C.C. Mmukr IF ..‘- r. ' ~., * : I T:u: •0-.0440)f - ' 4 k.-,,.,, . *sacral% . , . 44.„, ~,- '' . "4.:1f•'!",-..."-) • ' , Py• s 44.-ft. -4-..--4.!..'1,..?r•-.0'4"- '',117"."- . t ,`..?-1-'l'rk,—. '''' '' ' 94":.4- 1 7;40,e, • '''',- -• .' :''''.ll;q4v4f '4.1.4-'7irypit,....,,:.; - V ~..,,,..., ..,., •g - # 41'...40;:. . -; 15..., ~,,,.: 1, , ',,, :, ••• • ,-;''''" t",,,„,; - ' ~.. , — l ` *'' IV .r. ' i' , ,,, • r ~" 4 , C r 't ..,, '' , ; ~...,, ,t ',' ~ ~~alr - :~ L~ .. ~~k?.'. ~° Latest experiment in the newly canannted Frank N. Stein Memorial Science Center: Rover in Wonderland [one pill makes him smaller]. The center, tucked away in the woods between the dorms and the Heights, has been developing ways to shrink students so as to make better use of available space. In this test, Rover, once a well-known sissy, is now a bold watchdog. An official at Frank N. Stein said that their results prove thatby feeding students these pills they would shed their apathy as well as make more use of Capitol's miniscule facilities. The center is now producing these pills en masse. AIDNIGHT OILS tip:: Napolitana Hot Sandwiches Large Pie Meatball Steak - Mushroom Small Pie Sausage Steak - Pepper Sicilian Italian Mushrooms, Pepperoni, Antipasto Stromboli Meatballs, Green Pepper, Chef Salad Sausage Roll Cold Sandwiches 2 GUYS PIZZA— No. 3 3 OLMSTED PLAZA/MIDDLETOWN, PA. Tole kkkkk 144-1317 w 114-1111 Special Ham Turkey Open 7 Days aMm Regular Italian Mars: 1111 A.M. to 11:111 P.M. Friday & Saturday: 11:11 A.M. to 12:11 Mldaliffit , FREE GAS Share a ride with four friends and we will pay for the gas. That's right—donate plasma and get free gas for the trip. SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 REILY ST., HARRISBURG WE ARE OPEN: Thursda Y~ ~ w A~. : 44 , 2 GUYS , PIZZA , CALL 232-1901 Monday - Thursday 8:45 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 8:45 a.m. - 4 p.m. . . March 6, photo by Jeff Drinnan C.C. represented at INPUT Festival The Capitol Campus Multi- Media group will be repre sented at the International Public Television Screening Conference (INPUT) to be hosted in Washington, D.C., March 23-29, by the Corpora tion for Public Broadcasting. Dr. Eton Churchill, Assis tant Professor of Humanities and Multi-Media Journalism, has been invited to show "Changes" at the INPUT Fes tival. "Changes" is a 28-min ute production about the hu man reaction to the Three Mile Island accident last March. Churchill produced "Changes" with the Multi- Media group at Capitol Cam pus. NOW IT'S EASIER TO VOTE BECAUSE ITIS EASIER TO REGISTER .... 1. Pick up a form. 2. Fill it out. 3. Drop it in the mail (it's postage-free!) You can pick up a register-by-mail form at your county courthouse, libraries, post offices and many other public locations. It's easy ... and it's free. _l~ Your vote is your voice. Say something. The INPUT Festival al lows producers, broadcasters, and others concerned with public television around the world to view and discuss selected programs. "Changes" was selected because of its focus on the human rights of citizens and because of "risk taking in the context of cur rent broadcast mores," ac cording to those who selected the materials to be shown. "Changes" was shot last spring within 15 miles of the TMI plant. The program was edited by Churchill at the studios of the Maine Public Broadcasting Network (MPBN) during the summer. MPBN aired "Changes" in October. 1979. BY MAIL Page 9
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