggleston: “Pete Rose hands down. It is a proven fact that Bonds has taken a form of steroid, and what is Campus Calendar.... 7 Sports 8 the campus police explained they are still conducting in investigations all cases. He said students should lock up their valuables and use common sense. “My roommates used to leave the door to our apartment unlocked all the time,” said Dustin Holler, resident of the Village Apartments. Holler’s roommates started locking their door when they found that someone had stolen their toilet paper. “Any time I have contacted them, I’ve gotten immediate help,” said Holler. Holler, a member of PSH student government, feels he can’t give a fair assessment of how well police patrol the dorms, because he often stays in the Olmsted building until the early morning hours. “The only time I see cops around the dorms are when an another name for steroids? That’s right, performance ENHACNING drugs!! (++) Don’t get me wrong, Bonds would still have been a solid player but he is only known for his long ball. (-) Pete Rose, who placed bets that his team would win, is one of the most prolific hitters in MLB history, an base iron man (3562 games played), and a solid fielder (2 Gold Gloves). (++) Not to mention, Rose also lead his teams to 3 World Series Titles. (++)” (5 points) My Comments: “Sarver, Pete Rose is the obvious choice. Bonds went from being the size of me, to a blimp within a matter of a few years. The guy is definitely on ‘roids. Gambling on baseball after your playing days is nothing compared to taking performance enhancing drugs during your playing years. Not so money on this answer Sarv, more like loose change.” Question 2 Sarver: “If were considering MVP a team award then it would easily go to Steve Nash. Unfortunately it won’t go to Nash or Nowitzki because of the other talent surrounding the two. 4 of the 5 starters for PHX are in the top 50 in average points a game. Dallas has 3 of its 5 in the top 52 (++). Sadly the LA Lakers would be nothing without Kobe Bryant. He single-handedly has put the Lakers in a playoff position (++). As much as I cant stand him, he will win the MVP because the stupid people who vote for this award most love ball hogs that go 17-41 from the field and call that a great night (-).” (3 points) Carroll: “Tracy Mcgrady (-). He has Please see AROUND on page 5 incident occurs,” said Holler, “but they have always been more than willing to help me when I’ve needed it.” Holler said PSH police have always helped him when he’s needed it. Holler has the campus police on speed dial. “This crime is unusual for our campus,” said Chief Stoehr. “We haven’t had anything else like this in the past year.” Out of about 3,700 students enrolled at PSH, there was only one reported weapons possession and one reported sexual offense last academic year. The remaining 36 reported crimes included theft, vandalism, driving under the influence, underage drinking, disorderly conduct and vagrancy. “Even though they’re still bad, property crimes are much better than somebody being injured or sexually assaulted,” said Stoehr. Both Young and Chief Stoehr said that students don’t always report crimes. Students should report anything suspicious. Even when students notify police, students often don’t know the differences between crimes. For example, a student could accidentally report a crime as a misdemeanor, such as theft, when that crime was really a felony, such as burglary. “Crime is desire plus opportunity,” said Chief Stoehr. “What we try to do is eliminate opportunity.” Entertainment 9-10 11 Games .Page 3 .Page 4 ..Page 8 Page 11
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