M.P.A. Fellowships Offered Applications are being accepted for three tuition plus stipend one-year fellowships that will be available this fall to selected full-time students in the Penn State Capitol Campus Master of Public Administration (MPA) program. The fellowships include full-tuition for in-state students or threeiwuters of the tuition for out-of-state students, plus a stipend of up to $4,500, depending upon the recipient's financial need, according to Dr. Christopher K. McKenna, head of Capitol's division of Public Affairs. Made available by the federal Depirt ment of Education under its Public Ser vice Fellowship Program, the fellowships are designed to assist in dividuals who plan to pursue a career in public service. This marks the fourth time Capitol Campus has received Public Service Fellowship support from the Department of Education. Applicants for the fellowship must hold a bachelor's degree and must plan to work in government or in a public ser vice field, Dr. McKenna said. Applicants also should have an undergraduate g'ade-point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The application deadline is August 1. Capitol's MPA program, which is ap proved by the National Association of schools of Public Affairs and Adminifitra tion, is designed to prepare persons for entry into leadership and management positions in local and state government or in intergovernmental relations. Courses of study focus on problem solv ing approaches, management theory, human behavior in organizations, public policy processes, quantitative research, public economics, program analysis and evaluation, budgeting, personnel management and legal and social aspects of public service. ******* Art GARY J. CROSSLEY, another young the Professional Photographers of by Carrie Thomas of the Art Association photographer fairly new to the liar- America, and the Rochester Institute of of Harrisburg. risburg exhibit circuit, also received a Technology Photographic. Society. Bachelor of Science Degree from REGINA SUSSKIND studied Four photographers will exhibit their Rochester Institute of Technology in New photography at the School for Art and work at the Art Association of Har- York. He also holds an Associate Degree design, Bern, and later worked for risburg, 21 North Front Street, from from Harrisburg Area Community Col- master photographers in her native land, August 8 through 28, opening with a lege in Photographic Technology. Cur- Switzerland. Her work has been ex public reception from Ito 4 P.M. Sunday, rently employed as a free lance hibited in Switzerland and the U.S. the Bth. ROBERT K. BAYLOR, GARY J. photographer with Bryson Leidich Susskind won a creative darkroom CROSSLEY, PHILLIP HEIMER, AND Photography in Harrisburg, Crossley award from the Women in the Arts REGINA SUSKIND comprise the specializes in his commission work in ar- Celebration, and has held a one-person photographers in this, the second all- chitecture, advertising, commercial and show at Lebanon Valley College. Having photography exhibition held at AAH. industrial illustration. He also does work taught photography at Penn State ROBERT BAYLOR, of Harrisburg, in executive portraiture, multi-media Capitol Campus, Susskind has had her received his Bachelor of Science in presentations, public relations, aerial photographs published in numerous jour- Photography from the Rochester In- and legal photography. In contrast to his nals and books. stitute of Technology in 1981, wits an em- commercial photography, Crossley PHILLIP HEIMER is employed by phasis on advertising illustration and strives to use a lot of light in his compost- Walker's Art and Framing, where his conceptual photography. In June, 1982, tion to achieve a specific mood in his fine photos have been on display on be participated in Camera Arts, LTD, a art work. He has been involved in numerous occasions. group show held in Lancaster, Pa. His photography for twelve years, originally The exhibition continues through current work includes hand-tinted mixed becoming involved through a scientific August 28 with gallery hours of 9 A.M. to media, black-and-white, multi-image basis...now he leans towards imagery 4 P.M. Monday through Friday. The Art material, and colour prints. Baylor is and feeling in depicting his subjects. Association of Harrisburg is located emplyed by BAT Photographic Illustra- Crossley is a member of the Central Pen- directly across from Riverfront Park, at lions in Lancaster. nsylvania Photographers Association, 21 North Front St. In addition to course work, a nine month internship or field study is re- The 1982 Summer Festival of Arts quired of all full-time MPA students, Dr. series at Mount Hope Estate and Winery McKenna said. Internships are arranged continues through August with a wide with area municipal governments, state agencies and social service organiza- variety of entertainment and festivities. The month gets off to a foot-stompin' tions. Currently, All Capitol