C. Reader Committee shall meet at least once between meetings of the Student Senate acting as a steering committee preparing all agendas. Section 2. President's Council Membership: Vice President of the Student Government Association and the Presidents of all chartered student organizations or their alter nates. The Vice President shall be chairperson. The President's Council shall assist chartered organizations sponsored and funded by the Senate in planning and coordinating their activities. Duties: Section 3. Finance Committee Membership: Four students. Three members shall be seniors. The President of Student Government Association may designate an additional member from the Junior Senate after the Fall elections. The chairperson shall be the Treasurer of the Student Government Association. The Finance Committee shall: 1) Prepare an annual budget for the allocation of the Student Activity Fund to be presented to the Senate for adoption in the second week of the Fall term. Duties: 2) Make recommendations to the Senate on all requests for funds other than those previously budgeted. 3) Make recommendations to the Senate for the assessment of student activity fees. 4) Make a review of the student activity fund at the end of each term and to make recommendations to the Senate for changes caused by the addition, deletion, inactivity of particular organizations. . Election/3ereening Committee Section 4 Membership: Six students. Four members shall be seniors and two shall be juniors. The President of the Student Government Association may designate an additional member. The chairperson shall be a Senior Senator. The Election/Screening Committee shall review all candidates for general and special elections and committee selections, verify the authenticity of all candidates for office and membership on commit tees, shall conduct the electorial process, tabulate its results, and issue notices of results of elections to the student body within one day after the closing of the polls. The Election/Screening Commit tee shall also serve as a screening committee for vacancies within the Senate, for membership to the Student Court (Standards Board), and Appeals and Hearing Board, and for the appointment of an advisor. All references to the screening committee or the court screening committee will be referred to this committee. It shall also formulate guidelines and procedures for the conduct of election campaigns. Duties Charter Review Committee Section 5 Membership: Six students. Three members shall be seniors and three shall be juniors. The President of the Student Government Association may designate an additional member. The chairperson shall be a Senior Senator. Duties: The Charter Review Committee shall review all applications for student organization charters. They shall recommend to the Senate for acceptance or rejection of all applications. They shall monitor all organizations and recommend.to the Senate if charter shall be re voked for any reason it deems justifiable. ARTICLE XII STUDENT REPRESENTATION ON FACULTY ORGANIZA TION COMMITTEES Section 1. Designated Positions The Faculty Organization of Capitol Campus has designated positions for student representation/membership on Faculty Organization Committees. The committees and number of positions are as follows: 1) Committee on Academic Affairs (two students) 2) Committee on Academic Admissions Standards (two students) 3) Committee on Student Affairs (SGA President, two students) 4) Committee on Academic and Athletic Standards, Awards and Scholarships (two students) 5) Committee on Bookstore Activities (one student) 6) Committee on Community Contacts (one student) Thursday, April 16, 1981 7) Committee on Computer Facilities (one student) 8) Committee on the Library (two students) '9) Committee on Physical Plant (one student) 10) Faculty Council (three students) ARTICLE XIII STUDENT COURT The Student Court shall be a. distinct and separate student organization from the Student Government Association, and is charged by the constitution of the Student Court. The SGA shall refer any and all constitutional questions to the Student Court whose decisions shall be final. No member of the SGA Senate may be a member of the court. ARTICLE XIV IMPEACHMENT Section 1. Cause of Impeachment The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Student Government Association shall be subject to impeachment if, during the exercise of their office, they shall infringe upon the constitution or the laws of the student body. Section 2. Method of Impeachment A petition for impeachment may be initiated by any member of the student body and, if supported by a simple majority of the Senate, shall have the force of an indictment. In that case, the Senate, presided over by the Chief Justice of the Student Court (Standards Board), shall try the impeachment case. Section 3. Indictment If the indictment is supported by a two-thirds majority of the Senate, it shall become binding. Section 4. Advisor The advisor of the Student Government Association shall be present at all impeachment proceedings. ARTICLE XV RESIDENT LIVING Section 1. Resident Assistants Jurisdiction This constitution acknowledges the right of the Administration of the Capitol Campus of the Pennsylvania State University to exercise its authority through the agency of Resident Assistants. Designation The Student Government Association shall act in an advisory capacity through the Meade Heights Board of Governors and the Resident Student Council in matters pertaining to the designation of Resident Assistants. Section 2. Resident Government Meade Heights, the Residence Halls, and the University Apartments shall form their own governing body with a self-governing constitution established under the SGA constitutional guidelines. ARTICLE XVI CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS Section 1. Charters All bonafide clubs or organizations which might at any time wish to establish themselves in the midst of the Penn State Capitol Campus must secure a charter from the Senate. No club or organization shall be chartered which shall not conform to the "Policies and Rules for Students" handbook of the Penn State Capitol Campus for that respective year. Section 2. Procedures for Registration An organization must submit 10 copies of its proposed constitution (including a statement of purpose and membership qualifications), a list of offices, and the name of the advisor to the SGA. The organization requesting recognition must have and maintain a minimum of 12 students. In order to be brought before the senate, the organization must request (in writing) a senator to propose the matter to the senate. The proposal must bear the signatures of at least two other senators and 20 students that support the organization. Section 3. Charter Revision All charters issued by the Senate shall be subject to revision each term or as often and in such manner as the Senate shall deem necessary. Section 4. Right to Revoke The Senate reserves the right to revoke the charter if any organization which shall not be (at any time) in accordance with the principles and regulations established by the Constitution of the Student Government Association. Page 9
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