Faculty Advisor Peter Kareithi, Ph.p. Policies The Capital Times Is published by the students of Penn State Harrisburg. Viewpoints are solely those of the authors and are not representative of the college administration, faculty or stu dent body. Concerns regarding the content of any issue should be directed to the editor. Advertisers are not sanctioned by The Capital Times. The Capital Times is funded with Student Activity Fee money. The Capital Times welcomes signed letters from readers. No unsigned submission will be reprinted. However, a writer's name may be withheld upon request and by approval of the editors. All materials - articles, photographs and artwork - are properly of The Capital Times. No parts of this paper may be reproduced without permission of the editors. The Crew— Executive Board Assistant News Editor Assistant Layout Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager Editor In Chief Departments Editor Features Editor Production Assistant Photographers Stacy DeAngelo,Sarah Elkalban, Amy Shur Graphic Design Technical Advisor Regular Writers & Contributors Stacy DeAngelo, Sarah Elkalban, Chris Patterson, Brooke Potteiger, Rachel Sheperd,Amy Shur, Pete Strella, Robert Irishman Submissions— You may reach The Capital Times at Penn State Harrisburg Campus. W 341 Olmsted Building, 777 W. Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057. Phone us at: (717) 948-6440, or e-mail: captimes@psu.edu Deadneforlhe next Issue b Monday, Sept. 30 Brooke Potteiger Pete Strella Connie Goodell Sharilyn Klinger Staff Stacy De Angelo Sarah Elkalban Rachel Sheperd Open Position Stacy De Angelo, Pete Strella Mitchell Davidson Bentley Comments By Stacy De angelo, Editor in Chief & Pete Strella, Assistant Layout Editor By now we’ve all heard the loud racket coming from the east wing of the Olmsted Building’s first floor. The loud construction is causing many disturbances and inconveniences on our campus, mainly by disrupting classes that are close by. In this issue of The Capital Times, we voiced some of your opinions in the “Student Speakout” on page five. For our next issue on October our staff is working on a comprehensive feature article about the con- struction that will hopefully address the following questions: What new facilities will we have when the construction is finished? When will the construction be completed? How can we mini mize the inconvteniences of the construction? Senior SGA Senator Daniel Storm has expressed his interest in solving construction prob lems such as distracting noise. Both he and the SGA are attempting to be responsive to the many complaints that they have received. Readers are encouraged to contact the SGA at their new email address, pshsga@hotmail.com. with any complaints or suggestions. However, perhaps PSH Communications Professor Dr. Samuel Winch describes the situ ation the best: “It’s a pain, but there’s a price to having progress. Besides, those guys are my bud dies, they built me a new dark room [for photography classes]!” Moving on, The Capital Times is still looking for a few good people who would like to join our staff. If you’re a communications major, having journalism experience on your resume is one of the most impressive credentials that employers look for. Writing for the newspaper improves writing skills and fundamentals, which are crucial in any of the communications disci plines whether it is journalism, public relations, broadcasting or advertising. * As far as any other issues that need addressing, I would like to point out the SGA rebut tle in the “Letters to the Editors” portion of the paper on the oposing page. SGA President Parul Luthra took the time to write to us and clear up some of the misconceptions students have about where budget money goes and why tuition was raised. Those who were on campus last year may think that The Capital Times is once again “picking on” the SGA. This is not the case. We simply report what we are told. The opinions in the Tuition... article (issue no. 1, Vol. 3) were those of PSH students, not Capital Times Staff. Ok, enough of that. We would really like your input on what we have done in these last two issues and what we can include in the next 14. Remember, “We are the voice of PSH” and we need you voice to make ours stronger. Also, as mentioned in the SGA Minutes below, THON is approaching and Captimes has T-shirts for sale in our office to help benifit Four Diamonds. Please support kids with cancer and their families. For more info on our fundraiser call, e-mail or stop in. Information Taken From the SGA Minutes on Sept. 10 and sept. 17 New E-mail address for SGA: for questions and concerns, go to pshsga@hotmail.com Fall Elections: the Fall election dates are scheduled for October Ist,1 st , 2 3 rc * Election Packet Extensions: SGA President Parul Luthra extended the election packet due date to September 19^ Cap Times Rebuttal: Parul wanted to notify senators of the rebuttal she wrote to The Capital Times article “Tuition Rises...” in the last issue. SGA Mission Statement: the SGA has completed their mission statement, which is printed on page 3 in this issue of The Capital Times Treasurer’s Report: FAA- $12,676.80 Fallfest: Could possibly be held on October 30 th , from 12-2 pm and 4-6 pm AU-U Day: On September Daniel Storm and Jamie Meikle will carry the flag at All U Day. No news on how much or what type of food will be served at the SGA-CCSG spon sored tailgate party before the game. Acts of Kindness: name of event changed from “Random Acts of Kindness” to “Acts of Kindness. ’ No word on whether the event will be publicized or spread by word of mouth. Election Screening Committee: Six senators will be sitting on the screening committee on Sept 20, 1:30- 2:30 pm, Sept. 22, 1:00- 2:00 pm, and Sept, 23, 2:00- 3:30 pm THON: Christine Meek is looking for help with canning and such for THON fundraisers Student Affairs: Jamie Meickle passed out a paper listing the source and use of vehicle reg istration funds. This is to help the senate understand how all of the money being paid out in parking passes and tickets is distributed. Construction: Senior Senator Daniel Storm is interested in solving construction problems such as noise. There have been many complaints and he will try to get answers when he goes on a “hardhat” tour of the site. SGA Account- $25,035.64 SGA Unrestricted Account- $142.92
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