MPA musical start with a Bluegrass Weekend students are paid for the work done dur- July 31 and August 1. Saturday's concert ing their internships, Dr. McKenna is by Harrisburg's Grass Express and noted. Sunday will feature Lancaster's own Graduates of Capitol's MPA program Temperance Hill Station. are employed in a variety of positions, A special feature of the weekend will which inlcudes state officials, city be a performance by Feet First, a profes managers, urban administrators, pro- sional dance troupe specializing in gram and policy analysts, and hospital American Appalachian clogging. Clogg administrators. ing is a variety of lively dance generally For additional information about the performed to the accompaniment of fellowships and Capitol's MPA program, traditional folk music played on fiddles, contact Dr. Christopher K. McKenna, guitars, bass fiddles and hammer Public Affairs Division, Penn State dulcimers. Capitol Campus, Middletown, PA, 17057; August 7 and Bis a Jazz weekend with phone (717) 948-6050. , music by the Nexus Jazz Ensemble on 1 King and I at Allenbeny The Rodgers and Hammerstein 'musical, "The King and I," with all its (warmth and romance, is brought to life kon the stage of the Allenberry Playhouse, 'Boiling Springs, from July 13 through 'August 8. Many favorite musical numbers, such gas, "Getting To Know You," "Whistle A 'Happy Tune," "Hello Young Lovers," I"We Kiss In The Shadows," and "Shall IWe Dance?" highlight this touching and I amusing story of the struggle of an !English Governess to bring the learning Viand ways of the West to the children of a King of Siam. 1 For ticket information or reservations, !call the Allenberry Box Office at (717) 1258-6120. I kftFORMANCE SCHEDULE Tuesday thru Saturday evenings 8:30 :Wednesday and Saturday matinees 2:00 !Sunday matinees 3:00 !For ticket and dinner reservations please Wall (717)2584120. Association of Harrisburg Features Photography NEWS YOU CAN US Hope Estate & Winery 4.4 Lists Spectacular ** Saturday and Third Stream on Sunday. A special feature of the weekend will be cooking with wine demonstrations by the Winery's own Keith McNally. Samples and recipes will be provided. Classical Sounds Weekend will be held August 14 and 15. On Saturday, the Sus quehana Quartet will perform light chamber and classical music in the Mount Hope gazebo from 1:30 to 4:30 P.M. On Sunday, the Hershey Symphony Orchestra will make a very special per formance in the Victorian Mount Hope Gardens. An added feature of the after noon will be the beautiful singing of the Susquehana Chorale and the delightful violin music of the Suzuki children, who Summer Movies on Campus The Student Government Association Aug. 5,6, My Bodyguard presents Summer Movies at Capitol Aug. 12, 13 Ten ("10") Campus. The final three flicks will be Even if you only have an hour fo shown Thursdays, 12 noon in the lunch, you can still see the whole movi Auditorium and 7:30 p.m. in the Student by watching the first half on Thursday Center, and Fridays at 11:30 a.m. in the and the rest on Friday! Auditorium. All movies are FREE and open to - July 30 North Dallas Forty public. learn the classical instruments by' mimicking their instructors. August 21 and 22 brings back the music ! of the rock 'n' roll years with the 50's1 Oldies But Goodies Weekend. Music wills be provided both days by Beßop Butch' and the Boogie Woogie Four. Special' weekend features include antique cars,' prizes for the best 50's outfits, Hula Hoop,' trivia and Jitterbug contests and much: more. I August comes to a nostalgic close with ! the Big Band 40's Weekend on August 281 and 29. Saturday afternoon's music wills be provided by the Frankie Widderl Group and Sunday will present the big' band music of Third Stream and Friends, I one of central Pennsylvania's most' popular bands. A special weekend: feature will be cooking with wine ' demonstrations both days. The public is invited to bring along' their blankets or lawn chairs and picks their favorite shaded spot in the Mountl Hope gardens to enjoy the festivities.' During August anyone attending in an' antique car is admitted to the pounds', free of charge. I Mount Hope Estate and Winery is ! located 5 miles North of Manheim on' Route 72, ifs mile South of Exit 20 of thee PA Turnpike. Winetasting tours of the! Mount Hope Mansion are conducted from I 10:00 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Monday I through Saturday and from 12:00 Noon' until 4:30 P.M. on Sunday. A two dollar: admission to the grounds is in effect on Festival weekends only. Credit Where Credit is Due Oops! In the haste and insecurity of our staff working on our June edition, we forgot to credit Sally Ryan for the Capitol Crosswords she contributed and to Phil Intrieri for his pictures of the Rites of Spring. Classified' Students may submit one FREE 30 word Classified in each issue. Bring your Classifieds to W-129. AIL 4-*******
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