Election Time In all likelihood, the upcoming SGA election (April 24) will feature some very good student leaders as candi dates. Even so, the C.C. Reader is worried that next Thursday is too soon for the election to he held. Petition , , for SGA positions were made available Tuesday, April 15. Twenty-five full-time student signitur"4 are required for each peti tion; however, there is no limit to the number of petitions each student can sign. In order for the student body io know each candidate's platform, it is preferable that the%, are published the C.C. Reader. in this way tht. C.C. Reader can help the student body and SGA. But. because the petitions were distributed late. each candidates platform was not available to the C.O Reader at press time. This creates a problem. The C.C. Reader is going to publish all submitted SGA , platforms next Thursday...THE DAY OF THE ELECTION. There is a possibility that the paper will come out late in the afternoon...as late as 4:30 p.m. Stu dents wanting to know who is running and what they stand for are encour aged to wait until that time to vote. By SGA constitution, the Seniors have to leave office in the fourth week of the term The SGA has little alternative but to hold the election April 24. Even if this election is a rush job, ...YOU SHOULD STILL VOTE. By exercising your right to vote, you are not only developing a good understanding of \ our responsibility a student, hut you are also creating a charactorisuc of good citizenship. PLEA FOR LIFE Cover me with your arms shield me from the ice slowly falling from the skie , Ice like my tears are pools of death tor rue to slip upon By Aisha Eshe ~....„„_......„......„..„.,......,.......,.........,„....0.. CAPITOL CAMPUS CALENDAR OF EVENTS c!.) FRID V. APRIL 18 1980-81 R.A. Applications due, 5:00 p.m., 946 A Kirtland `i; AN. e SI!NDAI , APRIL 20 -- MASS, 7:00 p.m., Student Center. Little Wonders (gospel group), 8:00 p.m., Gallery Lounge. FREE MONDAY. APRIL 21 -- Blues Concert: 12:15 p.m.John Jackson, Gallery Lounge. Film 3:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. "Oh God". M Auditorium. Admission $l.OO. TUESDAY, APRIL 22 -- Lecture: 12:00 noon. "The Kibbutz as Stabilizer and Model." Speaker: Amnon Shomosh, Israeli Writer, Gallery Lounge. THURSDAY, APRIL 24 -- Lecture: 12:15 p.m. "On Black Culture: A Dissent" Speaker: Dr. Jay Saunders Redding. Gallery Lounge. Concert: 7:30 p.m. Spanish and Latin American Music presented by Momento Musicale, Gallery Lounge. FRIDAY. APRIL 25-- Baseball at E-town College, 3:30p.m. Students Aglow Fellowship,7:oop.m. 907 Weaver Ave. International Dinner, 7:30 p.m. Bring a dish or pay admission. Entertainment by: The Cari Folk Singers-Cari bbean Folk Songs and Dance-Student Center. SATURDAY* APRIL 26-- Baseball,Ogontz Campus at Capitol, 12:00 noon SUNDAY, APRIL 27-- MASS,7:OO p.m.,Student Center. "MONDAY, APRIL 28--C.C. Reader Staff Mtg.,2:30 p.m.,W-129. Last day to S order caps and gowns for Spring Term graduation. TUESDAY, APRIL 29--XGl's Mtg.,9:00p.m., American Legion Hall. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30--Baseball-at Juniata College, 3:30 p.m. Maranatha Bible Study, 12:00 noon W-135. Provost Advisory Committee on Student Welfare, 3:00p.m. Gallery Lounge. Editorial/Opinion Syndrome continued Iron' page 1 After Mr. Kennedy finished speak ini!, this reporter questioned peopie to th• ;Towd .; overall resp"nse indicated that many `£'t that Kennedy had been too yalzu,., and thw they had t . !e rea!v ch.:need their opinions abov; nun ney ,3ro Thal a Kennedy spokesman had come to talk to them personally at an informal meet i As part of that good citizenship, it would also he wise to vote in the April 22 Pennsylvania Primary. Even though the C.C. Reader has given a lot of coverage to Senator Edward M. Kennedy t D-Mass) in this issue, the C.C. Reader is going to follow tradition !ten years! by not endorsing a particular candidate. Senator Kennedy is a very intelli gent man--he teiis people what they want to hear. There is nothing wrong with that. Maybe he nas an appealing policy towards students. Carter, well, even if he has made some goofs, he does nave an advantage in getting the Democratic Nomination simply because he is an incumbent. Sorry Teddy. Republicans. Bad news. Ronald Reagen. Nice guy fo: aftershave commercials. Maybe he will be nominated on the Republican tickel. He certainly is conservative, but could he beat a Dernocra',? Maybe. Anderson probably could beat a Democrat. At