rage 10 'zz_zzzz2z7 Looks like the Pirates are getting swept under the Astroturf and it's up to Philly to represent Pennsylvania. The questions of the week are, 'Willie, where were you?' and 'Who the hell do the Atlanta Braves think they are beating the Bucco's 11 of 12 games?' The Steelers put the hammer down this week and took out on the, Bears their loss to Cincinnati. The Eagles played dead for the Cardinals, but they might as well get their losses out of the way now. But don't worry, true believers, the Birds will be flying soon again, I'm sure of that. Anybody read about Dave Parker in Penthouse this week? How dare he insult Pittsburghers! Something tells me they're gonna have a 'battery day' for the last home game, and let all the Steelworkers, Teamsters, and Miners sit in the right field seats. What do you all say we start a petition around to make Pitt play Ne braska. Rumor has it that a Capitol Campus student was found drunk at the Penn State/Nebraska game. That has to be a rumor because everyone I know that went to the game said they didn't even see the second half due to lack of sight and coordination. Congrats go out to the NY Cosmos, four time soccerbowl champs. Way to go Chinaglia.' Speaking of soccer, our own team opened up the season with two quick ISETTOC 6A•rated Alte, aorma to THE filareill4774%W., Sro / 3 k 5 vri s Duch's Corner By Ken Aducci, losses. Lancaster Bible ran up a 5-2 victory and Valley Forge Christian Col lege came out the second half of the second game to score 6 and win 6-1. Yup, that's right! Capitol was winning 1-0 at the half, but a tired Capitol couldn't keep up with a freely substituting V.F.C.C. John Ostaziewski pounded home a goal each game, , and Rick Brinser had a goal the first,. game. I almost forgot, Larry Mel had a goal the second game. Only thing is it was our goal he kicked the ball in. Hey Larry, does your girlfriend know yet that the other team got the point for your goal? That's all right, don't tell her. Intramural football looks like a toss up between the Kamikazes and the Night Riders. No prediction on that game from this guy. Ron Andes looks favored to take intramural tennis this year. No, I'm not just saying that because he's my room mate the kid's good. Drum roll please: Harry Moyer has appointed me Sports Editor for the paper. I need help in IM football and bowling. In men's varsity volleyball also, I need a representative. All you gotta do is come tell me weekly what happened in your sport. You may even get your own plug if you want, and see your name in the paper. Besides it will give you something to fill a little space on your resume. Thank you! I can be contacted at 944-5226. a~- Thursday, October 9, 1980 Sports Women's Volleyball: Due to the total lack of response from the female population on campus, the Women's volleyball schedule for the 1980 season has been cancelled!!! Building Hours for Fall Term 1980: The Recreation/Athletics Facilities in the Multi-Purpose Building will be open for fall term as follows: Monday thru Friday -- 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays - 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Varsity Bowling Team: The varsity bowling team will start their 1980-81 season the weekend of October 18-19 with two matches sched uled at home. Saturday October 18 at Elerdse makes it easier for students Campus Digest New+•s Service Do you find studying, sleeping and classes a boring existence? Is it getting harder and harder to get out of bed each morning and back into it at the end of your day? Does 4:00 in the afternoon find you with yawning jaws and drooping eyelids? Are you snoring con tentedly half-way thru your history homework? If you answett.d yes to any of these questions then you may be suffering from the curse of the sedentary class: Low energy fatigue. Some people would go about curing this malady with extra sleep only to find tossing, turning and thrashing about yields no rest. Others take stock in that little over-the-counter wonder pill, No-Doz. If you like the "shakes" and queezy stomach side-effects of No-Doz, then there is your answer. Maybe meditation is for you. It takes a lot of quiet time to suc cess fully meditate, the availability of which occurs no earlier than about 3:00 a.m. Early birds, go for it! Who was first man to gain over 1000 yards in a pro football season, when, what team? 'PB6I ti! soloA L DJ030.1 0 JO; potiseu saltimeA egmeg soesseuuei io ;no 'smog ot3o3ND OW JO4 13pqmoti spioai SOM aH REC/ATH NEWS 1 p.m. they will compete with Villanova U. Sunday - October 19 - at 1 p.m. they will compete with Bloomsburg State College. All home matches will be held at the ABC East Lanes on Eisenhower Blvd. Come out and spend a pleasant afternoon with your campus bowling team and encourage them to victory!! Varsity Soccer Team: The soccer team have their first home game scheduled on Monday, Octo ber 13, at 7 p.m. when they will host the soccer team from Cabrini College. The game will take place on the lighted athletic field!! Do not let your team down! Come out and cheer them on! But, according to a lot of students, there is a solution. For these students, there is a direct correlation between athletic involvement and academic achievement. By exercising in a sport of their choice for an hour or more each day, their studying is more effective. Their grades reflecte the effectiveness. Many students have discovered the wonder ful side-effects of exercise. Tennis players, rac quetball players, weightlifters, joggers and basketballers agree that their sweat sessions give them energy to burn and they can study with greater impact than when they were inac tive. According to one student, "Exercise does cut into studying time, but if you budget your time and know what's due when, you can ac complish it all." He went on to say that the conditioning benefits "outweigh the time it takes away from studying by making me much more alert for late-night studying." C.C. Reader
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