C.C. Reader The Coac Time For A Change I've got to say this while I'm still burning hot. We must put an end to the baseball managers who consistently adhere to the so-called "baseball book." Managers who refuse to mix up baseball strategy should be fired. Billy Martin is the only major league manager who does the unexpected in many basic situations. It's too bad he's a jerk. He creates, he makes the other team make mistakes. In addition to winning, it's also exciting baseball. I've written this article prior to the final game of the World Series. I'm a Yankee fan. I haven't given up hope, yet. On one hand, I hope they win it all. But, on the other, if they lose Uncle George will make some changes. Changes that need to be made. What really burns me up is the predictable, unexciting, unimaginative way that the Yankees play. The Yankees and many other teams refuse to bunt when it's not expected, refuse to hit and run, and this results in your basic, predictable, boring wait for the big inning. And another thing: if ABC has a statistic that shows Ron Guidry with a 10.94 ERA in the final three innings of his games, why doesn't Bob Lemon? Earl Weaver would have known. Win or lose, it's time for a change. The Nittany Lions looked good against WVU last Saturday. Curt Warner and Chet Barlevecchio missed the game because of injuries. Looks like they may be pretty deep this year, the mark of a truly fine team. The big tests will come when they play Miami, ND, Alabama, and Pitt. I don't think they can do it. If it comes to Todd Blackledge versus Dan Marino, I've got to go with the Heisman candidate, Dan Marino. Yes, it's true. Joe Garagiola and Tony Kubek are the worst. Some may say that Howard is the pits, but no way. Howard does tell it like it is, whether you like it or not. Howard does not alibi for professional ballplayers the way Joe and Tony do. Joe and Tony constantly make excuses for players who really don't need excuses made for them. Players are going to make errors, they will always make them. Why don't they say, "Well, Tony, he just blew that one." We don't need to hear alibis made for professional ballplayers, especially made by two mediocre ex-ballplayers, Hockey has got to change. The game has gotten out of hand. It all started with the ultimate "goon" David Schultz. He derevolutionized the game of hockey. He set hockey back years instead of improving it. Now, each NHL team has at least one or two animals on it, and the minor league teams have five or six on a team. Each year penalty minutes have risen higher and higher. Most of the penalty minutes result from major penalties like fighting, misconducts, and game misconducts. How can we change the game? Should we change the game? Should we develop stronger rules or stronger referees? Should the league president, John Zeigler, put his foot down or look the other way as he has done in the past? Why do people go to hockey games? I believe that most hockey fans love to see the fights, blood, more blood, and more fights. Are we really civilized? Is a hockey game in 1981 that much different than the contests that took place in the Roman Coliseum? Most hockey fans simply receive satisfaction from watching between two and twelve men brawl in an enclosed arena. Something has got to be done. There are some crazy things going on in the world of sports. There are a lot of people running around the United States thinking that they're athletes, when the activity that they are involved in is nothing more than a game. These activities and participants should not be labeled sports and athletes. I think you know who you are. Bowling: Come on, you can't tell me that an activity like bowling is an athletic contest. No way! Go to a bowling alley some time and check out those so-called athletes. Horse Racing: If you're short, weigh only 90 pounds, and are crooked, you're a jockey. Some athlete. Race Car Driver: Granted, your reflexes must be finely tuned, and you have to either have a lot of courage or be crazy to drive a car 150 mph. But, that doesn't make you an athlete or a participant in a sport. That's it for another week, sports fans. If you have anything to say, drop me a line. Address it to the Coach, c/o C.C. Reader. The Lions Look Good Joe And Tony Stink! It Has Got To Change So-Called Sports Thursday, October 29, 1981 The Association of Accountjng Students is sponsoring a series of presentations by prominent business leaders. Mr. Richard A. Zimmerman, the President and Chief Operating Officer of the Hershey Foods Corporation, was the first speaker in this series. Pictured above, from left to right, are Mark Wolf, Treasurer of the Association of Accounting Students; Bob Bible, Vice-President; Mr. Zimmerman; Dr. Theodore L. Gross, Provost and Dean of Capitol Campus; Dennis J. Foltz, President of the Association; and Charles Kern, CPA, Advisor for the club. k...from Page, one After the top three finishers, 15 bother diehard autos completed the %specially designed rallye before the stroke of midnight, and all the faces at the post-rallye celebration at the Stu kdent Center seemed to reflect either i%pleasure due to finishing or relief from getting off the road. Finally, the Half-Fast Award was presented to those fortunate souls who scored 200 points below the highest Many sell under $200! Call 312-742-1143, Ext. 3501 for information on how to purchase. College Football's Best Five Dallas 24 Philadelphia 17 Jets 35 Giants 28 S.F. 27 Pittsburgh 26 ate. / ,e 4041 Mr. Zimmerman made his presentation on October 15 in the Gallery Lounge. Photo By Daun Kauffman SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, and TRUCKS available. 1. P.S.U. 6-0 2. Pitt 6-0 3. U.S.C. 6-1 4. Alabama 6-1-1 5. Michigan 5-2 Pro Football Picks ,l / total. Those two prize trophies of the knowledgeable part of a donkey, mount ed on fine imitation plastic marble, were presented to Fil Ochoco and Tom Dario, who survived the struggle for the prestigious award. The success of this term's Road Rallye will no doubt lead to a much better one during the Rites of Spring. What's next--an overnight stay in the L L & M Motel? Page 3
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