C.C. Reader SGA and President's Council Presents "Oh, April2l in the auditoriu at 3, 5:30, 8, and 10:30 p.m Admission $l. donation lAA Dinner Folk Music The I.A.A is holding their semi annual International Dinner on April 25, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. It will be held at the Student Center. Bring your favor ite international dish or purchase a ticket for $3.00. Entertainment will be provided by the Cari Folk Singers, a Caribbean group. You are encouraged to wear national dress or costume. In conjunction with the Inter national Dinner, the I.A.A. is compiling a book of international recipes. It is hoped that the book will be ready for sale by the night of the dinner, if not, orders for the dinner will be taken. The I.A.A. wishes to remind the students and faculty at Capitol Campus that donations for the Cambodian Refugee Fund are still being solicited. We have set a goal of $500.00 for Capitol Campus and we hope for your support. Checks may be made out to I.A.A. Cambodian Refugee Committee and all donations can be sent in care of Clem Gilpin, room W-154. THE LITTLE WONDERS OF MARYLAND You are cordially invited to attend a Gospel Concert. The entertainment will be presented by The Little Wonders of Maryland on Sunday, April 20, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. The last program in "The Folk Music and Dance Legacy Series" will present. john Jackson at 12:15p.m. on Monday, April 21, in the Gallery Lounge. Jackson is a blues singer who emphasizes the African influence on American folk music and dance in his work. African folk traditions were brought to North America by slaves and have been a major influence-espe cially on music. Jackson, born in Rappahannock County, Virginia, grew up in a rural black community. His father played guitar and banjo, and sang blues. His mother played accordion and harmon ica, and sang gospel. By age eight, Jackson was a compe tent musician. He has toured the United States, Europe, and South America performing Field and Delta Blues. The campus community is cor dially invited to attend the perfor mance. Admission is free. Entertainment Thursday, April 17, 1980 Health Fair May 1 , 2 By Alice M. Coon A major activity of the spring term will be the Health Fair to be held May 1 and 2 on campus. Sponsored by Health Services, the Health Fair will feature exhibits and free screening services provided by a number of local and state health agencies. Exhibits will be found in the Gallery Lounge and the Black Cultural Arts Center. Literature will be available at these locations describing the various services available to all students a 4. well as to the general public. Organizations who will take part and the services they will provide are: THE STATE HEALTH CENTER: Free tests of blood pressure. blood sugar, cholesterol and, if necessary, heart rhythms. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA LUNG ASSOCIATION: A test for presence of tuberculosis; an exhibit "Bio Feedback for Smokers" with machines to measure skin tempera ture, hand tremors, pulse rate, and CO levels in exhaled air. - PENNSYLVANIA DIETETIC ASSOCIATION and EMPIRE SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY will counsel on their specialties; In addi tion, EMPIRE SCHOOL will demon strate hair, skin and nail care on people from Capitol Campus. The Capitol Campus of Penn State University cordially invites you to attend a Chamber Music Concert. The music is presented by The Camerata Trio on Thursday, May 8, 1980 at 8:00p.m. in the Gallery Lounge The Hunt/Speedball Collection On Display The Hunt/Speedball collection of because of people's desire to own contemporary prints will be on display pieces of original art. Relief, Intaglio, in the Gallery Lounge beginning April Planographic, and Stencil are the four 17. The collection will consist of origi- printmaking processes. nal pieces signed by the artists. The exhibit will run through April Printmaking has gained popularity 25. Demonstrations, of CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION will be given by various students, while aerobic dancing demonstrations will be presented by AEROBIC DANCING, INC. Slides and other visual presenta tions will be shown by the CANCER SOCIETY (on procedures for self-ex amination of breasts and testicles) and by the MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Information on DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE and FAMILY PLANNING will also be available from trained counselors. CAPITOL CAMPUS ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT, EASTER SEAL SOCIETY and HEART ASSOCIA TION will have displays and literature. The Athletic Department is also spon soring counselors from the Governor Council on Physical Fitness. It is expected that a large number of students and area residents will avail themselves of the opportunity to check the state of their health. Student volunteeis are needed to fill out forms, distribute handouts, and generally assist in the various present ations. Students wishing to help are asked to sign up at Health Services, Room W-102. THE CAMERATA TRIO page 3
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