Newspaper Must Reflect C.C. Vitality, Lee Says ‘‘When most people move to a new place one of the first things they do is to grab a local paper,” A 1 Lee says. ‘‘That newspaper tells a lot about the life and vitality of the community. “Capitol Campus is a young and ex citing community. Your newspaper needs to capture and communicate that vitality.” Lee, the new assistant professor of print media in Humanities and C.C. I Carpet Remnant Sale S s 9 s \ 8 \ 6 9 3 12 x 4 $15.00 8 8 12 x 7 $25.00 8 l2 xlO $35.00 b | ///op*e. 1- 3 J Tri-State Bazaar B S* Olmstead Plaza 3 Middletown, PA 17057 3 3 9 HOURS: Thursday, Friday and H Saturday 1-8 p.m. Sunday: 1-5 p.m. H ““ j Reader advisor, stresses reflecting and serving readers. “If every issue of your paper doesn’t speak directly to you—if it doesn’t in form, entertain and stir you, then you should complain. Write letters to the editor. Join the newspaper yourself and change it.” Lee, who describes himself as “three weeks a teacher and 15 years a jour nalist,” has served many audiences. He has authored, a dozen mass-market books, written for 40 major magazines, and is former Editor of “American Youth Magazine,” and Department Editor for “Better Homes & Gardens.” He also has served as communications consultant to General Motors, Hilton Hotels, Bendix and others. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE: “Fortran IV with Watfor and Watfiv” by Cress/Dirksen/Graham. Brand new - for Compap first course. Never used, orig. $16.20 now $12.00. Call 944-4970 Wed. 11 to 3. BOOKS - BUS 380 Elementary Statistics $16.00. MGMT 310 Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior $15.00; Organizational Behavior: Readings & Exercises $B.OO. MGMT 360 Fundamen tals of Management $16.00 Quant 310 Ap plied Mathematics $16.00. 652-0757 eves., wkends. The school newspaper, according to Lee, needs far more participation and coverage of business and engineering life on campus to be truly responsive to its real audience. “Business and engineering students ought to be involved,” Lee says, “not just for the good of the paper and the school, but because it will help their careers.” Lee says his corporate experience has shown him that in every field, the better jobs and faster promotions come to those who are good communicators. “Your school paper,” he says, “is a tremendous chance to sharpen com munications skills or learn grass-roots advertising or just to get a feel for media. And if the paper really represents your community, it can be an exciting place.” $ PROFESSIONAL TYPING t + Term papers, resumes, ietters. { * Reasonable rates! * * * « Call Pat 564-8329 « * **********************4 JMM* KARATE & SELF DEFENSE CLASSES: Anyone interested in registering for Karate or Self Defense Classes, contact the Recreation/Athletics Office or call 948-6266. If the response is great enough, these classes will be held every Monday evening at 7:30 PM and 8:30 PM for 8 week periods in the gym. r ] cosmktics ®i WITH THIS CERTIFICATE $25.00 Value ( fio/tce/t/ i/t '//•tit 'firw COMPLIMENTARY FACIAL | PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY CONSULTANT I 35 East Main Street | Middletown, PA 17057 I- SEMESTER IN Cost is about the same as a semester in a U S college $3,189 Price includes jet round trip to Seville from New York. room, board, and tuition complete Government grants and loans available for eligible students •GINNER OR ADVANCED Live with a Spanish family, attend classes four hours a day, lour days a week, four months Earn 16 hrs of credit (equivalent to 4 semesters taught m U S colleges .over a two year time span) Your Spanish studies will be enhanced by opportunities not available in a U S class 2442 E. Collier S.E., room Standardized tests show our students language skills superior to sludenls completing two yeat programs in U S Advanced courses Grand RapidS, Michigan 49506 also ’ * Hurry, it takes a lot ot time to make all arrangements. SPRING SEMESTER Feb 1 • June 1 1 FALL SEMESTER Sept. 10 Dec 22 each year. FULLY ACCREDITED • A program ol Trinity Christian College. (^Mc^ieown (A Program of Trinity Christian College) EARN at least $BO.OO per month. Donate plasma at sera-tec biologicals, 260 Reily St., Harrisburg. Open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 to 7:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 to 4:00 p.m. Call for an appointment, 232-1901. (717) 944-3730 SPAIN For full information—write to:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers