C.C. Raeder TYPING Interested in typing term papers. Call 367-7533. Ask for Rose HELP WANTED EARN AT LEAST $BO per month. Donate plasma at Sera-Tec Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Stop in at 260 Reily St., or call for information at 232-1901. NEED SOME EXTRA money? Abel Personnel is looking for college students to work evenings for local business. No fee involved. Free parking. Call Joan at 561-2222 for details. ' STUDENT COURT is seeking a student interested in becoming Court Clerk. For more inforniation call Harry H. Moyer at 948-6016 (Student Affairs) or 944-7859. STUDENTS ARE URGED to vote -- yes or no -- on the SGA's Constitution. 10% of student body must vote. Date TBA. STUDENT COURT IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR two Associate Justices and one Chief Justice for next term. Call Harry Moyer at 948-6016 (student Affairs) or 944-7859. WANTED ARTIST to do one-time volunteer work, contact Jim Kern, XGI Lounge or 944-1908. PERSONAL M.W.—First the discussion groups, now the final. What's next, you arrogant so-and-so? What do you get paid for?-UD Mountain Woman & HLB-I know who you are. You know who I am. You're both special. I'll never forget you. Please never forget me.--LW To 328 Top Bunk—lt will be the "Great Gretzky" show on Saturday. Final: Ed monton 5, Flyers 4.--Anonymous Tugg, "Spermy", Lapper—Another one bites the dust--Rooster CLASSIFIEDS Bad—ln Coraopolis, "biting the dust" sounds like an excellent idea. Just so it is for eternity. Always my love, forever and a day--El Thunderbird--S.M.C., TLBWWLOS.--M.D. 20/20 To the new "Phil Pepe" & "Dick Young"- L.L.A., S.D., L.E., and P.C.—We've I +ou ma e me extremely Good I knew you'd see a light for us Good luck with your new sports column taken our ride on the magical porcelain and a second try--this time, better than --"NUTCH" bus. Now, it's your turn!!! Love, Little the first! "Hello Again" Love, Mark Bitt and Long Bitt P.S.--Little Birds are the greatest! H.C.--I'm hung like a chipmunk, and I don't care.--ND the BF To Fun-loving—Thanks to you, life at Capitol Campus has been great fun. Just think, more great fun to come. Have a good vacation and see you in the Spring. Loving the fun Hi Cutiepie—Now that the Sex Court is Doc—Keep those sheets clean, no more , Those persons who went to Smuggler's open, are we first?--Getting Better exciting times on Tuesday night for you. Notch in JR's van, I have your gas - --DEF, BAF, MAG, MJD money. See me in 304 Wrisberg. Baby Doll—To the future Mrs. B. Thank you very much for a fabulous weekend. I hope we have many more in the future. Now that our love for each other is secure, there will be no more hidden fears and secrets. "Our love will climb any mountain." "You're all I'll ever need ... you're all I'll ever want ... YOU'RE ALL I COULD EVER GET" Love, daß Dimples-You got 2--Oldman To P.B. at A-1 State College—To sit and remember the good times we had at W-B campus, seems like we just got together yesterday; But it's already 25 months and we're engaged. Next, it will be wedding bells in a short 458 days. I love you more than ever. Your "future", W 306 Capitol Mom—Thanks for everything--Your son MOUNTAIN WOMAN—You'll learn the secret of the roses before the end of the term. I'll meet you at Aliquippa.--HLB Baby Doll—l hope this weekend is as fantastic as the other one. I know mine will be, because you will be there. Your presence is cii that is needed for me to handle any problem that might arise. Our love is stronger now than ever before, let's keep it invincible and undying. We will conquer all challenges, TOGETHER. ACROSS I. Free-for-all 6. Explodes 10. Washington dam, Grand 11. Beethoven's "Moonlight 13. Fleet 14. Be unsteady 15. Corded fabrics 16. One of the Websters 18. Hit headfirst as ships Sal, for one 20. Screen 21. In a —, together 22. Arena cheer 23. Inopportune 25. Lively (lance 25. Opposite of safe 27. Worrying nervously 30. Rotating' machine part 33. Cooking fat 34. Spheres 35. Gallic "chum' 36. "A shadow of the divine perfection" 37. Pitcher 38. Amaze 39. Cause to feel sorrow 41. Despite that 2 wds. 43. Puzzle fan 44. Breezier 45. "It is better to out than to rust out" 46. Has and holds DOWN I. Pei.tainine to the north •rind Thursday, March 5,1981 RMR—That "Thank you" meant an awful lot to me. (Even though I did have to remind you) You're a sweetheart. Thanks, The Poet C.F.L., Ray-- Punt bottles much?