C.C. Reader February History By Lyda Baker The Black Student Union is sponsoring several activi ties in celebration of Black History Month. Today at 12:15 there will be the film "Shirly Chisom," and a dis cussion of "Where Black Women are Going in the Future," in the Gallery Lounge. "Rainbow Makers," an all black band that plays jazz, soul and disco music, will provide the entertainment for a Valentine's Day Dance. The dance will be held on Tues., Feb. 12, in the Student Cen ter, from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. There will be a $1.50 charge per person and a $2.00 charge per couple. A black accomplishment program will be held on Mon., Feb. 25, in the Black Cultural BSU is sponsoring a Valentine's Day Dance Feb. 12 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Student Center Cost is •1.50 per person, *2.00 per couple SAE Car Bash The Society of Automotive Engineers held its annual "car bash" on Jan. 29 on the parking lot behind the main building. For 25 cents a hit (5 hits for a buck) students were allowed to swing an eight pound sledgehammer to take out their frustrations on a slightly-used bright red Ford Mustang. James Nesbitt, president .f SAE, said that the event is staged to allow engineering udents an outlet for their ustrations, and to "try to give people something to do." When asked what the re eipts from the event will be sed for, Nesbitt said: — rhey will go to pay for the car and for towing it away." is Black Month Arts Center from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Members of BSU, fac ulty, staff, and the community will recreate black history. There will be portrayals of well-known black individuals, such as Barbara Jordan and Martin Luther King; a retro spective of black music from Hambone to Stevie Wonder 0 poetry readings and dance. Following the program will be a reception in honor of the members of the Univer sity's Board of Trustees. Scheduled for the recep tion is the unveiling of a wall mural. Toni Trusdale, an award-winning artist of the Harrisburg area, will create a drawing that BSU members (and any interested people) will paint. 111 V 7; 5' photo by Carol Eveschild Sonia Sanchez prepares for the lecture she presented in the Gallery Lounge January 31 as part of the Provost Lecture Series. 1 1 **\ ~~, s ~ Page 5 IRS ,ANY ,;: `I , • Mike Howler Photo b
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