least he is a radical Republican. But Anderson doesn't have enough charisma. Bush, Conally...maybe. A big win In Pennsylvania certainly would help put a spark into their campaigns. But whoever you vote for, PLEASE VOTE`! ......1 - 41 0 p I. • --( * -1 ' isbk - 6 - , •4r -- 4 , X . .. . ~, \ %Nai l ' ''''' Kennedy Rally Thursday, April 17, 1980 Editor We hear that General Washington and Alexander G. Be!! have been waging psychological warfare against some of the few Faculty who ha“ , exhibited concern for student welfare The - good guys' . are deserting the sinking ship in record numbers. We already miss Duane and Don, and we'll miss C, E. and L, among others, and what's all this about Y?? A Faculty that loses effecttve con tact and rapport with its students is doomed to repeat the lessons of. the 60's, and guess whose jobs will be or; the line if that happens? Come on guys. Leave 'em alone. They never said anything bad about you Name withheld on request Edit,,, I would like to complain about the recent puppet show on campus. My complaint? I didn't get to see it! Those In charge 'Campus Person nelf turned away a targe group of people after all the seats were filled. Is the phrase standing room only unknown to them'. I for one would have stood in thf. bactt . ta,:i still pa , .4 the lull pr,...e to se , . the sho.•. by was there 3115: one shorn and i.ti it possible to get a return visit soon, so those of us who didn't see the show can do so? Published biweekly by the students of the Capitol Campus of the Pennsylvania State University in Middletown, Pa. The C.C. Reader has the following four-fold purpose: Il j to keep students informed about their campus community: f2l to provide editorial comment on issues facing the campus community; 13) to serve as a forum for student poetry. photographs, short stories, graphics, and other creative endeavors; 14] to serve as a learning mechanism for all students interested in the journalistic process. This includes reporting. editing, layout, typesetting, and paste-up. All students are urged to express their views by contributing to the C.C. Reader. Sports Editor Tony Gladfelter Copy Editor -- Alice M. Coon Advisors Staff: Stacy Brubaker, Jeff Drinnan, Mike Daskalokis, Mike Zimmerman, Gary Pellett, Anita Rawlins, Bruce Burns ,Dorene Morrow The opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the students, faculty, staff, or administration of the Pennsylvania State University. Author must be identifiable as a student, staff member, or faculty member; however, names will be withheld upon request. Letters should be legible [preferably typewritten, double spaced]; and any material that is libelous or does not conform to the standards of good taste will be edited and/or rejected. Letters to The Editor Dennis J. Holleran Bu' Admin c.c. reader Capitol Campus Pennsylvania State Universit y Route 230 Middletown, PA 17057 Office - W-129 Phone -- [7171944-4970' Dear Editor Much concern surrounding the issues of the upcoming election is now prevalent. Many people ire looking to anti-nuclear canidates. many seek an end to the Iranian crisis. and still others are concerned about the declin mg economic state lof the United States 1. An issue that most people do not make a priority when choosing a camdate, yet one that is very basic to our concept of life and concern for humanity is the abortion issue it is estimated that three out of ten pregnancies today end in abortion. The scientific evidence of human life from the moment of conception make this statistic startling. How can we begin to conquer overwhelming worldwide problems when we cannot even pro serve the dignity of human life here ,-, our own society? The Pennsylvania presidential pri mary election is Tuesday, April 22. I urge all students to consider a pro-life position when making your president ial choice. Currently only two (2) Republican canidates, Ronald Reagan and Philip Crane, support life in this way and will vote for a Human Life Amendment. None of the Democratic canidates, including President Carter will seek to preserve the lives of over one million babies every year, even amidst all the concern for human dignity and human rights. The future of human life is in our hands. What will we do about it" Harry H. Moyer Editor-in-Chief, Business Manager - Jeffrey R. Kahl Advertising Manager -- David Horn Dr. Elizabeth Winston, Dr. Donald Alexander LETTERS POLICY C.C. Reader Rita Macri
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