Dear Editor, Tuition, a word that makes many of us cringe. The 2002-2003 school year has brought upon the Penn State population a 13.5% increase in tuition. As a col lege student who pays my own tuition, I was appalled and shocked at this atro cious increase. There are many out there who want someone or something to place blame upon and as Student Government President I was a bit taken back when Student Government was blamed. In the last edition of the Cap Times, an anonymous student focused his/her disdain on the Student Government for the tuition increase! Though flattering, tuition and the raise in tuition has relatively little (probably nothing) to do with Student Government at Penn State Capital College. In fact, the Council of Commonwealth Student Government,s (CCSG) budget was cut this year. Therefore, the theory has a flaw. There is a certain amount of money from the General Funds budget that goes to student government, yet it is relatively the same amount of money given to SGA every year. There are several reasons the tuition went up and why it went up so steeply, none of which deal with one individual campus, but rather the University as a whole. First and foremost, the state decided to cut Penn State and higher education funding this year. The governor had proposed a 5% decrease in appropriations; however, the PA Congress only cut our budget by 3%. HOWEVER, that 2% that was given back to us from the governors, pro posal may not have been given back to the general/education fund because there are other budgets such as cooperative extension. This all seems rather complicated so to better understand the budget allocations check out The site will help you better under stand the intricacies of the budgetary process. Student Government of the Capital Campus is on a mission to provide a sense of community for the population. We might provide free food, entertain ment, but in no way are we using funds frivolously or causing the increase in the tuition. I implore you to attend the public SGA meetings, which are held every Tuesday at 12:30. Bring your problems, concerns and questions to this governing body so we can be the student representatives. You can also email us at Every student has voice, so let us hear them. Sincerely, Parul Luthra Student Government President 2002-2003 SGA President Penn State Capital Campus " capital times N ,„ sM;l!!i , /iIR . I ■"r.rrfinnnnminninnnnmrunnißaipnrif iTniiiTaminnnfmiiii iniigiMWiMna nnnnMlfißllrnnmTrunnaiMMfir 1 Issue N 0.2, Volume 43 Monday, September 23, 2002 fiStttWfWt'TS Features— Circle K by Rachel Sheperd P$U Football Triumphs by Pete Strella Clubfest by Sarah Bkalban Reporting a Tragedy by Robert Tristman Deparmmis— Columns SOA by Pete Strella The Instigator Around Camp Student Speak Out by Amy Shut PSH Police Report by Sarah Bkalban Campus Calendar by Sarah Blkalban Entertainment CD Review by The Gooseman, WPSH Staff Movie Review by Brooke Pottelger Please tell our advertisers that you saw It In Times I Cover design - Pete Strella Layout- Stacy De Angelo
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