Sports Randy Owear warms up for match against Lancaster Bible. Batters manage despite odds By Angelo Vecchio The Capitol Campus baseball team, with an abbreviated roster, has managed an official record of four wins and six losses, although two of the wins resulted from a double-header forfeited by Valley Forge. The team won a double header against Lancaster Bible, but dropped twin bills to Saint Mary's and Eastern, and lost decisions to Allentown and Linclon. Coach Ron Melchiorre is operating with just twelve players, and he is concerned with the small number. "We have guys playing new positions. Outfielders who have It pays to be a student. Bring the coupon below to our store in the Olmsted Plaza and save 10 percent on ANYTHING in our 1984 Summer Values Catalog! Sofro this certigkine — :: : . . . les weitlilo% OW 131,11111000 of 'chirp/ill '' • . 1 0 % ;mews tram au Sift Summer Valuespasbm . Mtn May 1 , 1964. . 161 RC ' e4i4 OFF .. rarziz=zezat it , • .s. „ ...... —as sailor mei • • COMM Wind ==llllll.l- UNTIL WI 1. MG Montgomery Ward Capitol Times Thursday, April 19, 1984 Photo b J never played the outfield, and others in unfamiliar places. That's one problem. And if we get any injuries, we'll really be in trou ble," Melchiorre said. "The coach went on to give credit to the existing players. "I have nothing but praise for these guys. They're having a rough season, but they're staying with it, and playing to the best of their ability. If this program bounces back next year, to the level it was at last year, it will be thanks to the dedication' of the team. If it wasn't for their efforts in keeping the program alive, baseball at Capitol Campus would be finished." Netters eye By Angelo Vecchio With a current record of three wins and no losses, the Capitol Campus tennis team is in the midst of what could prove to be another outstanding season. The wins have come over Eastern Col lege (9-0), Philadelphia College of the Bible (9-0), and Lincoln (6-3). The team is coached by Frank Capprell, a student/player, who was named as N.A.I.A. District 19 Coach of the Year after only his first season at the helm. Last year, he took a team that went without a victory during the en tire 1982 season and improved them to the point where they lost just one regular season match in 'B3. Returning players include Cap prell, Panos Xynerios, and Randy Owcar. Owcar and partner John Nelson won doubles titles in con ference and district playoffs. EDUCATIONAL DISCOUNTS FOR TEACHERS. STUDENTS, & EDUCATIONAL STAFF MEMBERS Q_N. ALL KA Y PRO COMPUTERS THE COMPLETE COMPUTER FOR MORE INFORMATION STOP IN OR CALL THE CARLISLE COMPUTER STORE 134 N. HANOVER ST. CARLISLE,PA 17013 (717) 243-3922 WE ALSO HAVE CLASSES STARTING IN APRIL ON WORD PROCESSING ELECTRONIC SPREAD SHEETS DBASE II Elizabeth E. Geist Expert Typist For expertise in typing reports, term papers, manuscripts, resumes, etc. For appointment call: 948-0186 Will • ick u • and deliver. Page 15 district win Newcomers this year include Tim Frantz, Ghan Desai and John Thomas. Thomas, a basket ball player for Capitol, is a former high-school tennis player. Also, some women are training with the team this season, with an eye towards the playoffs. The women don't compete in the regular season matches, but they will be considered as part of the team when playoff time rolls around Capitol Campus home matches will be played at two locations this year--Harrisburg Area Com munity College and Middletown High School. According to Cap prell, "Our own courts are not adequate for competition." Capprell sums up the prospects for this season by saying, "I think we're going to do really well. We have a great opportunity to win our conference. I even think we have a strong possibility of winning districts.
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