News Capitol and By James Fitzroy The signing of an agreement to establish a cooperative education program between Capitol Campus and Marien N'gouabi University of the People's Republic of the Congo on April 4 was "an historical act," said Sylvain Makasso-Makasso, Rector of the Congolese institution. The program encompasses ex changes of faculty and graduate students, cooperative research projects, workshops, short courses and exchanges of periodicals and documents, according to Dr. Robert Simko, the campus' direc tor for the program. Simko said the Congolese are particularly interested in the areas of public administration and regional planning in addition to the American Studies program. The emphasis for Capitol's par ticipants will be African studies. "The interest of the Congolese in studying things American is unique," said Dr. John Patter son, Head of the Humanities divi sion. The Congo has, in the past, been influenced by the Soviet Union. "Students from the Congo will Best deals on wheels. It's the best deal around Raleigh quality. At a special low. price. Come in and see for your self. But hurry these prices won't last long. r / r 652.7760 Pedal Pushe. 3728 WALNUT(IBI 22)HARRISBURG When you know bicycles, you want Raleigh. Congo establish co-op probably begin to arrive for the fall semester," said Dr. Mihailo Dordevic, Professor of Humanities and Literature. Dordevic served as translator dur ing the ceremony and throughout the negotiations when the campus was involved. Acting Provost/Dean Stanley N. Miller, after introducing the various officials attendant at the ceremony, described the agree ment as "an auspicious agreement . . . that marks only the beginn ing . . . of a warm friendship and relationship that will benefit both parties." N'gouabi University at Braz zaville is named in memory of the late president of the Congo, who, according to Makasso-Makasso, "was the first person to open the RALEIW ® Capitol Times Thursday, April 19,1984 Quality used clothing for all ages Visit clearance rack- 1 / 2 price Congo to the United States, before his assassination. The late president wanted to facilitate the creation of a new university that would reflect the aspirations of the Congolese people." "The new president wants to continue this policy," he added. We hope to cooperate to reach the achievement of mutual goals." The exchange program, a first for Capitol Campus on an inter national scale, was three years in the making, according to Dr. W. La Mar Kopp, Deputy Vice Presi dent for International Programs at University Park, and required a complex series of negotiations. He expressed personal satisfaction at the consummation of the agreement while thanking the Karen Linta's Pass it On Shop 2159 W. Harrisburg Pike Middletown, Pa 17057 Phone 944-1052 Tender Aged Western Beef Lunch Meats and Cheese Fresh Sliced to Order **all joue olsat put "le &okay, Oa at ",az .4. Full variety in all departments Plus our famous In-store Bakery Middletown 101 South Union Street Hershey Union Deposit 731 Cherry Drive Union Deposit Mall Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. exchange Fox's Markets Visit Fox's Famous Deli *ea pi t 94•24(144 iet twat mot ewe% 944-7486 Page 10 United States Information Agency for its "invaluable help and coperation." The U.S.I.A. is fun ding the program. Dr. Kopp described the pro gram as "a joint effort to work on projects of common interest, concern and opportunity."
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