--Matt SWEETIE-Yes I_do. Did you know that I adore you and I want you forever? Mountain Woman—l found out that you are a great dancer. What's all this about you and HLB? So "Rox", when do I get to dance with you at the VIP?--328 WSDC—Hark the herald angels shout What the hell, I'm finally out--#2 SHELL:Tenth grade was a long time ago and boy, do feelings change! I hope you consider my offer . . . whenever you're ready. Love,READY AND WILLING AGAIN To The #1 B.S. fan-You are my main man (even if you get headaches) and I will use my good judgment. Can't wait to be your good friend, too!--Space Cadet L.8.-Hope you have a good time with your hunk from the heights, you deserve it--C.B. JR—I had fun Tuesday night but next time, when you leave my room, don't turn off the light with the light switch. You turned my clock off.--HUN Sieveo—Congratulations finally--JR WSDC & Friends—Congratulations on winning the phonathon. You all deserve it. REO Speedwagon here we come! --Roxy STB—We need to have a serious talk. --RMR Love eternal Bad 2. Wrinkle untidily 3. Ah me! 4. "Hitch" 5. Italian landmark: 2 wds. 6. "Winnie the children's book 7. Neighbor of Quebec: abhr 8. Security detachment 9. Firm: unfaltering 10. Freight 11. Pause between radio programs 2 wds. 12. Navy's ;erennial foe 17. Ftquently. to 'O. Hearts ur diamonds 21. Warm. Thick cur. Nlodfrn aircraft 27. Trenchlike depression '214. Replace a certain type of tionr '9. Dandily 10. A favorite with Tahhy 3i. Entertains 3;'. Juvenile 33 Hangs 1..4,.e1y 3". Ps:rpttually 18. Wit:iered: dry 4(1. Zzt -inter 12. Contend wit Harry—Lose it! --The Three Musketels Roof—Nice to have you over my head. Loser Tish—Had a great time at the Wine and Cheese; Especially the part where you and that "funky" R.A. were bogeying on the dance floor--328 LLI 0 Z " LAJ Kai 0 5 z J= 2 years of liberal arts at your college plus 2 years of < Z concentration in one of our challenging, upper division, medically-related programs. It all adds up to a B.S. 0 degree and a choice of personally satisfying jobs with 13 good starting salary. Our graduates are always in demand. W gig So consider continuing your education at Jefferson's College < of Allied Health Sciences... the degree of success! LL' 0 For more information contact: LL Office of Admissions and Financial Aid qui ll College of Allied Health Sciences Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 928-8891 —J 0 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY • CYTOTECHNOLOGY • RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY 0 z DENTAL HYGIENE • POST CERTIFICATE DENTAL HYGIENE • NURSING 0 ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM FOR REGISTERED NURSES PEO 71 I _ - - I_ T 1 71 .- A LAREH L ITILI [AN [DUNI [WI "Spermy"-2 out of 3 ain't bad--A Lush Baby Boots—l love you more than every thing and I know that you love me the same. Thanks for being my backbone and letting me be yours. Love, Lady Boots A-1 State College—Tension is building. 4/5/81 NYR vs. Flyers. "Duggie" vs. "Clarkie". Which one will it be? Hope to see you and 306 there. --Your favorite Ranger Fan To the C.P. Girl—Hope we can make our dream come true this summer. Glad we're all going to the Heights, we'll cook lots of spaghetti! __Girl Next Door --Peeshe Peggy-Are you ready for May 20th? Harr D.F.—You should have listened to your grandfather about the German girls--you would know better than to trust one in a deserted lounge--German girl L.L.A. S.D., L.E., and P.D.C.-Thank you for the "They may be little but . .", "Dynamite . .", chair,kahlua, shorts, socks, and dinner. I had a good time! Did you? Love, Little Bitt Shortie—Sorry you're leaving. Good luck I'll miss you.--One and a Half Dave, Harry, Alan—Thanks for the flow ers. They, along with you three crazies, helped bring me out of the depths of depression--The Pres. HLB—Thanks for everything Monday night. You're a real friend. Duch—Happy Graduation! It's about time you left this place! We're all gonna miss you and your wonderful sports reports. Good luck.--Rosanne --Mountain Woman Page 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers