April 5, 1991, CAPITAL TIMES 5 =— — PSH NEWS College offers enthusiasm," Churchill said. machines have only limited applications Computers from page 1 "If it gets into the college's strategic available and no hard drives, making plan, the funds would be released for the them difficult to utilize." f IwCVlIf I ICfwIO such as installing hard drives on some program. We're not talking about that Because the computer is viewed as a „ . ot units, would be needed to provide much money. necessary teaching and learning tool, Health screenings will be offered at standardization." "Finding the balance between each full-time faculty member should be in * * rom "Standardization is the key to expense and accessibility is important. issued a machine to allow complete ThP ’ nrnaram u,iit inrinrtp achieving high penetration of software We don't want to spend so much money access to the Campus-wide Academic ine program win mciuae hardware on a campus . w ide level," that we have to lock up the equipment. Computer Services network, the cholesterol and glucose testing al g faculty and The equipment must be accessible, he proposal says. pulmonary function studies, health risk stu dents should have access to machines said." Initial lump sum funding is being appraisals, blood pressure screenings and & set 0 f applications, such Interactivity between faculty and sought to allow the plan to be mim-leccures. as wor d processing, database, spread- students would be improved through implemented all at once. This would According to Marylou Martz, s heet, statistical and graphical packages." classroom hookups, allowing access to eliminate the problems associated with coordinator ot Health Services, an The plan has passed from the faculty the Penn State University network and long term implementation, where waste programs will be tree, except tor alo tee CoU ncil committee to the administration, mainframe. Most of the cables required and incompatibility could occur, for cholesterol testing. then to the provost’s staff, and is now for the installation have been run, and according to the proposal. h 1116 t>h a f tract ! ons w iv before the administrative council, a selected classrooms have computer cable "I'm on a committee right now to the Medi-titness rhysioanalyzer, Martz group consisting of all of the division hookup boxes already in place. hire the director of the computer center, a sai(l- „ , heads. "Right now, we have access, new position," Churchill said. "When With the use ot this equipment, the The five division heads are trying to through Instructional Services, to only that person comes on board, my guess is person will receive a computer wor k the proposal into their strategic two computers for classroom that we'll begin to work on expanding telling them the percentage ot body at p i an »j t j, as been met with a lot of demonstrations," Churchill said. "Those computer services." and water versus body mass, Martz r explained. "This tells the person the - 1 1 " amount of weight they should lose or gain to obtain their ideal body weight," IJ JII °3l a.| °’ V'V ~ x > fheadded. Q_3 T T V XSgi M O M l 3 N * - -(r - auucu. 3 1 9 V X V 3HO IINiVIH 10 o Health America personnel, with the I"a w sHTn T sTo hMalv 77 -(~ = * - aid of computers, will be administering jd 7 vlHhn oT7pß||s[ oa ■» ” ” health risk appraisals and advising w v a IBi o opJsßßa vnv m *■ n^v\\'x'/y > x>\\ " m participants of their susceptibility to ■■■ 2M •Sp 2 ° heart and health nroblems Puzzles On page 10 11 EE 111 jtl lIOJIII - = z ;XX neartana neaim prooiems. ” 3 x a a v wl iUd n TTd a a w v » » ~ ~ ° The program is m conjunction with 7 a a aUfsiblN 7 iMa 7 v w Community General Osteopathic 11 TpHbnlT xjtiHjlo av_ * *■ Hospital of Harrisburg. i £ vTTj|pmTL v, OEI il vn. c°>xon}T - 1 *- *• 1 Pre-registration for the screenings is £ £ t I- £ tt 8- * recommended. To schedule an ■alxlvlilolaßs aorv wl - « Z T~)\- V appointment, call 948-6015. Want to Make Loads of Money While Still In School? Want to Make Loads of Money White Still In School? Want to Make Loads of Money White Still In School? iMMB IRPB Illßlim ROADWAY PACKAGE SYSTEM ROADWAY PACKAGE SYSTEM ROADWAY PACKAGE SYSTEM RPS IS NOUJ HIRING VERR-ROUND PART-TIME PRCKRGE HANDLERS RT OUR LEUIISBERRV HUB FACILITY. WORK 4-5 HOURS PER SHIFT. RPS OFFERS... 1. HIGH PRV $7.00-$7.50 TO START 2. TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 3. PRY RAISE AFTER 90 DAYS 4. WEEKENDS OFF THE FOLLOWING SORT TIMES ARE RORILRBLE: 12 MIDNIGHT TO 4:00 RM 1:00 PM TO 5:00 PM 4:OORM TO 9:00 RM 5:00 PM TO 1 0:00 PM APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL 932-8243 OR 932-8239 FOR SPECIAL APPOINTMENT I APPLY NOW FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT I T (from Harrisburg) «• RPS IS COIMUENIENTLY LOCATED ""*1 RT EMIT 15 OFF 1-83 1 -4*l TAKE ROUTE 177 INTO 111 | Y IH FRIRUIEIV INDUSTRIAL PARK JMIWI""• ■—■I 3111 *"“ym—- [giknirt 83N(fromYorit)
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