C.C. Reader S*************************% * * * On the Tracks-Old and New * * * By James Seda * * • Album- Santana Moonflower * * Released in 1977, this * * two-record set consists of * * *• both a live album and a * * stereo produced Ip. Once * Editor: * again Carlos Santana and * The Wrisberg Social * band have created an alb * um * Drinking Club would like to * * which blends strong percussion, * welcome all new and returning * tight rhythms and solid vocals. * students to Capitol Campus. *lt is highlighted by the * We hope everyone, will enjoy *excellent guitar work of * * his stay at C.C., but not *Carlos Santana. * * at the expense of the animals * This effort contains * on the grounds of our school. *Santana classics recorded * On Sunday afternoon, * live * in Europe. * Sept. 21, several members of * * * WSDC spotted a groundhog near * These include "Black Magic * the Student Center with a * Woman," "Let the Children * dart lodged in its back leg. * Play" and "Soul Sacrifice" * * (first performed at Woodstock). s* Although it was still alive, it * Also featured are the * had lost most of Its mobility * * * studio tracks" Dawn," "Head, * and seemed near death. Attempts* Hands & Feet" (drum solo), and * It to remove the dart proved* "I'll be Waiting." fruitless. Apparently someone * * either mistook the groundhog * Drummer Graham Lear provides * * a solid backbeat, while the * * for a dartboard or deliberately * consistent percussion of band meant to harm the creature. * members Pete Escovedo, Raul * We have reason to believe it * * * Rekow and Jose "Chepito" * was the latter. * Areas complements the powerful * A dead rabbit was also '' * vocals of Greg Walker. found beneath a bush near the * * dorms. We could not determine * The live recordings are * * the cause of death, but we hope * musically clean and smooth, while* it was not from human hands. * the studio tracks still maintain *. v . * that Santana magic through the i. As a responsible organi- * nation on campus, we cannot * production efforts of Carlos * * * Santana and keyboardist Tom condone such acts of cruelty * to our wildlife. It is up to it Coster Jr. * * us, as students, to help protect.; All in all, this album these creatures. We urge * contains top notch performances * everyone to try to prevent any * from one of the music industry's I t more of these acrs from being it most respected veteran bands. perpetrated. **************************4 _ Letters to The Editor COLLEGE STUDENTS Improve your grades! Send $l.OO for your 306-page, research paper catalog. All academic subjects. Collegiate Research P.O. Box 25097 H Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 I Enclosed is $l.OO. Please rush the catalog. I Name_ I Addres I City_ 1 State -J 1.. Sincerely, WSDC Thursday, September 25, 1980 Attention Smokers!!! Please observe the "No Smoking" signs in the west side and vending machine areas of Vendorville. Smoking is permitted in the east side. Additional regulations concerning smoking may be found in the "Policies and Rules for Students 1980-81" (page V-21). Attention Drivers: Pedestrians ave the right of way on the pedestrian crosswalks connecting the rear . parking lot with the main building. Drivers who fail to observe crosswalks can maim innocent people and also be subject to stiff penalties according to law. EED AN EASY ART-TIME JOB? Sera-Tec can help you earn extra money during your years in Middletown. By donating plasma, you'll be helping in the treatment of hemophilia, leukemia and other lases, an d Sera-Tec will pay for your time. at least silo per month by or give us a call when you get into town. Ca11:232-1901 /are Open Mon. - Thurs. 8:45 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. :riday 0:45 cm. - 4:00 p.m. "` SEIM TIC NOLOSKALS 260 REILY STREET; HARRISBURG ' NO SMOKING Page 3
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