18 CAPITAL TIMES, October 4, 1989 GENERAL NEWS MAKING THE GRADE FOR YOUR PEAK PERFORMANCE How you handle it can be. Learning up my 4.0 average. Then I'll never This type of reality thinking puts to make stress work for you can help get into a really good graduate the gottas in perspective. Sure, not Editors note: Robert J. Kriegel, you concentrate better and think school, and then I won't get a top getting an A would be a drag, but it Ph. D.— best selling author, former more clearly under pressure, have job, and then I'll never make a lot of wouldn't be the end of the world nor All-American athlete, and mental more energy, be more creative and money .. . " would it land this A student in the coach for Olympic and world class 'lake college more enjoyable. By the end of his discourse, ,not ranks of the homeless. athletes lectures and consults with But many of us handle stress getting an Aon this test was akin to Looking at past wins helps, too. major corporations worldwide on poorly. his life being ruined. After all, he already had a 4.0 aver peak performance, leadership and Some people panic and work too When he stopped and thought age, and had done well on difficult strategies for dealing with change. fast under stress. Others procrasti- about what he'd just said that if exams before. Reminding himself of Kriegel recently took part in a na- nate. Neither response is productive he didn't ace this test his life would his past success on similar exams tional tour of college campuses and both are caused by what I call be down the tubes —he started helped him relax and restored his sponsored by the makers of Nuprin "sabotage thinking" common re- laughing, "I must be crazy." confidence. Pain Reliever. actions to stressful situations that He was not crazy, just not think- Gaining control of your thinking To remind you how to be a peak work against rather than for you. ing clearly or realistically. Many of will help to turn desperation reac performance thinker, Kriegel and Two common types of sabotage us get that way under pressure. This tions into peak performance actions. the makers of Nuprin have devel- thinking are: "the gottas" and "the type of desperation thinking makes Learning this early in life will be in oped a "pocket coach" of tips for can'ts." us overreact and causes panic. The valuable in the future, because no combating pressure and pain. For a Let's look at the gottas and cure is to shift from irrational to ra- matter what you do or where you do free copy of the Nuprin Pain Relief methods to overcome them. tional thinking. Do a reality check. it, there's always going to be things Guide, write to Nuprin, P.O. Box The gottas usually occur when When you get the gottas take a deep you gotta do. 14160, Baltimore, MD 21268. you think you have too much to do breath, exhale slowly and ask your- could possibly happen?" and "How and too little time to do it: "I gotta self, "What is the worst thing that likely is that to happen?" The alarm sounds. "6 a.m. I've study for two exams .. . I gotta read really gotta hustle. I've gotta finish two chapters .. .1 gotta call financial that outline, talk to Professor Jones, aid about my loan .. . I gotta get a stop by the lab, read 100 pages for date for Friday night .. . " "I would rather have a newspaper without a my noon psych class and be at work The gottas make everything seem government, than a government without a newspaper." at 3 p.m." harder than it really is. You get into Thomas Jefferson Today's college campuses are the panic zone, rushing to get .it all pressure cookers. In fact, the Nuprin done. You walk too fast, talk too Pain Report, the first national study fast, think too fast, write too fast, on pain in America, documented eat too fast. You can't concentrate - • - - that more people 18-24 suffer from or think clearly. You make careless stress pain than any adult age mistakes, blank out on exams and group. forget things you already know. ACOA As I've toured the Country visiting E'Verything seems like a life or death college campuses, students tell me proposition. Lakeside Lutheran Church in Harrisburg the most common causes of their I was talking to a junior at U-C stress are: too much to do, too little Berkeley who had a bad case of the has announced the formation of an Adult time; exams; money; relationships; gottas about a forthcoming exam. interviews; family and career choices. "I gotta get an A," he said. I asked Children of Alcoholics group for Gay and So, get rid of stress. Right? Wrong. what would happen if he didn't. Lesbian individuals. The group meets Stress is neither good nor bad. "If I don't get an A, I won't keep Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. For more YOM KIPPUR information, contact Steve at 238-9089, Out-of-town Jewish students wishing to Colleen at 232-4391 or Joanne at 731-0857. observe . Yom Kippur (Sunday evening, October 8 and Monday, October 9, 1989) MANSION HOUSE Richards News with a local family at a local conservative, RESTAURANT & BAR Newspapers orthodox, reform or liberal temple can Wednesday Night Specials contact Dr. Ed Beck, Coordinator of Lunch Specials Magazines * Tobacco Counseling Services, Olmsted Building Phone 944-9288 Candy *PA Lottery4Bs SWATARA - 2, North Union Street W-117, Phone 948-6025 MIDDLETOWN Phone 944 - 9992 FOR. APPOINTMENT CALL / How rosAN Kuppy's Diner THE 717-948.0984 VI I) E€ 3 ,, Good Food NATURAL at a Reasonable Price 100 MOWN ST. Collectibles HAIRACY etc MIDDLSTOWN. 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