Page 14 NEED AN EASY PART-TIME JOB? SERA TEC lIOLOGICALS Ca11:232-1901 Panel recommends board changes Students and faculty members should not be The board suggested that governors or other curators or trustees of their own institutions, established authorities appoint trustees at according to a national panel. public colleges and universities from a list of The National Commission on College and nominees who have been screened by a special University Trustee Selection, said that trustees committee. of public institutions should be appointed Such a process would insulate governing rather than elected. boards from excessive political interference The panel also called for a greater diversity While at the same time providing more in the makeup of boards of trustees at public qualified candidates than is possible under and private colleges. The group recommended most electoral systems, the report said codes of conduct that specify board duties and procedures for dealing with potential conflicts of interest The commission said that the participation of students on board committees was desirable but that the presence of students on the board as voting members creates a conflict of in terest. The commission also expressed concern that a student trustee would only be serving a short term and that just as the student began to understand his job his term would be over. When faculty members serve as trustees for the institutions for which they are employed there is also a conflict of interest, especially where faculty members participate in collective bargaining. As an alternative to full faculty member ship, the commission listed three methods by which boards could pay careful attention to faculty views. One method is to encourage faculty members to suggest candidates for the nominating committee for new appointments to the board. They should participate as regular members on board committees. Faculty members from other institutions should be appointed to the board. The corn- Grandpa Gilbert visits 3rd floor mission's report warned that even in the case Wrisberg after the Halloween party held of a faculty member from another institution, in the Student Center October 28. there is a potential for conflict of interest if the other institution is nearby or competing. READER photo by Mark W. Clouser Sera-Tec can help you earn extra Campus Digest News Service Thursday, November 6, 1980 Horoscope c—* ; e "ew e s k 6erviff of Nov. 9-IS ARIES: (March 21 to April 19)—On the job, work at high speed and don't trust impor tant work to others. Be accommodating to lov ed ones at home who may be out of sorts. Later in the week, get routine matters out of the way so you can mingle and socialize with friends. lasma, TAURUS: (April 20 to May 20)—Matters that were up in the air can come to conclusion now. If your performance at work warrants a promotion, now may be the time it comes through. Rely on your own judgment and study to refine and upgrade your skills. tment d other our time. GEMINI: (May 21 to June 20)--Enors with figures at work and extravagant spending by family members put emphasis on financial matters. Romance brightens later in the week. east CANCER: (June 21 to July 22)—Opportunities are around you, so take advantage of them as they occur. Now is the time to showcase whatever creative talents you have. Romance is favored but you don't have to spend money extravagantly to enjoy the relationship. onth. us a call nto town LEO: (July 23 to Aug. 22)--Early in the week guard your pocket book carefully-avoid any "get rich quick" schemes. Channel your high energy into work projects and pushing forward in career. Take your loved one out of town for an evening of celebration. VIRGO: (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)—Creative Virgos can find a market for their work now. Submit your original ideas and show off your talents at work. You can get your budget under control and bring your spending down to a comfortable level with help from loved ones. The Bloodhounds Are Coming! Campus Blood Drive Sponsored By Chi Gamma lota Thursday, Nov. 20 Check In Nurse's Office LIBRA: (Sept. 23 to Oct.22)—Early in the week if you must sign a document or legal paper, get the advice of your attorney first. You may have difficulty getting family members to go along with your financial cut backs. Be patient and bring it up at a later time. SCORPIO: (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)—Stick with the "tried and true"-not the time to take risks. Concentrate your efforts on things that make you money even if it means working overtime. Make the time to pay attention to a loved one who may be feeling neglected. SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)—Plan your moves and follow them exactly-not the time for impulsive decisions. Keep a low profile at work and at home or you could run into problems. Be cooperative with co-workers and calmly discuss conflicts with mate. CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)—Don't make secret deals with anyone now- it would not be a profitable venture. Others may be somewhat unreliable and you can feel frustrated and depressed. Later in the week, good news will lift your spirits and romance blooms. AQUARIUS: (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)—Be alert to possibilities of money loss. Sign nothing without carefully reading the fine print. Later in the week your instincts are reliable and you can reap profits and success. Catch up on all the little tasks left undone. PISCES: (Feb. 19 to March 20)—Don't act on impulse now-think things over carefully and get professional advice if signing papers of any kind. Accept social invitations, expccia ll y unusual kinds of activities you haven ;t ex perienced before. Join social groups and mingle. 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.
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