C.C. Reader Fellow Social Science Students Are you interested in becoming in volved in a Social Science "Club" ? Well, here is your chance. Alpha Chapter of the Delta Tau Kappa International Social Sciences Honor Society is currently accepting applications for membership. Delta Tau Kappa serves as the only honor society on campus. In the past we have sponsored faculty debates, facul ty-student forums and other events which have benefited members as well as non-members. These activities will continue in 1981. We are anxious, how ever, to hear new ideas concerning activities for the future. Membership is open to undergradu ate students maintaining a 3.0 or higher cumulative average and graduate stu dents with a 3.2 or higher average. The fee, a lifetime membership, is $15.00, which is payable to Student Activities. For more information and applicat ions please contact: Craig Demmy, President (944-9440) Vicki Fetterolf,Vice President (944-6085) Kim Leitzel, Secretary (944-9470) NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET INVOLVED. Kim Leitzel Secretary, Delta Tau Kappa Young Mr. Doi _ the escaped-slave-turned-anti-slavery spape in . ulti mately became one of the outstanding figures of the American nineteenth century. This dramatic portrayal will take place at 12:15 p.m. Thursday, January 29, 1981, in the Main Building Auditorium. XGI Fraternity Super Bowl Spectator's Sunday, January 25, 1981 I 1 Student Center 4 P.M. $3.00 Donation I 1- 1 414 DOUGLAS T. CHARNEY President 3802 Harness Lane Camp Hill, PA 17011 761-0518 Clubbin' around "Happy New Year" to everyone at Capitol Campus. MSU is not going to hibernate during winter term! We invite everyone to join us in any or all of the following events: JANUARY 31 at 7:30 P.M. we will go square dancing at Ranchland on the West Shore; FEB. 7 AT 7:30 P.M. we will go to see the Hershey Bears v. Rochester; and FEB. 21(FEB. 28 if it snows) we will travel to Reading to shop at the outlet stores. If you are interested in these ac tivities, you need only call 944--3214 for further information. Or better still, come to our next meeting on January 27 at 7:30 P.M. in Apt. #22 of the University Apts. and find out all the details. Don't let boredom get you down! Alien address reports are made in January of each year. All non-citizens must submit Form 1-53 to the Immigra tion and Naturalization Service prior to January 31. These forms are available at any Post Office or in the Office of Student Affairs W-103. Spectacular PHI BETA LAMBDA THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY CAPITOL CAMPUS Married Student Union ATTENTION INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS DAVID J. BOYD Vice President 28 Kensington Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011 737-4173 Thursday, January 22, 1981 A committee has been formed to give the student center back to the students. The placing of pinball machines, pool tables, and space games in the building, along with food of some sort is under consideration. More movies and social events are being brainstormed by the committee made up of Jim Kerns, Bob Hessenthaler, Tish Whalen, Ken Aducci, Tom Spinella, Rhonda Wolf, Lisa Schaeffer, and Bill Becker. Surveys will be made concerning what the students what the students want from the student center. On campus students and commuters alike are asked to give us this information. We need your feedback so please cooperate. This can only benefit you. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT—Community swimming pool, located on the east shore of Harrisburg near Central Dauphin and C.D. East High Schools, is looking for quality, qualified personnel: Manager, Assistant Manager, lifeguards and a handyman maintenance person plus coaches for swimming, diving, and syn chronized swimming teams. Positions may be combined. Some salary guaran tees. Send letter indicating area(s( OF INTEREST TO RECEIVE MORE INFORMATION AND APPLICATION TO Penn Colonial Employment, 1519 Nittany Lane, Harrisburg, Pa. 17109 uaLiklija , k a., K =ii ACROSS Lading Go away!: slang Bay window More bulky in figure Dug for ore What Elia was to Charles Lamb: 2 wds. Ask humbly Biblical weeds Shepherded Reasonably to be expected No place for a "big fish" Fail to include Slight • experience 26. Intimidated 28. Toxicant 29. Having less color 16 17 19 20 PHOTO CLUB Yes, we are alive and clicking. The meetings will be on Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. The move to the new darkroom is underway, and an entire term of activit ies has been planned. We will be planning a backpacking trip in the spring term. Hope you will come see us if you are interested in photography. Flash Gordon By Shirley Stevens The acting and the script in this yet-another space picture set it apart from others of its ilk. There are funny one-liners. Come to think of it, I don't recall the rating. "G," you say? Well, don't bet on it. Walt Disney in space it is not. But don't let that deter you. You will enjoy this light picture--heavy on special effects and stirring music by Queen. Max von Sydow and Sam Jones play captor, Ming the Merciless, and captain, Flash Gordon, quarterback of the New York Jets. Up there (somewhere) our hero battles the beasties and saves the Earth from being shattered by remote control. As I said, this is a good one--funny, fast-paced, replete with stereo music and visual scenery, worthy performances by an international cast, and a not-tooheavy plot to avoid overloading the circuitry. It is now playing at the Eric Theatre in the East Towne Mall. Sound of distress Son of Zeus out, disregarded Donnybrook Homonym of "bored" "Take it on the —," flee Celebrated Plantlife of a region Taints Bring to fruition They "turn freemen into slaves" Overweight DOWN 1. Search thoroughly 2. Sprite in "The Tempest" Page 9 3. A Beetle, formerly 4. Turn to the right 5. Veteran: hyph. wd. 6. Make obdurate 7. Swindles: slang 8. Shutout „ spoiler 9. Puzzled; perplexed: 3 wds. Souvenir Nursery rhyme "Jack" Blush Corrosive 111 Pierces with the tusks Home beautifier Moving alter nately in oppo site directions : 3 wds. Used frugally Struck and rebounded Herringlike fish Utter profusely Protective ditches Strobiles "Go to Gretna Green" Accepts the hazard Ceinture Shaggy neck hair Pen point Ad —, extemporize
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers