Arts By Marsha Larsen ART/EXHIBITIONS to 1 2 / 2 4 Illustrations from the Golden Age, Art Assn. of Har risburg Gallery, Mon.-Fri. 9-4, Sat. 10-3. to 1 2 / 2 8 Annual Arts & Crafts Exhibit AND Inmate Art from the Penna. State Correctional Institution, Doshi Center for Contem porary Art, Mon.-Fri. 11-4. to 1 2 / 3 1 The U.S.S. Pennsylvania and Her Silver; Chair, Chest and Table; AND The Lure and Lore of Fishing; Wm. Penn Museum, Tue.-Sat. 9-5, Sun. 12-5. to 12/31 Bruce Johnson: Holland Works, Gallery Four Forty Four (Annville). to 1/5 Mixed Media Exhibit, Wm. Ris Galleries (Camp Hill), Mon.-Sat. 10-5. to 1/9 Christmas: An Ethnic Experience, Wm. Penn Museum. FILMS 12/10 My Brilliant Career (Australian drama), HACC, Bpm, Free. 12/28 Treasure Island (Children's), Wm. Penn Museum, Ipm, $l. 12/29 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Children's), Wm. Penn Museum, Ipm, $l. 12/30 March of the Wooden Soldiers AND BAMBI (Children's), Wm. Penn Museum, Ipm, $l. THEATRE 1 2 / 1 1 Fred Waring Show, Hershey Theatre, B:lspm, Tickets: 534-3405 MUSIC 12/14 Harrisburg Symphony: Words and Music, HACC, Bpm. Tickets: 780-2545. 12/18 Debby McCiatchy, Folksinger, HACC, Bpm, $3-$2 senior citizens, HACC students-$1 children. r ... 7 . 4 . 7nrT71 1 1M 1 2 / 1 0-11 and 17-18 Victorian Manor Candlelight Tours, Mt. Hope Estate & Winery (Manheim), 5-B:3opm, $3. 1 2 / 1 1 Hmong Craft Demonstration, Wm. Penn Museum, 1 & 2:3opm. Russian Storytelling, Wm. Penn Museum, 1:45 & 3:lspm. 1 2 / 1 2 Longwood Gardens Christmas Tour; lv. Zooamerica (Hershey) 9am, ret. spm; $l5 (includes transportation and en trance fee). Info.: 534-3860. Lithuanian Storytelling, Wm. Penn Museum, 1:45 & 4pm. 1 2 / 1 8 Life in a Cave, Zooamerica ( + spelunking in Mifflin Coun ty), $lO. Info.: 534-3860. Ukrainian St. Nicholas Play, Wm. Penn Museum, 1:45 & 3:lspm. 1 2 / 1 9 Festival of Food & Light, Hotel Hershey, 6pm, $18.75-$9.50 children. Info.: 533-2171, ext. 1. Traditional Chinese Papercutting (demonstration), Wm. Penn Museum, 1 & 2:30)m. Traditional Polish Papercutting (demonstration), Wm. Penn Museum, 1:45 & 3:lspm 1 2 / 2 3-1/2 Walt Disney's Great Ice Odyssey, Spectrum, $5-$7.50-8.50-9.50. Tickets at Ticketron. to 1/2 The Star of Bethlehem (planetarium show), Wm. Penn Museum, Sat. & Sun. 1:30 & 3pm, Free. Guess what... You CAN get pregnant the first time. TRI - COUNTY 4-0-11-14-1 PLANNED PARENTHOOD 234-2468 1910 North Second Street, Harrisburg. Pa. 944-1421 #4 Highspire Plaza, Middletown. Pa Events News from One of the purposes of the student newspaper is to provide a forum for student creativity. In past issues we have shared student poetry with our readers. Not only are these pieces shared with you now but all submissions will be con sidered for inclusion in TAR NHELM, the Capitol Campus Literary Magazine to be published in the spring. Contributions for this column BORDERS There exists at every borderline, several kilometers deep into each country, an edge too far from the core, too near another land to acquire a native characteristic. The border describes less a distinct line between two nations than a transition between cultures, the people there having a neutral look and never wholly a part of either country they live astride. They speak a mongrel tongue according to the direction of journeyers who stop always only long enough to transact the small necessities of travel. When I crossed the Iberian border, I set my watch to the hour just travelled and imagined I could suspend my life first spent in Spain, repeated in Portugal. Delayed at this edge by thoughts of an infinite life uncommitted, I chose to penetrate the country's heart where, I had heard, peasants garland their oxen and take them for walks on Sundays in the way of the Portugese. Carpet Remnant Sale ?c 3 rdt arVer uomoobial and ua-ewe:t MOORE'S CARPET " tfi. &eon '4 dale ' TRI- STATE BAZAAR HOURS: OLMSTEAD PLAZA Thurs., Fri., MIDDLETOWN, Sat.: 1-8 pm PA 17057 Sun.: 1-5 Phone 944-4304 Welcome PSU students the muse or for TARNHELM can be given in W-129 or in our mailbox in the SGA offices, W-110. This month we are featuring the poems of M. Lane Larsen, humanities junior and regular editorial contributor to this paper. M. Lane Larsen Page 1 Pat Wenger, Edit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers