Clubfest for fall semester was held on Monday, September 9 and Tuesday, September 10 at noon in Vartan Plaza. It seemed that SGA could not have picked two better days to have Clubfest. The gorgeous, sunny weather along with food and refresh ments and entertainment by Paul Plays it All brought a decent crowd to sign up for clubs this semester. This Clubfest provided students with a variety of opportunities; there was a total of 15 clubs represented for both days. We had many returning clubs and organizations, as well as some new ones. For example, PSH will soon have its first Television Broadcasting Club. According to Scott Price, one of the club’s officers, the goal is to get a broadcast throughout the entire (Olmsted) building. It is a club that is not only for com munications majors, but also anyone interested in TV broadcasting, editing, and on-cam era experience. Another new club to PSH is Circle K, which according to Club Treasurer Amy Brown is a club that does community services such as going to nursing homes to play bingo with the residents. Circle K is similar to Lion Ambassadors, which is an already existing, active club on campus, which, Club President Jessica Schally says “helps out on campus and in the community to represent Penn State.” Lion Ambassadors do a variety of community service projects such as going to nursing homes and children’s hospitals, as well as giving tours to prospective students or me interested in PSH. American Studies/Humanities Club president, Gwendolyn Wind commented that her club also gives students the chance to get involved in ommunity services, as well as attend conferences and trips dealing with American Studies and Humanities. The last new club to PSH is the Pre-Law Club. Club member Usmaan Khalid describes the club as a support for students entering the major. This club will offer preparation for the LSAT’s and will also host a trip to Dickinson Law Some other clubs included at Clubfest were primarily for a certain major, although most clubs stressed that everyone is welcome to join. Two clubs that are primarily for a certain major are Kappa Delta Pi and Pi Mu ipsilon/Integration Club. Kappa Delta Pi is an Honor Society for education majors, which is internationally known. In the past it has been mainly 'Jementary Education majors that have joined the society, but President Kristin Carpenter would like to see more Secondary Education majors. Similarly Pi Mu ipsilon/Integration Club is an Honor’s society for Mathematics. Anyone can (pin Pi Mu Epsilon, but certain requirements must be met, which includes main lining a B average in mathematics. In other areas, students in the School of Business had many opportuni ies to join clubs. The Finance Club, Secretary Nicole Mulk says will bring in jssional guest speakers to talk about financial themes and will also plan a field trip to the Treasury Department in Harrisburg. The MIS (Management Information Systems) club is another club under the School of Business, but club member Valerie Crown stresses that anyone can join and it is an excellent way to learn more about technology. The Institute of Management Accountants is also a great club that represents accounting students. For this year, many workshops and guest speakers will be available to offer accounting information. For those with artistic, writing, and creative interests, there is Tarnhelm, PSH’s annual literary magazine. For this, students can submit a variety of cre ative pieces, which will be judged to see which will make it into the final magazine. This is an excellent opportunity to have your work published, whether it is a poem, short story, drawing, or photograph. Another opportunity for those who want to express their creative side is The Capital Times newspaper. This club provides experience in reporting, editing, layout and design, and much more that goes into bringing you this bi-weekly campus newspaper. Students looking for a great recreational club will enjoy the PSH Ski Club. For this club, President Jenny Poust says members can look forward to “weekly ski trips to Roundtop Ski resort once the season starts.” Anyone is welcome to join, whether they are a pro or and amateur skier. Last but not least, SGA (Student Government Association), which was responsible for organizing Clubfest, “is one of the biggest student voices on campus” according to President Parul Luthra. “Anyone who wants to make a difference on campus and within the entire Penn State system should think about joining SGA ” Paul Plays It All kept students enter- By Sarah Elkalban, Capital Times Staff writer campus calendar in the Capital Times or pay attention to bulletin boards on campus. All in all, Clubfest turned out great this semester and many of the clubs were pleased with their outcome on sign-up sheets, but there is still room for new members. Remember, it’s not too late to join a club. For more infor mation on PSH, check out the Paul really does play it all, like challenging these students to a marshmelfow hotnerun contest
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