C.C. Reader Letters to The Editor Wumke Grieves Editor: I'm hurt. I'm shocked. I'm starting to get angry. Some man-no, some animal some animal just shot MY president. Mine and yours. And I'm powerless to do a damn thing about it! President Ronald Reagan has just come out of surgery as I start this letter. Some will have us believe that strict handgun control will help to prevent such shootings in the future. But I don't think that will work. It hasn't in the past. Others will say stiffer and mandatory sentencing for such crimes is in order. But that hasn't stopped assassins in the past. I don't know what the answer is.' Maybe no one does. Maybe we should all just say a few more prayers than we do now. Right now, I can only thank God that it appears the leader of our nation is going to be alright. I also sincerely hope the other three men who were wounded will soon recover. To write about anything else right now would be completely inappropriate. So with our country, all the way, I remain LEONARD WUMKE Speaker at the TMI Rally hi Harrisburg READER Photo by Harry H. Moyer Bye-Bye HACC Editor: We would like to thank Dr. South and Bud Smitley for giving their undivided attention to a persisting problem con cerning the use of the basketball court in the Multi-Purpose Building on week ends. It was previously stated in the C.C. Reader that HACC students and other students from the Middletown area were monopolizing the basketball court on weekends; consequently, access to the court for Penn State students was impeded. ' Hats off to Dr. South and Bud Smitley for resolving the problem. En forcing the presentation of identification cards has assured accessibility to the facilities for Penn State students. Also, a security guard has been assigned to the building on weekends to maintain ade quate security measures. Many students have expressed their appreciation and we would like to ex press OUTS Thursday, April 2, 1981 c Question... - Deer Dave and Bill? Tanks for da apace in your columm? It two bad dat your byassed against da engineers? You Caret be perfect, eh? Mr. Fed Up H senses like a reel smart fella? Me just wanted two tell him dat he"s tops on my list? Oh yeh—Me wanted too say dat me don't hay a pen name? JR is me nickname? Ask any intelligible person in Risberg Hall? Me would like 2 congradulate the infamous Mark Phillips, an engineer two (speld rong) too da end? Good project (dors job in engineering lingo)? Hay Fed Up H, U still didn't answer me question from last edition? But, dors O.K. cause me tink me no how hard it be two pry dat diktionary of you face? Me condolences too ya Fed Up 11, it tuff havin 8 kredits after droppin Fin ance (Tanks Mark)? I fink da answer two me question from last time (How come business students have so much time to worry about what engineers do?) is dat day hay 8 kredits 2 da engineers 12? Me question dig time, Bill and Dave, is how much duz a diktionary righter make (answer you self, if you no)? Da reazon me want two no is dat me want too no dat me pal, Fed Up 11, - will someday get a good project (dat*B job in engineer lingo, ya no)? Also, I tink me figured out how to use da question mark? Mike Kashishian Paul Buber P.S.-Me really learning from you, Fed Up 11, Dat good acceptible language is all important? Cause wit out it, you redly duet B able 2 say what you redly mean? Tanks again and me hope dat U don"t tink dat me a zombie cause me really put you up on de pedistal? Hope too here from you again (and me tink you mite) cause you got sum personnelity, guy? Dear JR, Congratulations! You have finally mastered (?) the art of question marking. Keep adhering to our profound advice, Mr. Ewing, and we'll make another Hemingway out of you, yet. In response to your question, Mr.. Ewing, a dictionary writer can expect to make about 30 copies per working day. But not to worry, since it is evident to us that you will never enter the profession. Please note that we answered this letter ourselves, Mr. Ewing, since it is obvious that you wrote it yourself. Either that, or you were helped by a few of your equally talented fellow engin eers. Dear Bill and Dave, Did you two guys found April Fools Day? Dear Foolish, No, we did not found April Fools Day. Your parents took care of that the day you were born. Dear Rob, In 1937, Mr. Thurston G. Contac Gentlemen: invented a medicine which the public I enjoy your column very much, almost as much as drinking prune juice , thought was a cure for the common cold. Explain to me why we Humanities Its consumption skyrocketed as people everywhere bought it; Mr. Contac had dition discovered a cold mine. ai____lltudeni..ta_all_nmPired_ of wir-tt-"....5it laulmeoursesau:7l37.—irin7iirni; more ' k 7.._ Rather than giving your cold to this ""'"' millionaire, please send it to us; our we entered with? Earl J. Humanities refrigerator is on the blink. A Stupid By Bill Neil And Dave Caruso Dear Mr. Humanities, You asked us to explain why a student must "sit through ' three terms of Western Tradition courses. You are wrong, prune juice breath. Humanities students are not required to sit-through anything. They may stand, if they see fit. However, we advise you against this inconsiderate practice. You see, when you inevitably fall asleep, the awful sound of your thick skull bouncing off the radiator will rouse everyone else from their well-deserved slumber. Thank tou for your letter, we enjoyed it almost as much as the Poles enjoy dodging Soviet tanks on their way to the picket lines. Gentlemen: Why do people brush their teeth in the morning before they eat breakfast? Student with no name Dear Student with no name, Because they eat breakfast after they brush their teeth. Dear Sirs, What effect does eating a lot of bologna sandwiches and drinking coffee have on one's health? Dear C.A., The FDA has conducted stringent tests on laboratory animals concerning your very question. Their findings: of 3,500 white mice that were kept on a steady diet of bologna sandwiches and coffee, over a three-month period, 3,499 perished. So you can rest assured that one's health is not affected by this curious cuisine. Dear William and David, Can you explain a high-ranking ad ministrator sleeping through a cultural performance on campus, the very same event that he fervently promoted, en dorsed, and practically begged students, as well as faculty and staff members, to attend? Theodore P. Rovost Dear Mr. Rovost, We are all well aware of the pain staking tasks C.C. administrators must carry out and the demanding hours they must keep to uphold their esteemed positions. It is understandable, then, that after countless nights of sleepless devotion, these dedicated souls should rest their weary eyes for a brief spell. We were surprised to learn that our administrators could afford the luxury of taking time from their schedules to attend an event in a civilian capacity. SWeet dreams! Foolish Pleasure Dear Sirs, Should I give my cold to Contac? Rob I. Tessin Ask Page 3
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