mpui. Papaeback Desteal as The Official Preppy Handbook, edited by Lisa Bim bach. (Workman, $3.95.) Making the grade: humor. Princess Daisy, by Judith Krantz. (Bantam, $3.95.) Wo man's rise to international glamour set: fiction. The Brethren, by Bob Woodward & Scott Armstrong (Avon, $3.50.) Behind-the-scenes at the Supreme Court. Free to Choose, by Milton & Rose Friedman, (Avon $2.95.) How government affects the economy. Godel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas R. Hofstadter. (Vin tage, $8.95.) Computer scientist's theory of reality. The Devil's Alternative, by Frederick Forsyth. (Bantam $3.50.) Imminent global disaster: fiction. The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet, by Herman Tarnower, MD and Samm S. Baker. (Bantam, $2.95.) What Color is Your Parachute?, by Richard N. Bolles (Ten Speed Press, $5.95.) Job and career guide. The Next Whole Earth Catalogue, edited by Stewart Brand. (Point/Random House, $12.50.) Still Life with Woodpecker, by Tom Robbins. (Bantam $6.95.) A sort of love story: fiction. Compiled by The Chronicle of Higher Education from information supplied by college stores throughout the country. April 6, 1981. New & Recommended Jupiter's 'Ravels, by Ted Simon. (Penguin, $4.95.) Around the world on a motorcycle. The Judge, by Rebecca West. (Dial, $6.95.) English classic of female/male relationships: fiction. The Nick Adams Stories, by Ernest Hemingway. (Scrib ner's, $5.95.) The life of a man not unlike the author himself. Association of American Publishers N THE SCHOOLWORK STARTS GETTING TO YOU, TAKE A BREAK AND RELAX AT SERA-TEC WHERE YOU CAN MAKE $BO.OO A MONTH. SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 REILY ST., HARRISBURG WE ARE OPEN: Monday - Thursday 8:45 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 8:45 a.m. - 4 p.m. CALL 232-1901 Thursday, April 2, 1981 USDA Choice Western Beef 101 South Union Street ARIES: (March 21 to April 19) -- Things should go pretty much your way but don't get overconfident. Someone from the past may come back into you'r life resulting in a working partnership. Develpp a business idea you have -- there is money to be made. TAURUS: (Aril 20 to May 20) -- Concen trate on beginning new projects now. Keep all actions strictly 4bove-board. You are especial ly persuasive lo you can convince others to follow your lad. Be sure you can meet the payments before making large contract pur chases. GEMINI: (May 21 June 20) -- Take time out to reflect on your progress toward your goals f Seek the help of those in authority and take 'constructive criticism graciously. Keep current on all financial obligations -- guard your ,credit rating carefully. CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) -- Take care of business matters that are pending and rework the plan. Later in the week the spotlight is on you and others are depending on t 6 follow through on commitments. You can iaccomplish a great deal of important work. L 4,0: (July 23 to Aug. 22) -- Quietly take care of all routine matters and meet deadlines faith i t ully. Social life is highlighted and you coul receive an exciting invitations. Rectify a car r error gracefully, and don't waste time on r grets. V GO: (Aug. 23 to Sept 22) -- Your mind is shfrp and you can take care of a career mat ter that has been postponed. Get out in public socially and involve yourself with the "masses." Intricate or "knotty" problems can be solved more easily now. Market Visit Fox's Famous Deli and Country Market god fled ied vino hokiag hr Faits Full variety in all departments Plus our famous In-store Bakery pi get goodies het km ow wen Middletown & Hershey 944-7486 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Horoscope For The Week Of April 5 to 11 Fox's 731 Cherry Drive 533-6445 LIBRA: (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) -- Where dif ferences of opinion have existed, agreement can now be reached. It is a new beginning in romantic matters. You may feel emotionally sensitive now and easily hurt. Take tie alone to evaluate your feelings and reach decisiops. SCORPIO: (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) -- Ccficen trate on the work area of your life. Ron antic and financial matters may seem involve 4 and ocnfusing. Not the time to make decisior. Go out of your way to make a loved one fe4l im portant and appreciated. SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) ,-- Be cooperative with others to achieve a &Sired goal. Stick to routine matters and con*lete them willingly. Good time to use your crektivi ty. Try a new hobby or sport and get re,axa tion aay from the workaday world. CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22. to Jan. 19) -- ef Other people are calling the shots, so k p a low profile. Resist the tendency to feel iso ted and filled with self-dobt. You'll have the chance to explain your point of view. 14ake the effort to reach a compromise. AQUARIUS: (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) -- A ' on tact with an old friend can be very stimula ng. If you have let career duties slide, now the time to correct his. You could have an op r tunity to inspire others to use a service or ro duct that you represent -- be sharp. PISCES: (Feb. 19 to March 20) -- Sp rks could be flying in partnership matters and so meone you've counted on could let you down.. Tensions could be created by over-optimism on your part, so deal realistically with your expectations. Be willing to arbitrate. Page 11
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