Pennsylvania State University at Capitol Campus 10 C re CI Volume 13 No. 4 Fund-amental Chan . e Will Student Aid Be Cut? By Susan M. Snell Are you receiving financial assist ance from the federal or state govern ment? If you are, current legislation now being considered on both levels could affect you. Both President Reagan and Governor Thornburgh are now respond ing to budget proposals which may either directly or indirectly affect the amount of aid you could receive for the 1981-82 academic year. Restriction of student aid on the federal level, according to the latest edition of the Chronicle of Higher Edu cation, could result from examples of the following proposals in President Rea gan's federal budget: 1) Limiting availability of guaranteed student loans by consideration of family income. 2) Reducing federal contributions to National Direct Student Loans (NDSL) over the next four years. 3) Reducing the maximum income level that may be eligible for the basic grant (BEOG). It has not yet been concluded exactly how PkIZAA grants and loans will be affected. A PHEAA Information Officer said recently that he felt there was a possibility of an effect on students. The information officer said that PHEAA requested $81.6 million to keep pace with the country's economic situa tion. However, the governor's budget request for PHEAA for the 1981-82 academic year is $76.2 million. Although this is $2 million more than PHEAA received last year, its administration still estimates a $5 or $6 million ad ditional need to maintain existing grants and loans. Although the officerfelt that if there were a cut it would cause hardships for the students, he quickly added that the agency would not make any firm state- News Briefs Temporary Handicapped Problems Currently there are 20 registered temporary handicapped students and faculty that need to park in the tem porary handicapped spaces in front of the Main Building. These people have heart conditions, asmatic problems, and athletic injuries. Please respect the signs for temporary handicapped park ing, especially at night after 5 p.m. Also, Friends who drive handicapped students on campus may not park in the "handicapped" spaces unless the vehicle is registered in the handicapped stu dent's name & has permis on to park from Health Services in a temporary handicapped zone. INISIDK THIS ISSUE is a four-page insert of the SGA Constitution that will ments at this time. He said that they were currently preparing their propo sals for the budget hearings next Thurs day with the state legislature. No other concrete information would be available until late March or early April according to the officer. Mr. Wayne Nelson, Capitol Campus Financial Aid Director, said Wednesday, "Students should be watching the whole situation closely to see how it will concern them. They then should notify their congressman or legislator on pro posals that are going to affect them." Although Mr. Nelson is himself un sure of exactly how financial aid stu dents will be affected next year, he said that he did not feel students should Making Waves Again By John G. Harvey It's been a long wait, but Capitol Campus' radio station, WNDR, is finally putting things together and the future looks bright. Due to the renovation of the station, Capitol Campus was without a radio station during the Fall term. Many feel, however, that the wait was well worth it. WNDR (630 and 1520 on your dial) is a five watt AM station. It is run by a staff of students and is an organization under the S.G.A. Bill Bertolet, the station manager at WNDR, sees the primary responsibility of the station as "serving the interests of the Capitol Campus com munity." be voted on by the student body by plebiscite early next term. Please save the insert for future reference. pr~,l~~'L~~r;~:tH~ Heindel Library will be providing additional hours of reference service on Sunday evenings. A reference librarian will now be available for consultation and assistance between 3:30 and 10:00 p.m. each Sunday in the normal term. It is hoped that these additional hours will be especially helpful to the many grad uate students who use the library on Sundays. STUDENTS-Last Chance The Winter Term Meeting of the Provost's Advisory Committee on Stu dent Welfare will take place at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 25, in the Gallery Lounge. The meeting is open to all members of the Campus community. Middletown, PA. 17057 Say Hello To WNDR become unduly concerned. He also said that a large percentage of Capitol Cam pus students is presently receiving some type of financial aid. Commomwealth Association of Stu dents (C.A.S.), a student lobbying body for Pennsylvania's 14 state colleges and Indiana University, is presently con ducting in-depth studies of the current proposed state and federal budgets. Mr. Joseph Archut, C.A.S. lobbyist from Harrisburg, expressed consider able worry over the $1 billion shortfall for the basic grants in former president Carter's original federal budget for the new year. Mr. Archut said that there is a proposal to drop the maximum amount of the BEOG per student from $1750 a A member of WNDR since the Fall term of 1979. Bill loves to discuss the station's past, present, and future, par ticularly the changes in the station over the years and the birth of WNDR. "At the time I started with the station, we just started doing only a few shows, basically providing music for Vendor vile. There were only four of us in the very beginning: Greg Austin (Station Manager), Ron Freed (Program Direct or), Renwick Jackson, and myself. Then people like John Reutter, Jill Hart, Gary Pellett, and Ruth Yost joined. These are some of the key people responsible for building up the foundation of WNDR." The station began in the early 70's under the call letters WZAP. After building good business relationships with many notable record companies, WNDR Chief Engineer Gary Pellett at the controls of Capitol Campus' Radio Station WNDR. 19 February 1981 year to $l2OO a year. This, he explained., would affect all college students due to the fact that most additional assess ments for students' financial needs are prorated according to the allocation from BEOG. He said his source for this information was a report from the National Student Education Fund in Washington, D.C. The Commonwealth Association of Students is now in the process of planning a "Funeral March for Higher Education in response to the governor's budget and student financial aid cuts," according to Mr. Archut. He said C.A.S. intends to invite all colleges in Pennsyl vania to participate. the credibility of WZAP dropped due to poor management and the use of the station's records for personal use rather than for station purposes. According to Bill,"They weren't cooperating with the record companies, and as a result service was discontinued at Wt AP." Realizing their inability to function under the negative reputation of WZAP, this new station management solicited the help of the student body in order to adopt new call letters for the station. The result? WNDR! Bill's outlook for the station is very positive. "The ultimate would be to go FM. It would improve the quality of the broadcasting. However, the FCC (Fed eral Communication Commission) is really cracking down on college stations. continued on page 11... READER photo by Mark W. Clouser rlan 1 , . •. 4 ,
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