Source and Use of Funds Statement Vehicle Registration Program 1998-1999 Students, Faculty, Staff, and Visitor Fees $189,207.78 From Reserve (for traffic light) 17,693.00 Total $206,900.78 Physical Plant Roads and Lots $ 7,666.25 Supplies 26,011.15 Traffic Light -. 31,583.14 Maintenance Support 34,057.98 Total $99,318.52 Salaries, Wages, Fringe Benefits Supplies Equipment and Software Phone, Postage, Printing, Travel Maintenance and Repair Advertising, Training, Reimbursement, etc. Total To Reserve for Parking Lots Grand Total $206,900.78 Transferred to SGA Transferred to Scholarship Fund International experience is crucial to a competitive resume. You need skills to work in the global arena. NSEP provides opportunities for Americans to study in regions critical toU.S. national interests (excluding Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). Award amounts are up to a maximum of $B,OOO per semester or sl6,oooper academic year. You must be a U.S. citizen and enrolled as an undergraduate at a U.S. university, college or community college. Scholarships are for study in Summer ‘OO, Fall ‘OO and/or Spring ‘Ol. For applications, contact your NSEP Campus Representative or die NSEP office at tel: (800) 618-NSEP, e-mail: nsep@iie.oig. (Source: Vehicle Registration Office) SOURCE OF FUNDS USE OF FUNDS Why Study Abroad? Deadline: February 7,2000. National Security Education Program Undergraduate Scholarship: Institute of International Education 1400 K Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005 caU(800)618-NSEPor(202)326-7697 e-mail: See our website at: A downtown business owner heard the story and placed the words, “Not In Our Town” on his advertising marquis, while hundreds of families of all races and reli gions placed paper menorahs in their win dows to convey the same message. In another story, Tom Metzger, a failed politician and founder of the White Aryan Resistance (WAR), was held accountable for the death of a black man killed by some of Metzger’s skinhead followers. In the closing arguments of the trial, Metzger asserted he had first amendment rights to his beliefs. Dees replied to the jury with a list of American inventions and medicines (such as the polio vaccine) made possible by the discoveries of minority scientists and physicians, and concluded that the America Metzger want ed to return to never actually existed. The . .$65,405.92 .. . .5,323.19 . . . .5,627.85 . . . .2,244.18 . . . .2,385.10 942.02 . .$81,928.26 jury agreed. But Dees remarked that even though “people feel justice is important... it’s so easy to be comfortable and not take posi tive steps.” Quoting his grandma, he insisted, “It doesn’t’ take much yeast to make the bread rise,” illustrating that even one per son can make a difference in bridging our division gaps. $ 25,654.00 ‘‘When bridges are built,” he said, “[they] will be built with the love we have for each other... understanding, appreciat ing and caring about people who are dif ferent than we are, taking the time to understand they’re not a whole lot differ- .$3,000.00 .$4,435.46 ent than your people.” In his conclusion, Dees talked about Morris Dees Speaks for All of Us Continued from Page 1 UK' ' fe " 'lfe sw3jii§t : ? It'; Mi' IK,, , &£i t JIE' * ' ■h* ? r; §4; “The Dream” of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Dr. King had a faith in those back then, and a faith in people to come,” he said, adding that he believed Dr. King’s faith and philosophy would be the same if he were here today. He mentioned how different the beliefs of Dr. King and Tim McVey (Oklahoma City bombing) were, and that McVey thought his terrorist act would start a rev olution. But our nation said, “Not in our country!” He didn’t lecture to us. Morris Dees spoke for all of us. We were fortunate to hear his words Thursday night. Though I left with questions about myself and America’s future, I also left encouraged and hopeful. Photo by Alice Potteiger Wilkes Morris Dees
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers