C.C. Reader Letters To The Editor Wumke Is Positively Negative Editor Since no one has yet seen fit to enter the "Leonard Wumke Teddy Bear and Duck Bath Contest," I have decided to hold the contest open until the next issue and give you one more chance. As there seems to be some confusion over just what the prize will be awarded for, be advised that the main criterion will be creativity. If no one enters by next issue, I win the free case of Iron. (Joke's on me, huh?) What did you think of the Presiden tial Inauguration on Tuesday? I was all teary-eyed when they played "Hail fa the Chief," but I haven't been able to figure out whether they were tears of joy or of something else. As of this writing, the Ayatollah's gang still has our people on the wrong side of the Iranian border. I'm saying extra prayers that they'll be freed by the time you read this. On to Capitol Campus politics. I was extremely pleased to hear recently that Rosanne and her accomplices have man aged to appropriate the $140,000 needed for the completion of Vendorville's reno vation. This was accomplished when a University Park-type bureaucrat was visiting Capitol Campus and happened to ask what might be done to improve student life. Well, our kids asked for the money and, by gosh, we got it. My heartiest congratulations to all Capitol ites involved. But all is not rose-colored. Now that the money has been appropriated, on campus politics is making its appear ance. It seems now that there are petty squabbles among administration and others concerning type and color of Question... Dear Sirs: During the past two weeks I have received numerous tickets for parking "illegally," but each time my car was parked in an area clearly labeled "Fine for Parking." What's the story? What kind of fool instituted the current parking regula tions here on campus? Dear Baffled, We never knew that there was more than one kind of fool. You obviously have not learned the parking rules. You must have done one of two things wrong: -1) double-parked, or 2) parked in a no-passing zone. Where'd you get your license any way, Parker Brothers? furniture, etc. Now really, Teddy, Jerry, and whoever else might be involved, why can't you let the Vendorville Com mittee perform the functions of selecting furniture and the other minor details of Reconstruction? After all, that's what the committee was formed for in the first place. While I'm on gripes, I might as well air a new pet peeve of mine. It has come to my attention that funds will soon be solicited from Capitol Campus alumni for the purpose of building a "new and better" sign for the campus entrance. Who really cares about that sign? I didn't come here because of the damn sign! I came for the academics and other fun stuff. Now I'm as much for progress as any other normal conservative Re publican South-Central Pennsylvania Dutchman, but there are more pressing needs on campus that I can see. One suggestion would be to work on im provements for the Student Center so more on-campus residents might benefit from it. Or perhaps financial help for the baseball field under construction. This has been an awfully negative letter for a person as optimistic as myself. I'll try to be more positive next time. One more thing: Eagles by seven. By now you know, I remain We Goofed Dear Editor In reference to your "Letter to the Editor" in the November 20, 1980 issue of the C.C. Reader I wish to respond to the questions you raised regarding Ve hicle Regulations. The use of the word "year" instead of "term" in Section B Article 2 resulted from a proofreader error at the time this booklet was published. As you have noticed the other sections of the Vehicle Regulations do refer to term by term vehicle registration. I have called this Ask A Stupid By Bill Neil And Dave Caruso Gentleiten: I am a new student at Capitol Campus, and since I have arrived I have noticed a very peculiar habit. Everyone around here seems to drink enormous quantities of Coca-Cola. Everyone! I have even observed a certain professor who drinks a can of Coke every day while teaching his class. Tell me, why do people of this area drink so much Coke? Terry Gortis Baffled Dear Terry, What do you expect people to do with Coke, eat it with a fork? Or maybe chopsticks? Perhaps with their fingers? And besides, Terry, nobody ever accused Coke of being finger lickin' good. Thursday, January 22,1981 LEONARD WUMKE error to the attention of those responsi ble for the manual who will insure that it is corrected for subsequent editions. Since all students, handicapped or otherwise, are required to register their vehicles each term, I think there is no discrimination in this policy. Regarding Section E Article 6, no fee is charged for a qualified student to park in restricted residence areas. There is a 50 cents charge to cover the cost to the University for the decal itself. This is the only amount a student is asked to pay for registering for , a restricted residence area. I hope