C.C. Reader Wumke's Three Wise Men Editor We would like to thank Leonard Wumke for choosing our interpretation of the Teddy Bear and the Ducky anecdote for first prize in his contest. The three of us are extremely grateful for the case of Iron City. Our thanks also go out to Leonard's messenger, Julio, for delivering the prize. In all fairness to the second-place entry, sent in by Chip and J.R., it had to be a tough choice between the two. Sorry fellas; we thought your entry was excellent. Also, thanks again, Leonard. We remain A Basket Case Editor There is a problem which should concern Penn State students involving the basketball court in the Multi Purpose Building. The problem is that the basketball courts are being monopolized by stu- c Question... Gentlemen• What is Spoony disease? Dear Mr. K, In its early days, the spoon was native to Florida. From there, it was exported to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, there was one major flaw in the manufacturing process: haz ardous amounts of lead were indiscrim inately used. Due to the presence of the lead, people who used the spoons became gravely ill. This gave rise to the dreaded Spoony disease, which was later to be immortal ized in the ballad "Spoon Over Miami." Gentlemen: Who is credited with the saying, "Never put off untill tomorrow what you can do today"? Dear Miss McGovemor, We'll get around to answering your question next issue. Maybe. Letters dents from Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) on weekends; conse quently, Penn State students are de prived of the use of the gym. Campus administration should be made aware of this dilemna; it reduces students' activi ties and is a deterrent for students remaining on campus during weekends. Don't get us wrong, we don't want to cause any hard feelings between HAAC students and Penn State students, but something should be done so that both can have access to the basketball court. We propose the possibility of estab lishing separate times so that both educational institutions can mutually enjoy the use of the facilities. If worse comes to worse, maybe the racquetball reservation system can be employed to reserve a basket. Joe, Ed, Chris Any consideration given to this mat ter would be appreciated. A Stupid By Bill Neil And Dave Caruso Dear Sirs: Why do professors who teach Math 220 and 221 turn into stand-up comed ians and why doesn't the Book Store give a free Mr. BM shirt with each copy of the course text? Mike K. Down through the centuries, math has always been one of the funniest subjects around. Consider Euclid and his famous discoveries, Pythagorus and his much-respected theorems, or Isosceles and his three-sided triangles. These immortal funny men laid the ground work of modern humor, and it is only natural that our contemporary math instructors should follow in their foot steps. We are surprised you didn't realize this for yourself; it's as easy as pi. Concerning the Mr. Bill shirts: they were ordered but somehow got mis placed. You see, it's easy to lose a mere 100 shirts among the vast inventory that is currently on display. When found, they will retail for the nominal fee of $12.50 plus tax. Though the manager of the Book Store is a very generous man, you can't expect him to give you the shirt off his rack, can you? Gina MeGovemor Ask Student with no name Dear student with no name, Thursday, February 19, 1981 Mike Kashishian Paul Buber Dear Sirs: As a business major here on campus, I am frequently reminded of the lack or total absence of a collegiate vocabulary by a portion of the engineering majors. I refer to your editorial interview with one Mark Phillips. What a moron! I mean, does he really expect to get a job by using his highly technical Neander thal jargon? There are others, but I would like to bring out an example to which everyone can relate. So to get to my question, why or what has caused so much of the student population to turn "thumbs down" to a modern pedantic vocabulary which should be typical of a college atmo sphere? Fed Up II P.S. Keep up the great work gentlemen. You actually put on the facade of doing the work of two people. GOD BLESS LAUREL & HARDY! No offense in tended Fm sure. Dear Fed, The causation of this "Neanderthal jargon" is twofold: 1) a lackadaisical approach to grammar and, 2) the reali zation that good grammar is not neces sary to operate a locomotive. If this poor treatment of the King's English is so irritating to you, why not do what we do—take to the friendly skies and refrain from trains. P.S. Keep up the great work of submitting such interesting questions; we wish there were more students like you. You actually put on the facade of being an astute observer as well as a competent writer. GOD BLESS BILLY SHAKESPEARE! No offense intended we're sure. Dear Bill and Dave, I was recently in Vendorville and I noticed assorted lights and wires dang ling from the ceiling. What is the meaning of this? W IJJ 0 — Z 4° ' LU gag V W > C/7 Z 2 years of liberal arts at your college plus 2 years of lai < Z concentration in one of our challenging, upper division, = A nk medically-related programs. It all adds up to a B.S. degree and a choice of personally satisfying jobs with CI in good starting salary. Our U.I graduates are always in demand. —.I WI So consider continuing your J ll6 education at Jefferson's College < of Allied Health Sciences... the degree of success! I.L. 111 0 .11 For more information contact: LIJI r oe Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (D .144 College of Allied Health Sciences Thomas Jefferson University Lu Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 928-8891 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY • CYTOTECHNOLOGY • RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY 0 DENTAL HYGIENE • POST•CERTIFICATE DENTAL HYGIENE • NURSING ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM FOR REGISTERED NURSES 0 b. _ _ I_ 1 - 1_ - A LAHLEH YOU [AN 1 - 111_INT [IN I N. Quisitive Dear N. Quisitive, Here is the definitive answer, ac cording to Websters: THIS adj. 1. being the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned. What's the matter, didn't you ever hear of a dictionary? Dear Sire: Why do students, particularly engi neers, insist on talking so much in the main study room of Heindel Library when others are striving, nobly, to concentrate? Dear Mr. Quiet, While you may think that these engineers are socializing in t ►e study room, in reality it is their group therapy session. As Fed Up II points out in a previous letter, engineers' tongues are about as fluent as those found in a cheap sneaker. In an effort to rectif:; their language liabilities, they congregate daily in the study room to practice their verbal skills. It is this powwow that disturbs you. Due to the excessive talking in the study room, we recommend that you study in the only quiet place in the library--the area containing the volumes upon volumes commemorating Poland's greatest military conquests. U you have (or think you have) a question of reasonable stupidity, send it to us. We welcome any and all requests for information, and will make every effort to respond to each one we receive. Please bring letters to the C.C. READER Office or give them to one of the authors. Include your name and place of residence, although names will be withheld upon request, and be sure to mark each one "Questions." Your cooperation will be appreciated. Page 3 B: Quiet
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