Page 8 The Married Student Union met on Tuesday, September 30, at 9 p.m. in the Student Center. The main order of business was the election of officers for the 1980-81 year. New officers elected are: Edgar Wright, President; Mark Bush, Vice-President; Jackie Rebert, Secretary; and Sue Wright, Treasurer. Discussion also took place on the upcoming trip to Gettysburg which has been tentatively set for Sunday, Oct. 12. The van will leave the apartments at 9 a.m. and will return at approximately 5 p.m. Lunch will be provided, along with a tour of the battlefield and the Eisen hower Farm. HILLEL NEWS 'Here is Israel,' an acclaimed multi media production of song, dance, and film from Israel, will be presented on Wednesday, Oct. 15, at 8 p.m. at the Harrisburg Jewish Community Center. The cost for students is $3.00, and a car pool will leave from Capitol Campus' main lobby entrance at 7:15. Come and be enlivened by this remarkable group of performers. A free film will be shown on Wednes day, Oct. 22, at the Student Center. It's called 'Pallah' and is a comedy about the adventures of a European family that emigrates to Israel. Israeli wine samples and cheeses will be served after the film. The time is 8:30 p.m. to 12 and all students are invited to attend. Graduate Student Union . et . ~ . : ..„..,..:. : if .,:.i....... , . A ? ':•• • 4 0 1, "91 , -...... : • - * BEMBIAIiti‘ •...:. • ... ,;!I'P : .!' . liitlit '‘' ''‘ ' ''' . . :• F: f t .. '''''... ..i' : ;'''' '.' '. ..4 1 i : : . i: : ::L.. ': ' lit !N.,. awits, . f. .:. • ~ , 111114 ,41. P . .. . . . ' • ' '''' '''''' ' • • An organizational meeting of the Graduate Student Union will be held on Tuesday, October 14, 1980 at 8:30 p.m. at 9518 Kirtland Ave. All those interested are urged to attend. Clubbin' around MARRIED STUDENT UNION NEWS Drink Responsibly Tickets have been purchased for the Colts vs. Patriots game on Sunday, Oct. 19. Please keep in mind there will be another trip to Reading and the outlet stores either the last weekend in Octo ber or the first weekend in November. At the meeting, the groundwork was laid for the starting of a food co-op ... more to come later on this as we get it organized so look for further news on this item. Many more trips and get-togethers are being planned, so please come join us at our next meeting which will be on Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Center. VVNDR NEWS When we last left you, it was third down and long yardage. And now we're sitting with 4th down and inches. In other words, we're just about ready to take off. So hang onto your receivers and headphones because we are getting ready to throw the switch. We still need a few more members to complete our already enthusiastic staff. We have weekly meetings on Thursdays at 8 p.m. in Room W-106. Until we throw the switch, you can listen to these local second-rate stations. see AS" f ill/11 4:1 ‘4, Thursday, October 9, 1980 The - XGrs are planning a blood drive in November. Anyone interested in organizing the drive should inquire at the XGI lounge, W-114. This photo, taken during the PEEC Conference weekend at nearby Bushkill Falls, proves that Hind's president Jackie Lear can 'bear' up to the most unusual encounters. Graduate students at Capitol Campus will be interested to learn that the Graduate Student Union has been res urrected and will hold an organizational meeting Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 9518 Kirt land Ave. The meeting gets under way at 8:30 p.m. and refreshments will be served. The club has existed at various times in the past, but inevitably floun dered due to lack of support. Hopefully, this time it will be different. . ~.. : ,,,,,. 1. , ,z' i. , ....,. ,1111141 A provisional executive committee consisting of Jitsuro Yamamoto, presi dent, Ken Clement and Kathy Erwood, secretary, Roya Salmassian, treasurer, and Dr. Robert Bresler. faculty adviser, has created a charter and submitted a budget to the SGA. The charter lists the following objectives: 1. To promote contact among the graduate students of Capitol Campus. _ 2. To enrich the lives of all members of the campus community through spon sorship of social events, lectures, trips, and films. 3. To establish a graduate student common room. Membership is open to all full- and part-time graduate students at Capitol Campus. Call Yama or Ken at 944-6504 for more information. College Enrollment Project According to Intercollegiate Press, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has become the stepping stone for a project intended to 'preserve the quality and diversity of Pennsylvania's highly re garded system of higher education.' The project, which will eventually be nationwide, is entitled 'The Pennsylva nia Enrollment Planning Project,'and is headed - by Dr. Robert Zemsky, director of the University of Pennsylvania's higher Education Finance Research In stitute and Office of Planning Analysis. Dr. Zemsky named the project's three objectives: 1. To profile each of the state's regional admissions markets. This includes de tailed information on student popula tions, socio-economic backgrounds, aca demic aptitude and aspirations. 2. To project the probable size and structure of the regional markets through 1985 and each institution's share of the market. 3. To furnish a planning model that collegiate officers will be able to use to determine the feasibility and financial risks of alternate enrollment plans. Mapping the regional distribution of prospective students will enable colleges and universities to develop long-range strategies for maintaining enrollments. C.C. Reader
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