this letter has helped to clarify the uncertainties you expressed. If you would like to discuss the matter, please contact me. Thank you very much for calling these items to our attention. Sincerely, James D. South Director, Student Affairs Ca 11-ege Event Dear Capitol Campus Students: This is an invitation for you to help your campus and yourself by taking part in the first-ever Capitol Campus Alumni Phcnathon. The phonathon will be held on eight evenings, beginning Monday, Feb. 9 through Thursday, Feb. 12 and again the following week, Monday, Feb. 16through Thursday, Feb. 19. Purpose of the phonathon is to raise at least $5,000, via student phone solici tation of some 4,300 Capitol Campus Alumni, to build a new brick and cement entrance sign that would replace the deteriorating billboard on Route 230. The Capitol Campus Alumni Society, sponsors of the phonathon, wants people entering or passing by the campus to see an entrance sign of dignity and beauty. In addition to helping the campus, phonathon participants can also help Gentlemen: I think my friend has gone crazy, but I cannot be sure. He insists that the person who wears the Nittany Lion suit during the football games at University Park receives free tuition. I maintain that this is ludicrous. Does the lion actually get some rather substantial fringe benefits, or has my friend gone crazy? Dear Donald, Since you are actually asking us two questions, we aren't sure which is the mane issue. To begin with, no--the mascot does not get free tuition. However, he does receive other fringe benefits. He is an honorary member of the soroarity of his choice. He can attend any tailgate parties he wishes to. And he is possibly the most pawpular man on campus. To answer the second part of your question, we cannot determine from this one incident if your friend has gone crazy or not. But if he believes that the lion is given free tuition, we have some swamp land lion' around in Florida... Dear Sirs: I have a pet pig who recently stepped on a nail and hurt • her hoof. Can you recommend anything to help her? Mr. Zachary Zee Dear Mister Try putting a little oinkment on it themselves and/or the student organi zations to which they belong. The three student organizations which raise the most money in pledges will receive cash prizes of $175, $125, and $lOO respect ively, for their treasuries. There also will be cash prizes for those individuals--regardless of organ izational affiliation, if any--who raise the most money over the course of the phonathon. Top individual prize is $lOO, second prize is $5O, and third prize--- which will go to the next eight best fund raisers--is $25 apiece. There's still more. For each night (three hours) of participation, each caller will be entitled to a free five-minute phone call anywhere in the continental United States. So if you sign up for, say, three nights, you'll be entitled to three five-minute (or one 15-minute) phone calls. Onto the nitty-gritty: Students wish ing to participate on any or all of the nights should sign up immediately in the Student Activities Office. We have room for 15 callers a night. To insure that clubs will have a fair chance in the competition, no more than six members of any one club can sign up for any one night--until Feb. 2, that is, when any club can fill the remaining vacancies to its heart's content. On the eight nights, phone calls will be made from 6:45 to 9:45 p.m. from the Campus Relations Office and Provost's Office, where the phone banks will be located. Callers will be asked to show up at 6 p.m., however, for orientation. A packet of• materials, including phone scripts, will be included, not to mention T shirts and refreshments. Help us make the new entrance sign a reality by signing up for the phona thon. MM=2I While attending a meeting last week in the Gallery Lounge, I heard tell of tentative plans for the installation of new fire alarms in the Main Building. This is an interesting idea; can you verify it? Dear Paula, Donald Reiley We also heard Tell last week, but unfortunately we cannot answer your question. You see, we did not find Mr. Tell's idea as interesting as you did. In fact, we didn't even hear it; his talk lulled us to sleep 'after five minutes. Perhaps if he had brought some alarms with him to demonstrate... Gentlemen Can you please tell me what the longest river in the world is? Noah Jones Dear Mr. Jones, Yes, we can tell you. But why do you want to know-a? If you have a question , send it to us. We welcome any and all requests for information, and will make every effort to respond to each one we receive. Please bring letters to the C.O READER Office or give them to one of the authors. Include your name and place of residence, although names will be withheld upon request, and be sure to mark each one "Questions." Roger L. Williams Director of Campus Relations Your cooperation will be appreciated Thank you, Paula Bewber
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