Page 8 ARTICLE VI LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Section 1. The Student Senate All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Student Senate of the Penn State Capitol Campus, hereinafter referred to as "The Senate." Section 2. Student Representation Each of the academic divisions, both graduate and undergraduate, at the Penn State Capitol Campus shall be entitled to representation in the Senate as follows: Undergraduate Representation one senator in each of the senior and junior classes, per academic division, and one senator-at-large for every two hundred students in their respective academic year. Graduate Representation one senator for every two hundred full-time equivalent students in the graduate programs. Section 3. Election of Members The election for the positions of Senior Senators and Officers shall be held the 3rd Tuesday of April. The election of Junior Senators shall be held the 3rd Tuesday of October. The term of office for Senior and Graduate Senators shall run from the Spring election until the end of the following spring term. The term for Junior Senators shall run from the fall election to the Spring Elections. A candidate.may only run for one position. • Section 4. Rules The Senate shau abide by parliamentary law as stated in Robert's Shortened Rules of Order (latest edition), except as contained in the bylaws of this constitution or as deemed by the President. Section 5. Vacancies Vacancies incurred shall be filled by the appointment of the President with a twathird vote of the Senate. Section 6. Powers of the Senate The Senate shall have the power to: Enact or revise the laws of the Student Government Association, advise and consent to the President the creation of standing committees, the appointment of chairpeople of these committees, conduct all other business which may appropriately be referred to it, and approve any appointment for vacancies, made by the President. (See by-laws) Section 7. Interim Senate In the period from the Spring elections until the Fall elections inauguration of the Senate, the Senate shall be called the Interim Senate and shall consist of all remaining Junior Senators and newly elected Senior Senators. The Senate shall have all the powers accorded to the regular Senate. A quorum of all Senators except those who graduated is needed to pass any appropriations or legislation. Section 8. Floor Privileges Floor privileges are restricted to the Senators and Officers of the SGA. Members of the Student Affairs Staff and the Chief Justice may have floor privileges with presidential permission. Visitors only have floor privileges at the request of the SGA as a whole ( 2 / 3 majority) and the request must be made one week prior to the mmeting at which the respective visitor is to speak. No blanket vote on all visitors is allowed. The speaker will be put on the Agenda and introduced to the SGA by a sponsoring Officer or Senator. ARTICLE VII QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICERS AND SENATORS Section 1. General Qualifications for Student Government Association Officers and Senators Candidates for all offices must meet stated qualifications. All candidates for executive offices and the senate must be registered full-time undergraduate students for the Fall, Winter, and Spring term of his/her term of office and must be present at Capitol Campus to perform their duties. No candidate may hold more than one elected office in the same body. Academic or disciplinary probation shall_ prevent any student from seeking and/or holding office. Section 2. Required Cumulative Average To seek and hold a position, all candidates for office positions and senate positions must have and maintain a cumulative average of at least 2.00. A cumulative average below a 2.00 shall result in probation by the Student Government Association for one term. If after this probation term, said individual's cumulative average is not a 2.00 or better, he/she shall be dismissed from office. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL ELECTIONS Section 1. Schedule for Elections The election of the Student Government Association officers and Senior Senators shall take place between and including the first through fourthweek of the Spring term. The election of Junior Senators shall be held during the month of October. All special elections shall be held on a date designated by the President of SGA, based on recommendations by the Senate. All elected senior officers and Thursday, April 16, 1981 Senators shall assume office on the meeting following the election. Juniors shall assume office on the next scheduled SGA meeting following the elections. Section 2. Election Procedures The President of the Student Government Association shall send notice to the Election/Screening Committee, which will then post notices of the forthcoming election. No candidate shall have the right to electioneer within a 20 foot radius of the poll. (This includes campaign posters) • Candidates are not permitted to run on a party ticket, but they may have affiliations with other candidates. (i.e., no straight party tickets may appear on the ballots) Candidate's names shall appear in alphabetical order on the ballot. The officers ballot shall be considered seperate from the senators' ballot even though it may appear on the same sheet of paper. As part of the senators ballot, there shall be a section in which the voter's major must be filled in to make the senators' ballot legal. A voter is slowed two votes on the senate ballot. If two votes are cast, one must be in the voter's major. If only one vote is cast, it need not be in their major. Any person working at the poll must be a member of the election screening committee or be approved by the committee. Candidates are not permitted to work at the poll. The Chief Justice shall be present at the counting of the ballots. The Chief Justice shall decide which ballots are valid. There shall be no unofficial recount of the ballots. Ballots will be kept by the chairperson of the Election Screening Committee for three months. Request for an official recount must be made within one week after the election. A candidate must either have seven votes or 10% of the votes of the students in their respective curriculum to be accepted as a senator. ARTICLE IX OATHS OF OFFICE Section 1. Oath for Elective Officers and Senators The following Oath of Office, which shall be considered as the only official inauguration by any elected officer or senator in the Student Government Association, shall be administered by the Chief Justice of the Student Court (Standards Board) or a duly appointed representative: "I do swear (or affirm) that I shall fulfill the duties of the office with which I have been invested by the Student Body of the Penn State Capitol Campus to the best of my abilities and that, as the holder of such office, I shall do my best to uphold the principles of the Penn State Capitol Campus and the interests of its Student Government." ARTICLE X COMMITTEES Section 1. Eligibility Any undergraduate or graduate student shall be eligible for membership on all standing or ad hoc committees. Section 2. Chairperson Standing Committee Chairpeople shall be appointed by the committee members, with the advise and consent of the President. Chairpersons of ad hoc committees may be announced at the discretion of the appointing authority. All chairpersons shall present a report to the Senate at each meeting. Section 3. Term of Office Ad hoc committees shall serve until their responsibilities are discharged or their services terminated by the appointing authority. Standing committee members shall serve for one academic year. Senior appointments shall be made to Standing Committees when the new executive officers take office. Junior appointments to Standing Committees shall be made in the fourth week of the Fall term. Section 4. Establishment of Ad Hoc Committees Ad Hoc Committees may be established by the action of the Senate or by Presidential appointment. The function, composition, and duration of such committees shall be specified in the act creating them. ARTICLE XI COMPOSITION AND FUNCTIONS OF SGA STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1. Executive Committee The Executive Committee of the Student Senate shall consist of the elected executive officers. The President shall serve as Chairperson. The Executive C.C. Reader
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