Page 10 R a t e . ..B a r • The Rating Scale OUTSTANDING -- ***** REAL POOR ** EXCELLENT -- ****. THE PITS - * GOOD - *** ATMOSPHERE *** l / 2 PARKING -- * LOCATION -- JUKE BOX -- **** l / 2 (no disco) RESTROOMS - MEN'S - * WOMEN'S - * MEN -- (On a Tuesday, bring your own) WOMEN -- (SEE MEN) COMMENTS: The Rate-A-Bar Committee hit the OPEN HEARTH on a Tuesday night. Consequently, since there are bands on Wed., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. nights, the action may be a bit better those nights. Country Rock on Wed., Fri., and Sat.; Jazz on Thurs. Mon. -- /z price on mixed drinks. Tues. -- drafts are 25 cents from 9 to Midnight. Your Place-Union De ATMOSPHERE -- *** l / 2 SERVICE -- ** JUKE BOX -- 0 (TV was louder) GAMES - " 4 ' (pool tables) PRICES -- *** QUALITY OF BEER ON TAP -- **** QUALITY OF MIXED DRINKS -- ' COMMENTS: SHERRY WEST tends bar here -- hear that F.Z.? Disco on Thurs., anyone with IQ over 105 stay away!!! (This means you too, Jack, with IQ of 10?) State workers and secretaries welcome. No protection machines in the RR (Rudy's comment). Open Hearth 1101 N. 2nd Street, Herrhburg,PA 236-5783 OVERALL - `ft rn , n 4l: •• TT OVERALL-- FOOD (Good looking menu) QUALITY OF BEER ON TAP **** QUALITY OF MIXED DRINKS -- * PRICES -- **** l / 2 SERVICE -- Serve yourself GAMES -- ***** (Pool table and lotsa pin-ball) LAST CALL -- ***l/2 RESTROOMS: MEN --*** WOMEN -- *** MEN -- ***l/2 WOMEN -- FOOD -- *** PARKING -- LOCATION -- LAST CALL -- ***** (before 10) *** (after 10) I,bk • 'omen who want to look, and feel their best veniently located Gettysburg Rd., Camp Hill Only minutes away from Capitol Campus , March 6, 1980 PA 5640591 Call 737-0902 now for your free introductory experience. ial student memberships are for less than s 13.00 per month!! Sun & Splash Ilus Fitness Center GRES and MATS New policies As a result of recent legis lation enacted by New York state, the Graduate Record Examinations Board has an nounced some changes in pol icy relating to the GRE Apti tude Test which will be ef fective nationwide. Since these policy decisions were made after the GRE Inform ation Bulletin for 1979-80 was published, the following changes. should be noted: 1. The questions used on the Aptitude Test given on national testing dates (Jan., 12, Apr. 26 and 28) will be published approximately nine weeks after the test date and offered for sale at $2 a copy. The booklets will include cor rect answers to questions and instructions for computing scores from the number of right and wrong answers. 2. Examinees taking the Aptitude Test at national ad ministrations on those dates may obtain copies of their answer sheets for $3.50 3. Upon request, the ex aminee's answer sheets will be scored clerically (manually) for a fee of ;8. The results will be reported to the examinee. If there is disagreement with the previously reported score produced by the electronic scanning process, the clerical ly derived score will be re- Keep Red Onss rawly. Well, not exactly, dutiful instructor is more like it. Our friendly staff of knowledgeable instuctors will see to it that your body will "reach new highs" in conditioning and appearance, THE NAUTILUS WAY!!! Nautilus is the most sophisticated physical conditioning equipment available today! It's designed to take the drudgery and error out of exercise. And soothing comfort abound in our beautiful spa area that includes a mineral rock sauna, Turkish steam bath, and theraputic whirlpool. C.C. Reader ported to all score recipients designated by the examinee. Examinees should be aware that rescoring may result in a lower score 4. Requests for copies of answer . sheets must be sub mitted within 90 days and for clerical scoring within 120 days of the date on which the scores are mailed to exam inees. The above services are not available for braille or cas sette editions of the test, nor do they apply to Gn Ad vanced Tests The legislation . enacted in New York state has n effect also on the Miller Analogy Teat administered by The Psychological Corporation. MAT candidates have been informed that "no controlled testing center is to report a score to a New York institu tion after Dec. 15, 1979." PSU/ Capitol is such a "con trolled testing center." The Counseling Center has not yet received word about the Law School Admissions Test, the National Teachers Examination or the Graduate Management Admissions Test. Such information will be published as it becomes avail able. For further information, students may contact anyone in the Counseling Center. ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it.
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