CAPITAL TIMES, April 5, 1991 College celebrates 25th in style Happy Birthday Penn State Harrisburg! At least that's what the billboards scattered throughout the area say. "25th anniversary. Penn State Harrisburg: education, research, service," the blue and white billboards spell out for all of South Central Pennsylvania to see. A dinner dance and tailgate party will take place before the end of this year along with other events that are still in the preliminary stage. The dinner dance is scheduled for April 28 at the Hilton Hotel in Harrisburg. Joe Patemo, who is also celebrating his silver anniversary as the Nittany Lion football coach, and the Penn State Blue Band are slated to appear. Also an Alumni Homecoming weekend is planned for Oct. 4-6. After the Oct. 5 Penn State-Temple football game, a tailgate party and dance will be held. Other events planned include an academic convocation, various events centering around Earth Day, and other dinners and dances. Some people might say big deal. So what if Penn State Harrisburg has been around for 25 years? Yes it is a big deal. At least that's what Associate Provost for Administrative Operations James South said in a recent interview. "Placing established high-quality graduates out in the working world is a way of getting recognition," South said. Recognition, of course, means money. Which in the end, isn't that what everything's about? Speaking of money, how can the college afford to celebrate anything while under the gun of a budget crunch? Fortunately the billboards were a donation. The rest of the silver anniversary celebration is being funded through a combination of gifts to the college and money from the general funds budget, South said. He said that the funding from the latter source has been reduced considerably and some events may require money from the attending patrons. With students flowing in and out of here every year, the first 25 years must have flew right by. As the students come and go, the administration, faculty, staff, and buildings remain year after year. The next 25 years will probably go by as quickly. When Penn State Harrisburg celebrates the big 50, at least we can be assured that Joe Patemo won't steal some of our limelight. That's probably the only sure thing as we tread into the always uncertain future. A newspaper for the student body ( Capital Times ) Editor in chief... Jon Fleck News Editor... T.J. Brightman Photography/Graphics Editor... John Rudy Staff Artist... Craig Smith Sports Editor... Eddie Miller Features Editor... Karen Putt Copy Editor... Elin Marcel Advertising Manager... Rodney May Adviser... Dr. Peter Paris! StafT-Jeff Berrigan, Pat Byers, Robert Caton, Mike Givler, Victoria Phillips, Robin Price, Nancy Strawhecker, and Paula Styer The Capital Times is published by the students of Penn State Harrisburg. Concerns regarding the content of any issue should be directed to the editor in room W-341 of the Olmsted building or by calling 944-4970. Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not representative of the college administration, faculty or student body. The Capital Times welcomes signed letters from readers. Unsigned letters cannot be printed; however, a writer's name may be withheld upon request. The Capital Times does not endorse its advertisers. EDITORIALS 3on Heck Editor -in-chief TrofezZof l Litiitirel— / fMOfo ISSBuwKHtiwy-fe*! \ jasyipr ”—*zsirr*ij \ College Press Service sww me cou&e wwtiufe hwiime EXPRESS YOUR VIEWS ! Letters to the editor are always welcomed and encouraged. Submit your letter in Room W-341 or place it in our mailbox in Room 212. Typed submissions are preferred. Please include your name...we cannot print annonymous letters. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. v -' sson *— = r^'_ msBm MjS&fflgg rfi’tfrbc/'* * /iVify.L irjCj "t'lii/Mj \esUov\)\ I Overhead l {projector! '(/
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